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22, 2000 - Vol. 5 No. 2
Jazz Band Kicks off Lyceum Series Scholarship Opportunities Announced Sophomores prepare for Montage Departments
Appointed as Acting Dean of Student Affairs
![]() Lou Ann Gilchrist, director of Truman’s University
Counseling Services, has accepted the appointment as Acting Dean
of Student Affairs for the upcoming school term. She succeeds Diane Pfeifer
who has accepted a position as Interim Associate Vice President for
Student Affairs at Fort Hays State University, in Hays, Kan. Fort Hays
is Pfeifer’s alma mater and her family resides in the Hays area.
Lloyd's Prayer Returns August 24-26Truman State University’s Theatre Department presents a revival performance of Lloyds’s Prayerby Missouri playwright Kevin Kling. The second run of the show begins at 8 p.m. on Thursday, August 24 through Saturday, August 26 in the Baldwin Hall Little Theatre. Admission is free and there is no reserved seating.In this show a raccoon boy, an Angel of the Lord, a hotdog and an ex-convict have a few things in common. This combination will make the audience laugh, or possibly cry, and wonder about the nature of things that affect human lives. Some material is not suitable for children. For more information about the performance call publicity chair Matthew Kingston at 785.4830. Secretaries Honored with Reception
706 South
5:05 p.m. Thursday
Please RSVP to 785.4100 Jazz Band Kicks Off Lyceum SeriesThe 2000-2001 Kohlenberg Lyceum Series begins with a performance by the Preservation Hall Jazz Band on at 7:30 p.m., Sept. 27, 2000.The group, which is named after one of New Orleans most famous landmarks has been touring the United States for more than 25 years. They have made appearances at Carnegie Hall, Boston’s Symphony Hall and Wolf Trap where they received the Wolf Trap Medal for Excellence in the Performing Arts. Aside from the opening and closing numbers, the musicians are unsure of what they will play concert to concert. Through-out the course of the performance, the musicians decide what comes next by analyzing the audience. Free tickets to see The Preservation Hall Jazz Band will be available for students, faculty and staff approximately one week before the performance in the Student Activities Board office, Student Union lower level. The Kohlenberg Lyceum Series Schedule Preservation Hall Jazz - Sept. 27 at 7:30 p.m. Grand Dérangement - Oct. 30 at 7:30 p.m. Vienna Choir Boys - Nov. 14 at 7:30 p.m. The Nutcracker - Nov. 26 at 7:30 p.m. Peking Acrobats - Feb. 8 at 7:30 p.m. St. Petersburg Ice Ballet (Cinderella) -
James and the Giant Peach -
Helen Thomas - April 7 at 8 p.m. Truman Showcase - April 18 at 7:30 p.m. Scholarship Opportunities Announced Three new scholarships are available. Two Missouri
Travel Council Scholarships will be awarded to students who are currently
sophomores or juniors, in the amount of $1000. Qualifications include being
a current Missouri resident, pursuit of a hospitality related major and
a GPA of 3.0 or above. The deadline is Sept. 28, 2000.
Interested in Going Greek?August 25-Sept. 1 Panhellenic Recruitment for females will be
For more
These sophomores tried to keep dry as they moved back to campus to prepare
for the Montage presentation last week.
Truman Day Activities
Activities Fair, Student Organization Information Fair, noon-4 p.m., SUB Mall Student Union Open House, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Student Union Main Concourse Outdoor BBQ, 4:30-6:45 p.m. Red Barn Park
Festival, 4-8 p.m., Red Barn Park
Kirksville businesses will be on hand to talk about services available
Concert, 4:30-8 p.m., Red Barn Park
Recreation Center Hours
Graduation Applications DueStudents who have not turned in an application need to do so as quickly as possible. May 2001 applications are due on
Application forms are available in the Registrar’s Office, McClain Hall, 104. Parking Questions AnsweredQ: Can I park in a fire lane only for a few minutes?A: NO! Fire trucks need to have adequate access to buildings in an emergency and since we can’t predict when emergencies will occur, parking is not allowed at any time. Q: Can I park in a handicapped parking space if it is open?
More questions will be addressed next week. For additional answers to
On Campus22 Tuesday5:30 p.m.- Franklin Street Auditions, Baldwin Auditorium 23 Wednesday
24 Thursday
25 Friday
26 Saturday
28 Monday
Notables Mark Appold, professor of philosophy and religion, presented a paper at the 2000 World Congress of Religion, held July 23-28 in Cape Town, South Africa. Presented as a contribution to the search for the historical Peter, the paper, “Peter of Bethsaida,” focused on the impact of recent archeological data on the Petrine textual traditions of the Fourth Gospel. The purpose of the International Meeting, sponsored by the Society of Biblical Literature, was to further the cooperation of institutions and individuals engaged in the research and teaching of biblical and related studies. Participants from over 35 different countries attended the Congress. David Gruber, professor of philosophy, has been elected to the Executive Committee of the National Council of the American Association of University Professors. He has been appointed to the national Committee on Organizaton, and his service to the Committee on Part-Time and Non-Tenure Track Appointments continues. Jesse Jokerst, a sophomore chemistry major from St. Genevieve, Mo., served as a delegate and Kevin Heyen, a junior political science major from Giltner, Neb., served as an alternate from the ninth Congressional district at the Democratic National Convention held from August 14-19 in Los Angeles, Calif. Jim Turner, associate professor of business and accountancy, presented a paper, “Laidlaw, the Legal Doctrine of Standing, and Complexity Theory” at the annual meeting of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business in Baltimore, Md., in August. Amy L. Wilke, a 1998 Truman graduate, of St. Louis, Mo., and Kari L.
Ensz, a 1999 Truman graduate, of Wichita, Kan., and Jose Hererra, assistant
professor of science had their paper, “Stacking of Seeds Changes Spoilage
Dynamics of Food Caches of the Banner-tailed Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys spectabilis)“
accepted for publication in the Journal of Mammalogy. Wilke is currently
a masters candidate at Iowa State University-Ames and Ensz is attending
Kansas State University’s veterinary school.
Open auditions for the Franklin Street Singers, Truman’s show choir, will be held at 5:30 p.m. in Baldwin Auditorium, August 22, 23 and 24. For more information, contact Jackie Collett, associate professor of music, at 785.4422. The annual Student Union Open House will be held in conjunction with Truman Day and the Activities Fair from 11 a.m.until 3 p.m. on August 23 in the main concourse of the Student Union Building (SUB) Free refreshments and door prizes will be given away. SODEXHO-Marriott will sponsor a ping-pong drop at 2:30 p.m. Omicron Delta Kappa, the national leadership honor society, will host Truman Day activities from 4-8 p.m., August 23, at Red Barn Park. Among the activities will be the “Transcender” (virtual reality car), a business fair, two bands (Until Tomorrow and Short Bus), Fall Sports Premiere and True Men. Refreshments will be available. A faculty music recital will be held at 8 p.m., August 28 in Baldwin Auditorium. Greg Jones, associate professor of music, will be performing. Jones is a member of the music faculty and the recital is free and open to all students, faculty and staff. Athletics media relations is looking for communication/journalism majors who wish to gain valuable writing experience, and see their work published and distributed nationwide. Freshmen are welcome. Contact Melissa Ware at 785.4031. The Kirksville Aquatic Center is in need of lifeguards to finish out the summer session and for the fall semester. Certified lifeguards may fill out applications at the Aquatic Center, located at 801 East Mill Street. Phone 627.7665 for additional information. Listings for part-time jobs in the Kirksville area and on the Truman Campus are available at the University Career Center. Stop by the Career Center or call for more information 785.4353. The Career Center is located in the McKinney Center. Truman State University recognizes that some students may desire that a a new sport be added to the Intercollegiate Athletics program of the University. Any student who desires that a new intercollegiate sport be added at Truman State University can make such a request by petitioning the Department of Athletics. Forms to request the addition of an intercollegiate sport are available in the Director of Athletics Office, Pershing Building 213. The form must be completed and returned to the Director of Athletics Office.
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Direct questions and comments to lgordon@truman.edu.