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8, 2000 - Vol. 4 No.43
Board of Governors Elects Officers, Approves Tuition Increase
Actor, Alumnus Returns for One-Act Play Maxwell Street Klezmer Band to Perform Bultman Awarded Research Grant Black History Month Schedule of Events Departments
Board of Governors Elects Officers, Approves Tuition IncreaseMaria L. Evans was elected president of the Truman State University Board of Governors at the Feb. 5 meeting on campus. Randa Rawlins and John Briscoe were elected vice president and secretary, respectively.Evans is an assistant professor of pathology at University Hospital and Clinics in Columbia, Mo. She is also a diplomate of The American Board of Pathology in combined Anatomic Pathology and Clinical Pathology. Evans graduated magna cum laude from Truman in 1981 and received her medical degree from the University of Missouri -Columbia in 1991. Evans was appointed to Trumanís Board in 1995. Rawlins is a shareholder in the law firm of Niewald, Waldeck & Brown in Kansas City, Mo. Rawlins graduated summa cum laude from Truman in 1979 and received her juris doctorate from the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Law in 1982. Rawlins was appointed to the Board in December 1997. Briscoe is a partner in the law firm of Briscoe & Mobley in New London, Mo. He graduated with a bachelor of arts degree from Westminster College in 1963 and received his juris doctorate from the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Law in 1966. He was appointed to the Board in December 1997 and reappointed in January 1999. The Board approved a 3.8 percent increase in tuition for Missouri students and a 3.5 percent room and board increase for the 2000-2001 academic year. In-state tuition will be $3,680 and out-of-state tuition will be $6,664. Room and board costs will rise to $4,552 for a two person room. The Board also approved an increase in the student activity fee, raising it to $32 per year. In other action, the Board approved a contract to hire Collegis to manage the Information Technology Services area.
Morrison Named Executive-in-ResidenceDonna Morrison, vice president of billing services for Sprint, will serve as the Executive-in-Residence for the Business and Accountancy Division. She will visit the campus on Feb. 21 and 22.Morrison graduated from Truman in 1979 with a bachelorís degree in business. She attended the University of Colorado Executive MBA program and completed the AMP/ISMP program at Harvard Business School. She joined Sprint in 1989 and has led multiple projects that successfully replaced access billing and message processing capabilities. A complete agenda of her visit will be published in the next edition of the Truman Today. Call 785.4356 for more information. Actor, Alumnus Returns for One-Act PlayAlumnus Darwin Harris will return for Trumanís celebration of Black History Month. He will perform in Amiri Barakaís (LeRoi Jones) Dutchman at 7 and 9 p.m., Feb. 16, in the Baldwin Hall Little Theatre. There will be an informal discussion with the actors following the second performance.The one-act, two-person play focuses around a chance meeting between two young adults on the New York subway. The interaction between Clay, played by Harris, and Lula, played by Becky Becker, revolves around the curiosities each has with cultural stereotypes. Their dialog explores the intriguing conflict between two divergent cultures and personalities. This will be Harrisí fourth campus visit since his graduation in 1995 with his bachelor of arts degree in theatre. He works as a professional actor in Chicago and recently completed a six-month run of The Buddy Holly Story. He has compiled several stage and television credits. Becker joined the Truman faculty in January 1999 and is now serving as an assistant professor of theatre. She is excited about the production because she feels the material confronts negative stereotypes head-on, which makes it both challenging and thought-provoking for the actors and audience. Harris suggested Dutchman because it was a revolutionary piece written during the Black Arts Movement of the sixties. With it, the playwright hoped to change racial and theatrical stereotypes present at that time. The show was produced off-Broadway in 1964 and made into a film in 1967. For more information, call the Multicultural Affairs office at 785.4142. Maxwell Street Klezmer Band to PerformThe Kohlenberg Lyceum Series will present the Maxwell Street Klezmer Band at 7:30 p.m., Feb. 14, in Baldwin Auditorium. The band is a hip folk-music ensemble that uses humor and history to pay tribute to the early immigrants of Chicago and the lost world of Eastern European Jewish culture.The band draws its performances from the days of the Maxwell Street marketplace in Chicago. The spot became famous for its open-air Sunday marketplace that attracted waves of Russian-Jewish immigrants at the beginning of the century. Today, Maxwell Street revives the klezmer music that has all but disappeared from Chicagoís historical streets. Maxwell Street consists of two vocalists and eight instrumentalists who combine to present an entertaining blend of dance music, folk songs, theater songs and jazzy Yiddish pop music from the 1930s to 1950s. The performers have backgrounds in classical and jazz styles which allow them to present amazingly diverse performances. Their high-energy shows have been praised by people throughout the world. Further Nachrichten, a German publication, said ìin Maxwell Streetís exciting arrangements filled with rhythm and swings of emotion, you can feel grief and joy at the same time.î New Yorkís Hadassah Magazine called Maxwell Street, ìone of the most successful folk-music ensembles in America.î Founded in 1983 by singer Lori Lippitz, Maxwell Street performs on stages across America and Europe. The band performs annually in a Hanukkah Concert featuring Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary, and Jewish songwriter Debbie Friedman. In 1998, the band performed at Carnegie Hall, New Yorkís Damrosch Park in Lincoln Center, and toured London, Munich, Vienna, Amsterdam and Enschede. This performance is sponsored by the Heartland Arts Fund Program, the National Endowment for the Arts and the Missouri Arts Council. Bultman Awarded Research GrantThe National Geographic Societyís Committee for Research and Exploration has awarded Dr. Thomas L. Bultman, associate professor of science, an $11,600 grant to investigate an unusual symbiosis between insects and fungi. The research will take place this summer in northern Switzerland and will determine the degree of host specificity displayed by Botanophila flies.The study will also provide a research experience to Thomas Peck, junior biology major from Creve Coeur, Mo. He will spend six weeks conducting field and laboratory work on the project. Additional funding for the project is being provided by a Faculty Research/Scholarship Grant to Bultman and a Student Under- graduate Research/Scholarship to Peck. Black History Month Schedule of EventsDutchman7 & 9 p.m., Feb. 16 Baldwin Hall Little Theater ìThe Language You
Roots; Parts I & II
Roots; Parts III & IV
Quiz Bowl Contest
Live Band & Poets Performance
Roots; Parts V & VI
Truman Alumni Tailgate Party
The Kirksville Alumni Chapter invites all Truman alumni to a tailgate
party at
Admission to the game is free with a
Scholarships Available
Monday Club Scholarship
Cole County Bar Association
Journalism Foundation Scholarship
United Negro College Fund, Inc.
For more information, contact Financial Aid at 785.4130. NotablesNatasha Carter, junior history major from Chicago, Ill., was named the MIAA Athlete of the Week Jan. 31. Carter improved her provisional qualifying mark in the weight throw for the Bulldogs at the South Dakota Invitational Track Meet on Jan. 29.Paula Cochran, associate professor of communication disorders, recently had her chapter, ìTechnology for Individuals with Speech and Language Disorders,î published in the third edition of Technology & Exceptional Individuals. Cochran also contributed to the first two editions of the text. Keith Doubt, associate professor of sociology, had his most recent work, Sociology After Bosnia and Kosovo: Recovering Justice, published in January by Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc., Lanham, Md. It focuses on the experiences of the people of Bosnia and Kosovo during and after the Bosnian war and the response of Western leaders to their conflict. The book will be available in both hardback and paperback form at Doubtís public book signing from 1-2 p.m., Feb. 22, at the Truman Bookstore. Doubtís 1996 publication, Towards a Sociology of Schizophrenia: Humanistic Reflections, will also be available. Traci Hill, executive secretary to the president, is the recipient of the Thousand Hills Rotary Club of Kirksville Outstanding Professionals of 1999 Award in the business category. Hill has worked at Truman for 16 years and has served four presidents. Trumanís forensic team won the tournament championship in parliamentary debate and overall sweepstakes at the Central Missouri State University competition Jan. 28-30. Brian Amsden, sophomore psychology major from Fenton, Mo., and Amy Kearny, junior communication major from Leeís Summit, Mo., took the championship in varsity parliamentary debate. In addition, Cabell Gathman, sophomore philosophy-religion major from Pocahontas, Mo.; Melinda Lydon, sophomore biology major from St. Louis; Shane Mecham, junior political science major from Lincoln, Neb.; and Shelise Gieseke, junior communication and pre-secondary education major from New Ulm, Minn., qualified to compete at the National Forensic Associationís national championship tournament in April. The team now has 38 students qualified to compete in the national tournament. Trumanís Twelfth Annual National Art Competition recently received a $2,000 grant from the Missouri Arts Council. Grants are awarded by the Council to support programs in dance, media arts, music, literature, visual arts, festivals and multidisciplinary arts across Missouri. This is the first time that Truman has been awarded this mini-grant. On Campus8 Tuesday7:30 a.m.-Cholesterol, blood pressure and glucose screening, McClain Hall registration area; see Notes; also on Feb. 11 9 Wednesday
10 Thursday
11 Friday
14 Monday
15 Tuesday
NotesThe Kirksville Telecommunications Resource Center will be open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., Monday through Friday; and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday. The TCRC provides free, high-speed internet access and software applications for the community. For information, call 785.2530.The University Wellness Program will hold its annual cholesterol, blood pressure and glucose screening from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m., Feb. 8 and 11. Screenings will be held in the McClain Hall registration area on Tuesday, and in Pershing 302 on Friday. A 12-hour fast is required before this screening. The Wednesday Faculty Development Lunch Series continues from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m., Feb. 9, in the SUB Spanish Room. Several faculty members will present reflections on attending EDUCOM and SYLLABUS conferences. Donald Asher, author and lecturer, will present a series of career and graduate school workshops, Feb. 9, in Violette Hall 1000. ìBound for Graduate School? Strategies to Gain Admission to Highly Competitive Graduate Programs,î runs from 1-2 p.m., and ìDesigning a Fast-Track Career,î from 3-4 p.m. This series is part of the McNair Program and admission is free. The Womenís Resource Center will host a spa night at 7 p.m., Feb. 9, in the SUB Activities Room. The night will include facials, nutritional information, massages and more. Admission is free. Applications for the Freshman Activities Coordinating Team are available in the CAOC. Applications are due Feb. 9. Trumanís production of Man of La Mancha will begin its schedule of performances at 8 p.m., Feb. 9, in Baldwin Auditorium. The program runs each evening through Feb. 12. The University Career Center will hold pre-career expo workshops at 4:30 p.m., Feb. 10, and 2 p.m., Feb. 16, in the Career Center. Students can learn tips on resumes, interviews, appropriate dress and how to approach recruiters. An opening reception for an exhibit of contest winners from the Twelfth Annual National Art Competition will be held at 6:30 p.m., Feb. 10, in the University Art Gallery. A gallery talk by exhibit juror Donald Kuspit will begin at 5:30 p.m. Student Activities Board will show Top Gun at 6:30 and 9:30 p.m., Feb. 11, in Violette Hall 1000. Admission is free with a Truman ID. The International Club winter semi-formal is scheduled from 10:30 p.m. to 2:30 a.m., Feb. 11, in the SUB Down Under. Tickets are $2 and available in Kirk Building 120 or at the door. Everyone is welcome. Sexual Respect Week will begin with the program ìIce Cream for Sex,î at 8 p.m., Feb. 14, in the SUB Conference Room. ìSexual Win, Lose, or Drawî will be at 8 p.m., Feb. 14 in the SUB Spanish Room. îThe Vagina Monologuesî will be at 7:30 p.m., Feb. 15, in the SUB Down Under. ìTruth or Dare: Madonnaís Role in Feminizing Americaî will be at 7:30 p.m., Feb. 16, in the SUB 4. For more information, call the Womenís Resource Center at 785.7224. University Counseling Services and the Student Health Center will be sponsoring the National Eating Disorders Screening Program, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Feb. 15, in the SUB. Counselors will also be available for additional screenings and information from 1-4 p.m., Feb. 16, at the SHC. All screenings are anonymous and free of charge to Truman students. The Society of the Professional Journalists will host a spelling bee at 7 p.m., Feb. 15, in the SUB Governorís Room. The entry fee is $5 for an individual and $15 for a group. Students will be competing against faculty and staff. All funds raised will help SPJ sponsor speakers and events on campus. For more information or to register, call Liz at 627.4656. Windfall, the campus literary magazine, is accepting submissions. Sheet music is due Feb. 15 in the Windfall box in the CAOC office. Poetry, prose and art are due Feb. 28. Two informational sessions for students interested in Washington, D.C. internships will be held from noon to 1 p.m. and 5-6 p.m., Feb. 17, SUB 6. For more information, e-mail delancey@truman.edu or call 785.4430. The 2000 Career Expo is scheduled from 1-5 p.m., Feb. 23, in the SUB. Visit www2.truman.edu/career/expo for a list of companies.. Student Activities Board will host an Independent Film Fest at 6:30 p.m., Feb. 25, in Violette Hall 1000. Films are due by Feb. 11 in the SAB office and should include participantís name, phone number and length of film. Admission to the event is free. Applications for the IIE Midwest Region Study Abroad Scholarship are available in the Center for International Education Abroad, Kirk Building 120. Application deadline is March 3. For more information, call 785.4076. Artwork by guest artist Tom Trimborn, associate professor of music, is on display in the SUB Activities Room through March 6. Back to "News & Events"
Direct questions and comments to heidi@truman.edu.