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4, 2000 - Vol. 4 No.50
Robert Urich will Culminate Centennial Anniversary of Lyceum
Phi Kappa Phi Names Spring 2000 Initiates Foreign Language Festival Scheduled Symposium Focuses on Critical Issues Children's Lit Festival Celebrates 17th Year Student
Senate Elections/Student day on the Square
Robert Urich Will Culminate Centennial Anniversary of Lyceum SeriesRobert Urich, Emmy award-winning actor and advocate for the arts, will speak at 8 p.m., April 8, in Baldwin Auditorium. Urich’s presentation on the importance of arts will bring to a close the year-long celebration of the role the Kohlenberg Lyceum Series has played on the Truman campus over the past 100 years. Urich is replacing the previously scheduled Beverly Sills, who had to cancel her appearance due to a family emergency.Urich has starred in ten television series during his career, including the long-running series Spenser: For Hire and the mini-series Lonesome Dove. In 1992, Urich received an Emmy Award for his narration of the National Geographic Explorer film U-Boats: Terror on Our Shores, and a Cable Ace Award for his work hosting the Explorer series. Urich’s list of accomplishments stretches far beyond the television screen. In 1996, he went public with his diagnosis of synovial cancer, a rare form of soft tissue cancer. During his year-long battle with the disease and year of remaining cancer-free, he was given numerous awards, including the Gilda Radner Courage Award from then-Roswell Park Cancer Institute and the John Wayne Cancer Institute’s Three Tyler Award. He currently continues to host TBS’ National Geographic’s On Assignment series and performs in the Broadway hit Chicago. He is also the official spokesman for The CyberAngel, the first Windows-based security program that detects and reports unauthorized access to computers, prevents the transmission of data across the modem, and reports the location of stolen computers. A student reception is scheduled from 9-10 p.m. in the SUB Alumni Room. The Truman State University Foundation is a co-sponsor of this event and the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine is a platinum-level sponsor and special guest at this performance. Free tickets will be available for students, faculty and staff at the SAB office, lower level SUB. Call 785.4016 for more information.
Travel Around the World in Seven Days
Phi Kappa Phi Names InitiatesPhi Kappa Phi is celebrating Phi Kappa Phi Week April 3-7, and will again have a window display in the SUB with additional information posted. The Phi Kappa Phi reception will be held at 5 p.m., April 9, in the SUB Activities Room.Junior Initiates Sara Bartek
Senior Initiates
Faculty/Staff Initiates
Thomas Amaya Linares, Ph.D
Mary Macmanus Ramsbottom, Ph.D.
Foreign Language Festival ScheduledThis year’s Foreign Language Festival will take place April 6 at Truman State University. High schools from throughout Missouri, Iowa and Illinois will be represented by over 350 students proficient in French, German and Spanish.Foreign language faculty and students from Truman will lead various sessions on these languages and others such as Chinese, Russian and Greek. Fifty of the attending students are concentrating upon German, 100 upon French and 200 upon Spanish. They will have the opportunity to choose sessions from their target language and from the “Other Language Sessions.” New to this year’s festival is a poster contest and “Language Labyrinths.” The poster contest, “Great Achievements during the 20th Century by German, French, and Spanish Speakers,” will award 1st, 2nd and 3rd place ribbons to students from each level of the language divisions. At Language Labyrinths, students will guide each other through a maze, using only their target languages, and stop at various stations to complete a task or answer trivia questions. At the closing assembly of the festival, the students will also have an opportunity to perform skits, songs or other presentations in their target language. The Foreign Language Festival is sponsored by the Classics/Modern Language faculty and the Division of Language and Literature. Census Informationconfused about the
The Missouri Census Bureau has had a
To be counted, students must fill out census forms at their Kirksville residences! For help filling out the questionnaire, contact the following:
Adair County Library
Bev Tremain
Symposium Focuses on Critical IssuesThe Multicultural Affairs Center and Vice President for Academic Affairs Office is sponsoring The Image of Blacks II: The Politics of Race Symposium April 8 in Violette Hall Auditorium. The symposium is designed to address how politics, music, literature and film link culture and race; how Black tactics, voices and images have changed from the past; whether historical Black expressions are still relevant today; and whether contemporary Black expression has changed the way America views African-Americans or how they view themselves.Saturday’s events begin at 8:45 a.m. with a welcome ceremony. At 9 a.m., Robert Weems, associate professor of history at the University of Missouri?Columbia, will present “Maya, Puff, or Alan...Who Shall it Be?: Black Culture and Experience Defined.” The session will examine whether it is possible to obtain accurate understandings of African-Americans through media portrayals. Following this session, actress and singer Anita Jackson will discuss what defines marketability and what political forces set trends among Black females in entertainment with “Black Women in Entertainment: As Good as it Gets?” at 10:30 a.m. Beginning at 1:30 p.m., Black activist Jamala Rogers and Truman alumna Nyasha Nyamapfene will discuss the New York City shooting of Amadou Diallo by a group of policemen in “Linking Grass Roots Activism and Economic Empowerment.” “Hip Hop Nation Divided” will be presented by top-rated radio personality and authority on hip-hop Kevin “Kevy-Kev” Pulley at 3 p.m. A question and answer session with all of the panelists from the day’s sessions will follow at 4:30 p.m. In addition to the day’s activities, lunch will be served at the Multicultural Affairs Center from noon to 1:20 p.m. For more information, call 785.4142. Children's Lit Festival Celebrates 17th YearThe 17th annual Truman State University Children’s Literature Festival will be held from 9 a.m. to 2:15 p.m., April 14, in the SUB, Violette Hall and Pickler Memorial Library. Hundreds of fourth, fifth and sixth-grade students will participate in 30-minute sessions with guest authors and illustrators.An informal meeting with the authors and illustrators is scheduled from 3-4 p.m. in the SUB Conference Room, and is open to all interested participants. The festival will conclude with a dinner at 6 p.m. in the SUB Alumni Room, and is limited to preregistered adults and children accompanied by an adult. The cost of the dinner is $9. Following the dinner, Paul Robert Walker will give a storytelling presentation at 7:30 p.m. in the SUB Down Under. All University faculty, staff, students and other interested adults are welcome at any of the sessions, but must be preregistered. To register, call Ann McEndarfer at 785.6010, Brewer Basement 31. Unfortunately, there are no remaining openings for children to attend. The festival is being sponsored by Truman State University. Call McEndarfer for more information about the event. Student Senate Elections/Student Day on the SquareStudent Senate ElectionsApril 13 and 14
Election Activities Fair
“Meet the Candidates”
Presidential Debate
Contact the Student Senate office, 785.4193, or senate@truman.edu for more information on candidates. Student Day on the Square April 8
Performances by local bands, a 3-on-3 basketball tournament, volleyball tournament and more. Booths will also be set up by businesses on the square.
Sponsored by the Truman Chapter of the American Marketing Association.
NotablesJerry Mayhew and Jack Boen, professors of exercise science, recently received notification that their research titled “Contributions of Strength and Body Composition to the Gender Difference in Anaerobic Power” will be published in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. Recent graduates Kristin McGuire Hancock (‘99) and Lisa Prather Rollison (‘97) assisted in the research.David McKamie, professor of music, was adjudicator for the 25th annual Des Moines Symphony Young Artist competition in which contestants competed for over $15,000 and opportunities to perform with the Des Moines Symphony. McKamie also performed the premier of a new work for alto saxophone and piano with composer Kelly Vernon Mahon at the College Music Society Conference at UMKC on March 24. On Campus4 Tuesday6 p.m.-Educator of the Year Banquet, SUB Georgian Room; see Notes 2 p.m.-International Week events continue, through April 8; see p. 3 5 Wednesday
6 Thursday
8 Saturday
10 Monday
The Faculty Development Lunch Series continues from 12:30-1:30 p.m., April 5, in the SUB Spanish Room. “And Gladly Would They Learn: Truman Faculty Who Enroll in Undergraduate Courses” will be the topic. Applications for CAOC employment are due by 4:30 p.m., April 5, in the CAOC office. Applications may be picked up in the CAOC office, lower level SUB. The German Club will show Part III of the Video Tour of Germany, Bavaria, at 4:30 p.m., April 5, in McClain Hall 306. Dr. Tzy C. Peng, president of the Chinese American Forum, will speak on “Chinese Americans in American Society” at 3 p.m., April 6, in Violette Hall 1000. Call 785.4142 for more information. A String Orchestra Concert will be presented at 8 p.m., April 6, in Baldwin Auditorium. The French play “Trois Prétendants...un Mari” will be shown at 8 p.m., April 6 and 7, in the SUB Down Under. English translations will be provided and all students are welcome to attend. Call 785.4062 for details. Tryouts for the Truman cheerleading squad will be held April 6-9 in the Pershing Small Gym. Times of tryouts vary. For more information, call Keri at 627.5967. Applications for Sigma Tau Delta membership are due April 7 in the Language and Literature division office. Applications may be picked up at the McClain Hall third floor bulletin board. Free income tax assistance will be available April 8 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Violette Hall 1010. This service is provided by the Accounting Club and Beta Alpha Psi. Alpha Sigma Gamma’s “Run for Their Lives” 5K/10K run/walk is scheduled for 8 a.m., April 8, beginning outside of the SUB. The event is intended to raise funds for two people with serious medical conditions. Pre-registration is $10, or $12 on race day. For more information, call 665.9058. The Board of Governors will meet at 9 a.m., April 8, in the SUB Conference Room. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity will sponsor the Sigma Slam 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament from 12-6 p.m., April 8, in Pershing Arena. The cost is $15 per team (male or female), but admission to watch the teams compete is free. All funds raised will go to the fraternity’s Mu Tau Chapter Scholarship. Call Demetrius at 627.4826 for more information. AIDS Walk 2000, “The Fight Against AIDS: A Common Thread,” is scheduled from 2-4 p.m. April 8. The participation fee is $3 and all proceeds will help bring the Names Project AIDS Memorial Quilt to Kirksville. Those wishing to walk should meet in front of the Truman fountain before 2 p.m. LAP will also host a Bandfest from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. on April 8 at “the barn” on Osteopathy Street. Admission is $4, or free for those who participate in the AIDS walk. Glenn Chambers, award-winning wildlife biologist, will speak at the NEMO Fairgrounds Multipurpose Building at 2 p.m., April 8. Admission to his lecture is free, and rides will be available at 1:30 p.m. in McClain Hall circle drive, courtesy of Tri-Beta Fraternity. There will be a Social Science Faculty Research Seminar at 3:30 p.m., April 10, in SUB Room 4. Dan Mandell will discuss “Habits of Industry: Indians and the Market Revolution in Southern New England.” Those wishing to attend or who wish to present a paper in the future may write dmandell@truman.edu or call Marc Becker at 785.6036. The Jackie Collett Faculty Recital will be at 8 p.m., April 10, in Baldwin Auditorium. Admission is free and open to the public. STEP will host a panel presentation on religion at 7 p.m., April 11, in the Centennial Hall Main Lounge. Panel members will discuss the basic tenets and common misconceptions about Judaism, Catholicism, Islam and Baptist religions. All students, faculty and staff are welcome. The application deadline for Language and Literature
Summer and Fall 2000 internships/ practicums is April 14. Applications
can be found in the Lang./Lit. Division office and must be submitted to
David Fortney’s mailbox, McClain Hall 311.
SAB’s “Dog Days” is scheduled to begin at noon, April 15, in the McClain Hall parking lot and Truman Mall. Less Than Jake will perform a free concert from 3-5 p.m. Students interested in the 8th annual French Immersion Weekend should sign up as soon as possible in Baldwin Hall 288 C. The weekend is scheduled for Sept.30-Oct.1, 2000, at Camp Jo-Ota in Clarence, Mo. A yellow card and completion or enrollment in FREN 221 is required to attend the course. For more information, contact Timothy Farley at tfarley@truman.edu or 785.4059. Listings for summer and fall part-time employment
are posted in the University Career Center.
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