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17, 2000 - Vol. 4 No.52
Annual Kohlenberg-Twone Lecture Brings Historian to Campus
Urich Lecture Ends Centennial Celebration May Interim E-Commerce Class Offered Alumni Chapters Encourage Participation Departments
Annual Kohlenberg-Towne Lecture Brings Stanford Historian to CampusProfessor of history at Stanford University, Barton Bernstein, will deliver this year’s Kohlenberg-Towne lecture at 7 p.m., May 1, in Violette Hall 1000. Bernstein’s main lecture, “Truman, Acheson, and the Decision to Develop the Hydrogen Bomb,” will be preceded by two related presentations earlier in the day.“Scientists and the Atomic Bomb” is scheduled for 11:30 a.m. in Violette Hall 1000. This lecture is geared toward Science Division faculty and students, but everyone is welcome. At 3:30 p.m., Bernstein will conduct a roundtable discussion in the SUB Governors’ Room. The discussion will focus upon an article he published, titled “Atomic Bombings Reconsidered.” Bernstein received his Ph.D. from Harvard University and has taught at Stanford since 1965. He currently serves as chairman of the Stanford American Studies Program and is the former chairman of Stanford’s International Relations Program. Last year he won the teaching award presented by the Stanford Student Government and was awarded the Stanford Dean’s Award for teaching excellence. He has also published several scholarly articles and has presented more than 800 lectures across the country. His major research fields in American history include the Cold War, World War II, the atomic bomb, nuclear weapons, weapons policy, post-World War II crises, science and medical policy and the Truman administration. A group of Truman alumni and friends established the Kohlenberg-Towne Lecture Series in March 1988, upon the retirement of Gilbert Kohlenberg, professor emeritus of Social Sciences, and Ruth Warner Towne, professor emeritus of history and dean emeritus of graduate studies. The Series honors the contributions of Kohlenberg and Towne and offers the campus an opportunity to listen to nationally-acclaimed social science scholars. For more information about the lecture, contact Bob Cummings at ss89@truman.edu or 785.7243. MoDOT Approves Corporation Plans
Guest Lecturer Ron DoyleProfessor of microbiology and immunology, University of LouisvilleApril 24
8 p.m.
Both lectures are free and open to the public.
Call 785.4410 for more details Urich Lecture Ends Centennial CelebrationOne hundred years of Kohlenberg Lyceum Series tradition came to a close April 8 with an appearance by Robert Urich. The 1999-2000 season was the Series’ Centennial Anniversary and highlighted the progress the program has made at Truman.Under the guidance of Dean Rosebery, chairman of the Centennial Celebration Committee, the group established two goals for the year. They wanted to educate the campus and broader community on the history and importance of the series and to significantly increase the Series’ endowment. The committee kicked off the centennial season in August with a fund-raising campaign designated for the Lyceum Series. To date, the campaign has received over $139,000 in gifts and pledges. These gifts will increase the Series’ endowment fund within the Truman State University Foundation to over $400,000. Members of the Centennial Celebration Committee included Rosebery, Doris Bohon, Dianthe Cable, Emil Green, Mary Jane Kohlenberg, Vonnie Nichols, Odessa Ofstad, Jim Shaddy and Michelle Steele. The Series was first established in 1899 as a lecture course for the Young Men’s Christian Association of the First District Normal School and the American School of Osteopathy in Kirksville. In the 1922-23 school term, University President John R. Kirk persuaded the local public schools and civic clubs to join the then-Northeast Missouri State Teachers College in offering the Community Lecture Series. This was followed by the formation of the Kirksville unit of the nation-wide Civic Music Association in 1937. It wasn’t until 1960 that the College assumed sole responsibility for funding and operation of the Series. President Walter Ryle appointed a faculty committee chaired by Dr. Gilbert C. Kohlenberg to administer the event. It was then renamed the “Lyceum Series.” In 1997, Truman’s Board of Governors renamed the series the Kohlenberg Lyceum Series, in honor of its long-time chairman. As the Series begins its second century, it has transitioned from strictly a lecture event to more diverse entertainment attractions. This year, the Series’ featured the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, a performance by the Maxwell Street Klezmer Band, Les Ballets Africains, the Gash/Voigt Dancers, and productions of It’s a Wonderful Life and Hello, Dolly! May Interim E-Commerce Class OfferedThe Division of Business and Accountancy will be offering an electronic-commerce class during the 2000 May interim. The workshop is open to the general public as well as Truman students and will be held from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m., May 11-12, 15-17. An organizational meeting previewing the course’s objectives is scheduled from 4-5 p.m. on May 5.Electronic commerce is the process of buying, selling, or exchanging products, services and information via computer sales. The workshop is designed to inform students of the developments in the area of e-commerce and the impact that it will eventually have on the business field. The workshop will be taught by a team of experienced Truman faculty members from the Division of Business and Account-ancy. Participants will view Internet pages that reinforce points from the accompanying text and will have the opportunity to develop web pages that support e-commerce activities. The cost of the workshop is $306 and an additional $60 fee for the textbook. Students will earn two college credits upon successful completion of the course. To register for the class, contact the Truman State University Registrar’s Office at 785.4143 between the registration dates of April 26 and May 5. For more information on the course, visit www2.truman.edu/ecommerce or call the Division at 785.4346. The Division is accredited by the AACSB Institute of Man-agement Education. Candidate ForumAssistant to the Dean of Student Affairs2 p.m., April 18,
Students, faculty and staff may ask questions to candidate
Christopher Meiers,
Truman wants your feedback! Call 785.4111 for information. Alumni Chapters Encourage ParticipationConnections to the Truman State University community do not have to end after graduation. The Office of Advance-ment is pleased to support numerous alumni chapters throughout the United States that allow Truman alumni to stay in touch with campus happenings.Membership in alumni chapters is an ideal way to meet people and renew old friendships, and is also an ideal avenue for making contacts while job-hunting. Chapter members are placed on a mailing list to receive invitations to all alumni events in the area and to receive all issues of the Alumni Connection. New this year is an athletic courtesy card that all members receive. The card entitles holders to free admission to all home Truman athletic events. Chapter members also receive excellent hotel and rental car discounts, bookstore discounts and chapter leadership opportunities. Chapters hold regular meetings and host a variety of activities. To join an alumni chapter, contact the Office of Advancement at watsond@truman.edu or 785.4133. ScholarshipsScholarshipsStudy Abroad-Australia Scholarship $2,700 will be awarded in the form of enrollment fees for the 2000 semester to a qualified student. Students must plan to study at Bond University in Australia. Contact Kirk Building 120 for applications and details. Deadline is June 1. USA Group Scholarship Program Awards ranging from $1,000 to $2,000 will be awarded to students with financial need. Initially, selection will be targeted to students who are ethnic minorities or have physical disabilities. 600-700 scholarships will be awarded in June. Deadline is May 1. Missouri Travel Council Two- $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to students currently enrolled
as sophomores or juniors who are pursuing a hospitality-related major.
Applicants must also be residents of Missouri with a GPA of 3.0 or better
and must submit an essay on “The Value of Missouri’s Tourism Industry.”
Contact McClain 103 or 785.4130 for details.
Scholarship Job Opportunities Remember to complete scholarship renewal forms as soon as possible and deliver them to the Financial Aid office, McClain 103! * Also, there are five divisions with scholarship job openings not listed
in the original list for 2000-2001. Check in McClain 103
NotablesBen Bennani, professor of comparative literature, had his work published in Memories and Memoirs: Essays, Poems, Stories, and Letters by Contemporary Missouri Authors 2000 edition. “The American Moor” is a 200-line, two-part poem in which Bennani portrays the life of an Arab-American living in the Heartland.Tom Bultman, associate professor of biology, and John Murphy, Master of Science in biology at Truman, recently had their chapter, “Do Fungal Endophytes Mediate Wound-Induced Resistance?” published in the book Microbial Endophytes. Bultman also had the manuscript “The Cost of Mutualism in a Fly-Fungus Interaction” accepted by the journal Oecologia. The paper was co-authored by former Truman biology students Allison Welch, Becky Boning and Todd Bowdish. Laura Walters, senior biology major from Dousman, Wis., won first place in the oral presentation category at the 2000 Beta Beta Beta North-Central District Convention. Jennifer Smart, senior biology major from Omaha, Neb., won first place in the poster category. Both received complimentary trips to the Beta Beta Beta national convention in Puerto Rico this summer as a result of their achievements. Members of Truman’s chapter of the Society of the Professional Journalists received six awards at last weekend’s banquet. Truman is in region seven, which includes schools in Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa. Alyssa Conine, December graduate, received first place for a non-fiction magazine article and third place for a television news feature story. Detours received first place for best all-around magazine, and The Index received third place for an all-around weekly newspaper. Amy Sanders, junior communication major from Foristell, Mo., captured second place for television sports reporting, and Jen Mazi, senior communication major from Liberty, Mo., received third place for television general news reporting. Truman and the University of Missouri?Columbia were the only schools recognized in television categories. Truman students and faculty performed the African play “Trois Prétendants...Un Mari” for the Afro-Romance Literature Symposium at the University of Missouri?Columbia April 9. Students who participated include Renee Becker, sophomore English/pre-elementary education major from Laddonia, Mo.; Annette Bordeaux, senior French major from Godrey, Ill.; Anne Clemmer, sophomore art major from Florissant, Mo.; Sarah Dunn, senior French major from Peoria, Ill.; Holley Hansen, sophomore psychology/ political science major from Mason City, Ia.; Mary Kristensen, junior French major from Lee’s Summit, Mo.; Courtney Lehman, freshman from Manchester, Mo.; Céline Pétel, sophomore French major from Lee’s Summit, Mo.; Danny Pettit, sophomore theatre major from Crestwood, Mo.; Matt Reeg, freshman English major from Ballwin, Mo.; Sofia Taboada, sophomore biology/philosophy and religion major from Overland Park, Kan.; and Dominick Wright, sophomore biology/French major from Olathe, Kan. Truman alumnus Warren Reed, Truman instructor of French Jordi Teillard and Oumou Sow also participated in the performance. Patrick Lobert, associate professor of French, directed the play. On Campus18 Tuesday7 p.m.-Phi Kappa Phi Coffee House, Washington Street Java Company 19 Wednesday
21 Friday
22 Saturday
24 Monday
25 Tuesday
NotesDarren Millam, a 1992 Truman graduate, will appear on Jeopardy April 20-21. Jeopardy can be seen at 4:30 p.m. on Channel 5, Kansas City, and Channel 6, KTVO; or at 5 p.m. on Channel 7, KHQA. Millam is currently employed with Citibank in the Kansas City area.The Faculty Development Lunch Series continues from 12:30-1:30 p.m., April 19, in the SUB Spanish Room. A lecture on “Teaching Abroad: The Missouri London Program and Addis Ababa Commercial College” will be presented by Seymour Patterson, professor of economics. The 21st annual Art History Interdisciplinary Symposium will be held at 7 p.m., April 19, in the SUB Alumni Room. Several Truman faculty will discuss “Perspectives on the Sistine Chapel.” The 2000 Leadership Recognition Program is scheduled for 7 p.m., April 19, in the SUB Georgian Room. The Environmental Campus Organization and Philosophy and Religion Club will host an EcoFeminism Panel at 8 p.m., April 19, in Violette Hall 1430. A variety of aspects of EcoFeminism as well as practical applications will be discussed. The deadline to enter the Phi Sigma Pi coed softball tournament is April 20. The fee is $50 per team and the games will be held May 6. Call 665.4660 for more information. The Division of Fine Arts BFA Exhibit will be held in the University Art Gallery daily from April 24-29. Hours on Monday through Thursday are 8:30 a.m. until 7:30 p.m.; on Friday, 8:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m.; and on Saturday, from noon until 4:30 p.m. Their closing reception will be held at 8:30 p.m. on April 29. Refreshments and musical entertainment will be provided. The Truman Orchestra will hold their final concert of the year at 8 p.m., April 25, in Baldwin Auditorium. The program will showcase Warren Gooch and David McKamie of the fine arts department. There will be a bone marrow donor drive from 12-5 p.m., April 27, in Rooms 2 and 3 of the SUB. A small blood sample will be taken the day of the drive. The greatest shortage of marrow is among ethnic individuals, so African-American volunteers do not have to pay the $25 fee. Everyone is encouraged to participate. E.C.O. will sponsor a clean-up and tree planting at Petrilla Park from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., April 29. Those interested should meet at the Truman fountain at 9 a.m. Call 785.7619 for more information. TruNews, advanced television students, will produce a live newscast at 5 p.m., April 29, on Channel 36. On April 20, 21 and 22, TruNews will repeat the award-winning segments of three Truman students. See the Notables section for a list of these winners. SAB will hold a ‘drive-in’ movie at 8:30 p.m., April 29, at Red Barn Park. Food and drinks will be available and admission is free for everyone. Contact www2.truman.edu/ SAB for details on future SAB events. Delta Sigma Pi and Beta Alpha Psi will hold a 5K Run/Walk/Jog April 30 with registration beginning at 7:30 a.m. in front of the SUB. Registration is $10 and all money will be donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Association. Prizes will be awarded to winners, and all participants will receive a free tee-shirt. Shirley Baker’s original art is on display in the SUB Activities Room through May 13. She is a graduate of Truman State University and is a well-known artist throughout Missouri. The art is available for viewing daily when the room is open. A spring barbeque is scheduled at the University Club house at 5 p.m., May 5, at 516 E. Patterson. All Truman faculty, staff and their families are invited to bring a dish to share. Barbecue chicken and brats will be provided by Western’s Meat Market and music by Redwing. Childcare will be offered. The Kirk Honors Institute needs an assistant director for the summer. Highly-qualified high school juniors and seniors are welcome to apply. Contract dates are June 19-July 17. Applications may be submitted to Heinz Woehlk, McClain Hall 203. Call 665.8140 for more information. Organizations who have done community service
this semester, but were not included in the recent community insert in
the Truman Today, are asked to
contact the Public Relations office, McClain Hall 102, 785.4016.
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