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8, 2000 - Vol. 4 No.55
Features Dr. James Bailey Named Head of Truman's Business and Accountancy Division
Departments Notes |
Dr. James Bailey Named Head of Truman's Business and Accountancy DivisionTruman’s Business and Accountancy Division will have a new division head effective July 1. Dr. James Bailey from Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Wash., was selected to assume the duties after an extensive search.Bailey served as chair of the accounting department at CWU from 1997 until the present. He began at CWU in 1992 as an assistant professor of accounting and advanced to full professor in that department. Previously, he worked six years as a certified public accountant. Bailey received his bachelor of science degrees in accounting and finance from Brigham Young University, his master’s in business administration from the University of Utah and his doctorate in accountancy from the University of Nebraska. He has published 13 peer-reviewed articles since 1993 and has participated in several professional presentations. He was active at CWU on a number of planning committees. In addition, he was involved within the Ellensburg community, serving on the city’s Planning Commission and in leadership roles within his church. “I would like to thank the search committee for their help in finding the best person for this important task,” Garry Gordon, vice president of academic affairs, said. “I also want to recognize the great work and leadership that Dr. Debra Kerby has provided during the past year. She has been a wonderful representative for division concerns.” In his spare time, Bailey enjoys musical theatre with his wife and children. He also plays the guitar and writes music.
New Annual Fund Coordinator HiredCharles Hunsaker has been hired by the Office of Advancement as Truman’s new annual fund coordinator. As coordinator, Hunsaker will oversee the Tel Alumni campaign each fall and spring. In addition, he will help with seeking additional sponsorships for the Kohlenberg Lyceum Series and with direct mail appeals. He will also be responsible for the organization of the annual Kirk Society banquet.Hunsaker considers Kirksville to be his home town, since he moved here during junior high. He graduated from Kirksville High School, and from Truman with a B.A. in philosophy and religion in 1998. He has been employed at the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine as a recruitment coordinator since June 1999. While there, he was a member of the Blue Ribbon Steering Committee for the Healer Within traveling exhibit and the minority health advisory committee. He is a member of the Hamilton Street Baptist Church. Hunsaker’s wife, Deanna, is the loan coordinator for Truman’s financial aid office. They are the parents of a daughter, Alicia, 3. Retirement Receptions
Jacquelin Kelly
JoAn Martin
Kathy Turpin
Truman's Birthday Celebration
NotablesRay Jagger of telephone services was recently reappointed by the Missouri Senate to the Fire Education Commission. Jagger is the Deputy Chief of Adair Fire District 1.Ryan Kennedy, junior political science major, presented his paper “Writing Rights: Factors Influencing the Strength of Rights Clauses in Post-Communist Countries” at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association in Chicago, Ill., April 27-30. Also presenting were John Ishiyama, associate professor of political science, whose paper was “Party Organizational and Identity Change in Post-Communist Politics: The Communist Successor Parties after the Second Generation Elections,” and John Quinn, assistant professor of political science, who presented “French Aid and Africa: Continuity or Change in the Post Cold War Period.” Katie Reuther, senior communication/pre-secondary education major
from St. Louis, Mo.; Sara Rosenkoetter, senior communication major
from Jefferson City, Mo.; Brad Wilson, senior communication major
from Jefferson City, Mo.; and Thad Woosley, junior communication
major from Windsor, Calif., presented their research “Do Universities Teach
what Colleges Do?” at the Midwest Regional Association of Business Communicators
in Indianapolis, Ind., April 28. Adviser Dale Keller also presented.
NotesTruman’s spring commencement ceremony will be held in Stokes Stadium at 2 p.m. on May 13. Truman alumna and Missouri Court of Appeals Judge Mary Rhodes Russell will give the address.May Interim hours at the Student Rec. Center are from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m., May 15-19 and May 22-26. The Center will be closed on May 20-21 and May 27-29. Host families are needed for 53 Taiwanese students and faculty who will be visiting Kirksville from June 30 until July 2 to study English and American culture. Host families will be required to attend a special reception. Call 785.4076 for more information or to volunteer. The Student Recreation Center is in need of a yoga instructor to teach during the summer and fall semesters. Interested applicants should contact Liz Hopkins at the campus recreation office, 785.7739. Free Kohlenberg Lyceum Series Centennial Celebration posters and Robert Urich posters, suitable for framing, are available in the Public Relations Office, McClain 102. This issue marks the final issue of the Truman Today for the
spring semester. The next publication date will be May 30. Items for
publication should be submitted to the Public Relations Office no later
than May 25.
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