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18, 2000 - Vol. 4 No.40
Symposium to be Held Wednesday
Robert Pinsky Schedule of Events Debate Team Clinches Two National Titles Portfolios Benefit Students and University Women on the Edge: A Truman Conference Departments
Symposium to be Held WednesdayThe thirteenth annual Undergraduate Research Symposium will be held on Wednesday, March 22, not Thursday, March 23, as previously announced in the 1999-2000 catalog calendar and the Truman Today. The symposium is a university-wide, interdisciplinary event that showcases scientific research, literary review, artistic performance and other forms of undergraduate scholarship from a wide variety of academic programs. The University community is invited to attend any of the sessions.Sessions will begin at 8 a.m. and will run until 8:15 p.m. in the Student Union. A musical performance will be held at 4 p.m. in Baldwin Hall 156. Forty students who received research stipends this year are required to make presentations at the symposium. In total, 150 research presentations will be given, involving 238 undergraduate students and 84 faculty mentors. Seventeen students are involved in two research projects and and one student is involved with three. ìTruman has a well-deserved reputation for excellence in undergraduate scholarship,î said James Padfield, assistant professor of health and exercise science. ìCon-gratulations to the outstanding students and faculty mentors for their involvement in and support of the symposium.î Developed in 1988, the event was originally established for science presentations. The Undergraduate Research Committee, chaired this year by Padfield, includes Donna Bailey, instructor of mathematics; Wynona Black, student representative; Janet Gooch, assistant professor of communication disorders; Brian Lamp, assistant professor of chemistry; Betty McLane-Iles, professor of French; Kyung Mun, associate professor of business communication; Sara Orel, associate professor of art; and Fred Schaffer, professor of psychology. A complete schedule of all sessions and a brochure of the research abstracts will be available at the symposium. Garry Gordon, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, announces that classes will run as scheduled during the symposium.
Devlin to Return as Final Visiting ScholarKeith Devlin, mathematician, author and researcher, will return to Truman from March 27 to 31 for a series of lectures.Devlinís research focuses on applying mathematical techniques to issues of language and information systems. He is currently the dean of the School of Science at St. Maryís College in Moraga, Calif., and has published 22 books, one interactive book on CD-ROM and over 65 research articles. On March 27, Devlinís schedule will include a public colloquium at 2:30 p.m. in Violette Hall 1010 and a public lecture at 7:30 p.m. in Violette Hall 1000. A reception will follow these presentations. On March 28, Devlin will conduct a public colloquium at 10:30 a.m. in Violette Hall 1000 and a public lecture at 7:30 p.m. in Violette Hall 1000. On March 29, the faculty development luncheon at noon in the SUB Spanish Room will feature Devlin, and he will also speak at the Residential College Colloquium at 7:30 p.m. in the Ryle College Lounge. Devin will host a public book signing at noon on March 30 at the Truman Bookstore and two public colloquiums, at 3:30 and 7 p.m., in Violette Hall 1000. On March 31, he will speak at an advanced mathematics seminar at 2:30 p.m. in Violette Hall 1010. Pinsky Schedule of Events
March 21
8:30 p.m., Public Reception,
March 22
7:30 p.m., ìAn Explanation of America,î
March 23
For more information, call 785.4016.
Debate Team Clinches Two National TitlesTrumanís debate team finished its season by winning two national championship titles at the National Parliamentary Debate Associationís National Championship Tournament held at Creighton University in Omaha, Neb., from March 8-12.Kevin Minch, forensics director and debate coach, said 224 teams representing 80 colleges and universities competed for honors. The team is also coached by Paul Hood, assistant director of forensics. Ryan Kennedy, junior political science/ Russian major from Excelsior Springs, Mo., and Jacob Stutzman, junior communication arts major from St. Louis, defeated the University of Wyoming to win the final round of the debate competition with a rare 7-0 decision. Four of the remaining Truman debate teams also reached the elimination rounds and the Truman team won the overall tournament sweepstakes national championship, outranking prestigious teams including UCLA, Nebraska State, UC?Berkeley, Rice, Colorado State and others. In fulfillment of a promise made at the beginning of the season, Minch will publicly shave his head in the coming days to commemorate the victory. Information on the time and location of this event has yet to be announced. Portfolios Benefit Students and UniversityThis May, an estimated 1,000 senior portfolios will be read from approximately 22 different disciplines by 60 faculty members. The readers are divided into groups of 20 and spend a week together reviewing portfolios. The task requires about three weeks for completion. According to Ian Lindevald, director of the Portfolio Project, the process benefits both the participating students and the University.The LAS Portfolio Project began 10 years ago in response to a charge from the CBHE to develop an in-house assessment of liberal arts education at Truman. In 1991, a half-dozen faculty members read 125 portfolios from four disciplines (art, business administration, English and political science). Be-ginning with the class of 2004, the portfolio will become a graduation requirement. Assembly of the portfolios allows students the opportunity to review their academic careers, look at their personal growth and develop the habit of self-reflection, a primary philosophy in life-long learning supporting the use of portfolio assessment. ìThe first ten years of the project were marked by continual growth and development,î Lindevald said. ìLearning about the strengths and weaknesses in the programs leads to positive modifications.î Changes in the general studies program have come as a direct result of the Portfolio Project. Bryce Jones, professor of business administration, cites the statistics requirement and the junior interdisciplinary seminar as two examples of curriculum additions based upon portfolio review. ìThe portfolio reading is one of the best professional development activities I do for myself and my students,î assistant professor of English Priscilla Riggle added. Faculty interested in participating as readers this year should contact Lindevald by March 31 at 785.4574. Physics Colloqiums4:35 p.m., March 22, Barnett Hall 251 ìEnergy Loss by Fast Electrons in Matterî Includes some advanced concepts, but everyone is welcome. Edwin F. Taylor, department of physics, MIT
4:35 p.m., March 28, Magruder Hall 124 ìThe
Boundaries of
Call 785.4611, or visit www2.truman.edu/~prolnick/colloquia.html for more information. Financial Assistance AvailableCommunity Foundation of the Ozarks(Smith-Glynn-Callaway Medical School Scholarship) Available to pre-medical students who have been accepted to a Missouri medical school and have financial need. The scholarship will total $20,000 and will be payable over 4 years. Deadline is June 30. Advantage Missouri
Call 785.4130 for details. Student Help WantedFor more information and application forms, stop by McClain Hall 303 or call 785.4484. Applications are being accepted for TruNews positions for fall 2000.
Women on the Edge: A Truman ConferenceMarch 23Violette Hall 1000 9:30 a.m., Student Activism, Feminism and the ERA; presented by the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance 10:30 a.m., Gender and Ethnicity/Nation and Class; Mary Shapiro, Hena Amad 1:30 p.m., African American Women? Or Women Who Happen to be African American?; Coalition of African American Women 3 p.m., Gender, Activism and Care; Marc Becker, Carol Marshall, Keith Doubt 4:30 p.m., Queerness, Disabilities and Transgressive Performance;
March 24
11 a.m., Female Heroes; Tara Rice, JJ Pionke 1:30 p.m., Renaissance Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown; Arnie Preussner, Jennifer Farris, Leslie Graff 2:30 p.m., Women Writers and the Literature of Dissent; Larry Iles, Katja Liimatta 3:30 p.m., Keynote Speaker Mary Rogers,ìOn the Edge: Ecofeminism,
Liberal Feminism, and the Fourth Wave.î
March 25
1 p.m., Women at Home on the Road; Neetic Abad, Anthony, Genevieve Bertrand, Suzanne Chappelow, Ann Kane, Nana Mun, Stephanie Noll, Jacquie Paul, Hilary Pickerel, Amelie Sell, Becca Shoemaker 2 p.m., Gender Roles and Male Power; Judi Misale, Abby Heckman, Tricia Kammerer, Stephanie Merritt, Caroline Conley, Christy LeMaster 3:30 p.m., Feminists in Midlife; Jeanette Standley,
Bulldogs Earn National HonorsThe team placed second at the NCAA Division II Championships in Buffalo, N.Y., March 8-11. Highest finish for any womenís team in University history! 13 of the 14 qualifiers gained All-American status:
In addition, Truman coach
Menís Swimming
Track and Field
NotablesJim Barnes, professor of comparative literature and writer-in-residence, had his original short story, ìThe Wild Plum,î accepted for publication in The Texas Review, and his poem, ìMemoirs of a Cat Skinner,î accepted for publication in Work, an anthology of contemporary American poetry. The Fulbright Commission has offered Barnes the Distin-guished Chair in American Literature at the English Institute of Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, Poland for 2000-2001.Warren Gooch, associate professor of music, had an original musical composition for solo alto saxophone, Romanza and Galop, accepted for publication by Southern Music Company. Richard Houser, part-time instructor of English, will be Trumanís nominee for the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schoolsí annual Distinguished Masters Thesis Competition. Forty-two professors will attend the competition April 26-28 in Chicago, and only one will receive the award. Nineteen Truman faculty members participated as readers for the MAGS Distinguished Masters Thesis competition. Readers are nominated based on their special expertise in the thesis area and included Monica Barron, associate professor of English; Kathryn Brammall, assistant professor of history; Paula Cochran, professor of communication disorders; Robert Cummings, associate professor of history; Maria Di Stefano, dean of graduate studies; Kenneth Fountain, professor of chemistry; Pat Gately, associate professor of English; Mark Hanley, associate professor of history; José Herrera, assistant professor of biology; Royce Kallerud, assistant professor of English; Nedra Klein, assistant professor of biology; Robert Libby, professor of chemistry; Christopher Maglio, associate professor of counseling; Jim McCormick, assistant professor of chemistry; John OíBrien, assistant professor of chemistry; Sara Orel, associate professor of art; Closepet Ramesh, associate professor of communication; David Robinson, associate professor of history; Nancy Sanders, associate professor of biology; and Lin Twining, associate professor of immunology. The six semi-finalists for the Truman Educator of the Year award are Diane Janick-Buckner, associate professor of biology; Mark Hanley, associate professor of history; Brenda Higgins, assistant professor of nursing; John Ishiyama, associate professor of political science; Beverly Tremain, assistant professor of health and exercise science; and Tony Vazzana, assistant professor of mathematics. On Campus21 Tuesday2 p.m.-Softball vs. SIUE 4 p.m.-Agriculture career panel, University Career Center; see Notes 22 Wednesday
23 Thursday
24 Friday
25 Saturday
26 Sunday
27 Monday
NotesThe Office of Advancement would like to acknowledge gifts received from Theresa Acton, Robert Cowan, Daun Hooley and Dennis Markeson in the recent Faculty/Staff Campaign.The Child Development Center is now accepting
preschool program applications for fall/
The Collegiate Farm Bureau and University Career Center will host an agriculture career panel at 4 p.m., March 21, at the Career Center. Ashley Davison, USDA soil conservationist; Ken Perkins, AFS Services agronomist; and Mike Kelly, Kirksville High school vocational/agriculture instructor, will be panel members. For more information call 785.4353. The Faculty Development Lunch Series continues from 12:30-1:30 p.m., March 22, in the SUB Down Under. Distinguished Visiting Scholar Robert Pinsky will speak on ìAmer-icansí Favorite Poem Project.î Reservations are required for this luncheon. A mathematics colloquium will be held at 4:30 p.m., March 22, in Violette Hall 1328. Mike Adams, assistant professor of mathematics, will speak on ìPerfect Poset Codes.î No previous knowledge of coding theory will be assumed. Some interesting problems suitable for an undergraduate research project will be mentioned. The Student Activities Board will present ìMapapa African Acrobatsî at 7 p.m., March 22, in Baldwin Auditorium. For tickets and more information call 785.4SAB. Tammy Bringaze from University Counseling Services will speak at 7 p.m., March 23, at Missouri Hall 365 (classroom). Her topic is ìOut on Campus: How Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Issues Impact Residence Hall Life.î Nomination applications for the 2000 Leadership Awards are due by 4:30 p.m., March 24, in the CAOC office. Twelve leadership awards will be presented at the Leadership Recognition Program at 7 p.m., April 19, in the SUB Georgian Room. Applications to nominate students, organizations or advisors are available in the CAOC office. Student Activities Board will present Erin Feis and ìLenahanî at 7 p.m., March 26 in the SUB Down Under. Erin Feis will present a special Irish presentation and ìLenahan,î an Irish band, will perform. Admission is free. Jerry Hirsch, associate professor of history, will speak at 7 p.m., March 26, at Missouri Hall 365 (classroom). His topic and short video revolve around ìThe Disability Movement and Implications for Campuses.î Trumanís Concert Band will hold a concert at 8 p.m., March 26, in Baldwin Auditorium. Admission is free. Ekklesia will host a pizza buffet and devotional titled, ìMarriage: For Better or Worse?î at 11:30 a.m., March 27, SUB Spanish Room. An open seminar for students interested in the communication major will be held from 6:00 to 7:15 p.m., March 27, in McClain Hall 306. The Truman Faculty Piano Trio concert is scheduled for 8 p.m., March 27, in Baldwin Auditorium. Sam McClure, violinist; Elaine Boda, cellist; and Janice Saffir, pianist; will perform trios by Brahms and Mozart and rarely heard work by the Spanish cellist Gaspar Cassado. The concert is free and open to the public. The Truman Writers Block will meet at 9 p.m., March 27, in McClain Hall 303. All writers are welcome. Call 665.0585 for more information. Purple Pride, the womenís support group for Bulldog football, will be conducting interviews for fall 2000 participants. Sign up in the football office, Pershing Building 200, before March 28 for interview times. Call 785.7494 for more information. The Womenís Resource Center, Ryle Hall and Nason Hall student advisors will present a panel discussion on feminism and gender issues at 7 p.m., March 28, in the Ryle Hall Main Lounge. Admission is free and open to the public. The Division of Social Science is conducting a workshop titled ìDeciding About Graduate and Professional Schoolsî for sophomore and junior social science majors at 2:30 and 3:30 p.m., March 29, in the SUB Alumni Room. Phi Sigma Pi will sponsor ìEntangled Lives: Facing our Slaveholding Pastî at 7 p.m., March 29, in the SUB Georgian Room. The speakers will speak about the emotional and sociological implications of African-American slavery and relationships today. Asia, a play written by Holly Kerns, will be presented as a lab show by the Fine Arts Depart-ment at 8 p.m., from March 29 to April 1, in the Baldwin Hall Studio Theatre. Randall Smith, associate professor of music, will be performing an original composition by Warren Gooch at a faculty recital at 8 pm., April 4, in the SUB Activities Room. The application deadline for Language and Literature
Summer and Fall 2000 internships/practicums is 5 p.m. on April 14.
Applications can be found in the Lang/Lit Division office and must be submitted
to David Fortneyís mailbox in McClain Hall 311.
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Direct questions and comments to heidi@truman.edu.