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31. 2000- Vol. 5 No. 12
United Way Drive is in Final Week Science Division Hosts Speaker Distinguished Scholar to Visit Truman 50th Anniversary International Dinner to be Held |
Truman Faculty Granted Phi Beta Kappa Status by National Council ![]() Truman faculty members who served as delegates for the area association at the national meeting in Philadelphia were Carol Race, director of the instructional technology center, and Laura Tamakoshi, professor of anthropology. Seven institutions were approved for new chapters at the meeting, out of 51 applications. The approval process takes three years from start to finish. According to Race, the application process is lengthy. “Many detailed reports were filled out with the help of University faculty and staff,” Race said. Once the preliminary application is completed, institutions must wait to hear whether they have been selected for a site visit. During this cycle, only nine of the 51 applicant institutions were granted visits. Truman’s visit occurred during March 1999. Following the site visits, the preliminary report is sent back to the institution for additions to the committee’s findings. The national PBK Senate then votes upon whether or not to send the application to the national Council for final voting. At the Triennial Council meeting delegates may ask written questions about the proposed chapter institutions, and the visiting team is allowed to make comments and answer the questions. The delegates are then allowed to vote on the proposed chapters and a two-thirds majority (of delegate votes cast) is required for approval. Race indicates that much work remains to be accomplished, which includes establishing a constitution and by-laws, installing the chapter, electing officers and inducting the first student members. “Many people have worked for a long time for a chapter. We have long believed that our students are worthy of the honor of Phi Beta Kappa membership,” Race added. Truman is now Delta Chapter of Missouri and joins 261 liberal arts institutions nationwide in becoming home to the oldest undergraduate honors organization. PBK was founded in 1776 at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Va. Two of the first colleges to receive charters were Harvard and Yale, both serving as prototypes for the Society over the years. New members are selected at the discretion of the individual chapters and must be liberal arts and sciences majors. Typically, those invited to membership are from the upper tenth of the graduating class, must have an exemplary record of academic achievement with at least 90 semester hours of liberal work, and demonstrate proficiency in mathematics and at least one foreign language. Emphasis is also given to the number and variety of courses taken outside the major field of study. Jonathan Miller Nov. 6
Nov. 7
Nov. 8
Nov. 9
Nov. 10
Miller’s schedule for
United Way Drive is in Final WeekTruman has met 82 percent of its $46,000 United Way goal and during the final week of the drive, group leaders and co-chairpersons will work to collect pledges and finalize paperwork.The original purpose of the United Way was to serve multiple agencies with one fund drive, instead of each agency running its own drive. “The United Way is trying to meet the needs of the total community; however, if you have a favorite agency, you may designate the agency or agencies you wish to support with your United Way contribution on your pledge card,” Betsy Ross, Campaign Chairwoman, commented in the Index. There are 15 agencies that receive partial funding under the umbrella of the Adair County United Way. They are Adair County YMCA, Adair County 4-H Council, American Red Cross/Adair County Chapter, Boy Scouts of America/Great Rivers Council, Christian Community Clinic, Civil Air Patrol, Community Opportunities/Sheltered Workshop, Girl Scouts of America Becky Thatcher Area, Hospice 2000, Kirksville Day Care Center, Mark Twain Area Counseling Center/Kirksville Branch, NEMO Senior Citizens Services, Inc./Nutrition Program, RSVP/Retired Senior Volunteer Program, Salvation Army and Victim Support Services,Inc. Science Division to Host Kent Meyers as Part of Science Seminar SeriesThe Division of Science welcomes Kent Meyers, author of The Witness of Combines, The River Warren and Light in the Crossing, to Truman State University Nov. 2-3 as part of the Science Seminar Series.Meyers will read from his book, The Witness of Combines, at 3:30 p.m., Nov. 2, in Violette Hall 1000. He will discuss his experiences of growing up on a farm in a small community, as well as how he came to write the book and the influences behind it. He will also take questions from the audience. He will present “Room to Roam: Does A Connection to Land Matter Anymore?” at 5 p.m., Nov. 3, in Violette Hall 1000. Meyers will answer questions including “What does it mean to ‘know’ land?” and “Should we be happy that Ted Turner is buying millions of acres of land with the purpose of restoring it to its ‘natural’ condition?” The intent of Meyers’ talk is to encourage audience members to think about their relationship to the land around them and the forces that have shaped, and continue to shape, the way individuals think about land, space, community and freedom. Disinguished Scholar to Visit TrumanBritish-born Jonathan Miller has a career that has spanned diverse fields of study. He is a physician, author, lecturer, television producer and director of theatre, film and opera.Miller studied natural sciences at St. John’s College of Cambridge and qualified as a doctor of medicine in 1959. Cambridge University awarded him the honorary title Doctor of Letters in 1996; and in 1997, he was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Coll-ege of Physicians in London. At St. John’s, Miller appeared as a member of the Cambridge Footlights and later accepted an invitation to co-author and appear in Beyond the Fringe with Alan Bennett, Peter Cook and Dudley Moore. His stage career has included many well-known productions, including The Merchant of Venice with Sir Lawrence Olivier. His most recent production was A Midsummer Night’s Dream for the Almeida Theatre. He has also worked at some of the world’s most famous opera houses including the Metropolitan Opera in New York. In addition to his success in theatre and opera, Miller has also contributed prolifically to BBC and independent television. From 1980-1982, he produced and directed 11 plays for the BBC Shakespeare series. Mark your CalendarsSaturday, September 22 Homecoming 2001
Trick or Treatwill be sponsoring Trick or Treating for local children from 6-8 p.m. on Halloween. Students interested in being tour guides
Residents interested in
50th Anniversary International Dinner to be Held in Georgian RoomThe International Club, International Student Office and the Funds Allotment Council will host the 50th Annual International Dinner, “A Golden Celebration of Diversity” at 6 p.m., Nov. 5, in the SUB Georgian Room.The first International Dinner was held in 1951. At that time, organizers didn’t expect the event would develop into a 500-person extravaganza highlighting cultural diversity from every corner of the globe. The 50th annual dinner, which is prepared by the students, will feature 15 different main entrees. Dishes such as chicken korma from Bangladesh, galette bretonee from France and mamaliga from Romania will be featured. The meal will be topped off with five desserts from around the world. An Irish dance exhibition, readings of Indian poetry and American jazz will entertain dinner guests. Tickets must be purchased in advance. General admission (non-student) tickets are $10 and student tickets are $6. Tickets for children under five years old are $2.50. All tickets may be purchased at the International Student Office, Kirk Building 120. For more information about the dinner, contact DeWayne Frazier at 785.4215. County Clerk Provides Voting PrecinctsAdair County Clerk Jon Cook has provided a list of voting locations (precincts) to registered voters of Adair County for the upcoming election. There are seven precincts within the Kirksville city limits. They are as follows:Southwest One/Benton-Mo. State Consolidated, 1412 N. Osteopathy
Voting precincts are listed on the indivdual voter registration card mailed to each voter. For additional information, contact the County Clerk’s office at 665.3350. Public Relations Internship Availableaccepting applications for the Spring 2001 Public Relations Internship. If interested, stop by McClain Hall 102 or call 785.4016 no later
And the 5K Winners Are...Women
Notables Constance Ayers, associate professor of nursing, presented “Florence Nightingale’s Core Professional Values and the Education of Probationer-Nursing” at St. Louis University’s 27th Research Day at the School of Nursing on Oct. 13. Ayers was also elected to the Missouri Nurses Association Board of Directors and the Executive Board of the Missouri Nurses Association. Three Truman students, Jennifer Hatala, Jesse Pasley and Karen Highland, presented research papers at the Missouri Folklore Conference in Fulton, Mo., on Oct. 20. Hatala, a GTRA in English, spoke on “Praxis in Attachment-Parenting Commun-ities.” Pasley discussed “Storytelling in a Tae Kwan Do Community,” and Highland’s topic was “Hunting for Raggy Lug.” Accompanying them were Adam Brooke Davis, associate professor of English, and Betsy Delmonico, professor of English. They also presented research, on fieldwork pedagogy and Indian tribal arts. Davis was “pre-elected” president of the organization for 2003, the same year the Missouri Folklore Society Conference is scheduled to meet at Truman. Professor emerita of mathematics Mary Jane Kohlenberg has authored a new book, Hospital on the Move. It may now be purchased at the Truman State University Bookstore. Huping Ling, associate professor of history, was invited to be a part of the Delega-tion of Chinese Historians to Taiwan. Members of the delegation visited Legisla-tive Yuan and other governmental agencies and research institutions and discussed political, cultural and foreign policies with government officials and scholars. The Truman State University women’s cross country squad claimed its first ever Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association championship last weekend in Warrensburg, Mo. NotesThe United Way drive is coming to a close, but it is not too late to donate. Please return pledge forms to individual group leaders or Glen Giboney in Violette Hall 1100. Student organizations may drop their donations in the United Way mailbox in the CAOC.The Faculty Weekly Wednesday Lunch Series will be discussing “Research in Progress: The Arts” from 12:30-1:25 p.m., Nov. 1, in the SUB Spanish Room. Featured speakers are Julia DeLancey, assistant professor of art, and Dana Smith, associate professor of theatre. Multicultural Affairs will sponsor the film “Culture on Screen”
at 6 p.m., Nov. 1, in Violette Hall 1430.
Campus Crusade for Christ is hosting James Spiegel, associate professor of philosophy at Taylor University, at 7 p.m., Nov. 2, in the SUB Activities Room. Spiegel will deliver “An Unwanted Legacy: Hypocrisy-A Hard Look at Today’s Christians.” Mediators Assisting Disputants is hosting the Roommate Gameshow at 8 p.m., Nov. 2, in Ophelia Parrish 218. Prizes will be given away. Have fun and find out how well you know your roommate! The Truman Ad/PR Club is hosting Amy Calvin of Fleishman-Hillard, at 8 p.m., Nov. 6, in the SUB Spanish Room. Fleishman-Hillard is a public relations firm based in St. Louis. All interested students are welcome. The Residential College Program will present a University forum at 4 p.m., Nov. 8, in Missouri Hall 365. The topic of the forum is “The Election: What Happened? What Does it Mean?” Robert Allen Warrior will read from his book, Like a Hurricane: The Indian Movement from Alcatraz to Wounded Knee at 7 p.m., Nov. 7, in the SUB Alumni Room. His presentation is part of the Native American History Month celebration. Windfall submission deadline for poetry, fiction, drama
and art is 5 p.m., Nov. 10, in the Windfall mailbox in the CAOC.
A self defense workshop will be held at 12 p.m. and 3 p.m. on Nov. 11, at the Student Recreation Center. The workshop will be led by the campus recreation Tae Kwon Do instructors and will cover defensive moves. The workshop is free to all Truman students, faculty and staff; however, registration is required. Sign up at the member services desk in the Student Rec Center or call 785.7739. A percussion ensemble concert will be performed at 3 p.m., Nov. 12, in Baldwin Auditorium. Please note this change from the Fine Arts calendar. Cardinal Key is hosting a P’sghetti Dinner from 4:30-7:30 p.m., on Nov. 12, at the Trinity Episcopal Church, 124 N. Mulanix. The cost is $5 for all-you-can-eat. Entrance is by ticket only. Tickets may be purchased from Oct. 31 through Nov. 3 in the SUB, or from any member of Cardinal Key. The Social Science Faculty Research Seminar will continue with Sylvia Macauley presenting “Coping Mechanisms or Genuine Business Opportunities: The Significance of the ‘Formal’ vs. ‘Informal’ Debate for The Advancement of Women in Rural Africa” at 3:30 p.m., Nov. 13, in SUB Room 4. Sigma Alpha Iota is having a small ensemble recital at 8 p.m., Nov. 13, in the SUB Alumni Room.
Some members of Cardinal Key celebrate Homecoming 2000 by participating in the Homecoming Parade, held on Oct. 21. On Campus Remember to turn in United Way pledges to group leaders! 31 Tuesday
1 Wednesday
2 Thursday
3 Friday
4 Saturday
5 Sunday
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Direct questions and comments to lgordon@truman.edu.