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12, 2000 - Vol. 5 No. 5
Applicants Sought for College Rector Office of Advancement Seeks Nominations Change to Hispanic Heritage Month Schedule 10th
Annual Barbara Early-Vreeland Lecture
Pulitzer Prize Winner, Artist to Speak Pulitzer Prize winning novelist N. Scott Momaday will visit campus from Sept. 20 until Sept. 22 as part of the Distinguished Visiting Scholars Program. He is a Native American (Kiowa) and has been called “the dean of American Indian writers” by The New York Times. He has won several distinguished awards, including a Guggenheim Fellowship and the “Mondello,” Italy’s highest literary honor. He is currently Regents Professor of the Humanities at the University of Arizona and directs projects that focus upon Native American oral tradition and concepts of the sacred. Momaday founded the Buffalo Trust, a non-profit foundation for the preservation and restoration of Native American culture and heritage. He feels this is the most important part of his life's work. Eleven of his books have been translated into French, German, Italian, Russian, Japanese and Spanish. His children's play, Children of the Sun, opened at the Kennedy Center in 1997; and his articles have appeared in Natural History, American West, The New York Times and other periodicals. His paintings, drawings and prints have been exhibited in the United States and abroad. Momaday earned his bachelor's and master's degrees from Stanford University and has held several tenured appointments at universities in the U.S. For a complete listing of Momaday’s schedule while at Truman, see the sidebar on this page. For further information, call 785-4016. New Orleans Jazz to Radiate Through Baldwin Auditorium on September 27The Preservation Hall Jazz Band will visit Truman State University as part of the Kohlenberg Lyceum Series at 7:30 p.m., Sept. 27, in Baldwin Auditorium.The band has been on tour for more than 25 years. Recent appearances include Carnegie Hall (New York City), Symphony Hall (Boston), Wolf Trap (Lenox, Md.) and the Red Sea Jazz Festival (Israel). When not on tour, the Preservation Hall Jazz Band plays at home in New Orleans, La., at Preservation Hall, one of New Orleans’ most famous landmarks. The band has produced seven albums that contain the sweet sounds of New Orleans jazz, including The Best of Preservation Hall Jazz Band (1989) and Preservation Hall Jazz Band Live (1993). The band has been called “a bridge across the ages,”a link between old New Orleans and the present day. Some of the creators of New Orleans style jazz are still with the ensemble. The musicians, who range in age from 29 to 88, continue to preserve the music that evolved in New Orleans at the turn of the century and will soon bring it to the Truman stage and the Kirksville community. Students, faculty and staff can pick up their free tickets to see the Preservation Hall Jazz Band approximately one week before the performance in the Student Activities Board Office, lower level Student Union Building. N. Scott MomadaySeptember 20
September 21
12 p.m.-Faculty Development Luncheon, “A Conversation with Scott Momaday,”
1:30 p.m.-Public Colloquium, ”Native American Oral Tradition: The Stories
8 p.m.-Public Residential College Lecture,”A Creative Life: Painting,
Poetry, and Storytelling,”
September 22
Applicants Sought for College Rector Faculty members interested in appointment as
a college rector in the Residential College Program may obtain information
and applications for the position in all division offices and at the office
of the Vice President for Academic Affairs beginning Sept. 12. Applications
are due at the division office by Oct. 6.
Group Leaders NeededThe Truman State University campus 2000 United Way fund drive will kick off in a couple of weeks. The United Way campaign is a service project in which University employees can help support the citizens of Kirksville and surrounding communities. Approximately 100 group leaders are needed to facilitate a successful drive. This year’s slogan is “It’s you, It’s me, It’s all of Us.”If interested in being a part of the fund drive team, contact Glen Giboney, drive chair, at 785.4307 or ggiboney@truman.edu or Marianna Giovannini, drive co-chair, at 785.4864 or email mgio@truman.edu by Sept. 15. Truman’s MOHELA College and Career Planning Lab to Open for Community UseThe University will host a ribbon cutting at the new MOHELA College and Career Planning Lab at 1:30 p.m., Sept. 19. The lab is housed in the University Career Center located in the McKinney Center. An open house will be held immediately following the ribbon cutting ceremony until 3 p.m. The facility is funded as a free community service by the Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority (MOHELA).The MOHELA College and Career Planning Lab at Truman is only the second of its kind at a public institution in the state. There are currently six centers and two mini-centers (including Truman’s new facility) in operation across Missouri. Lisa Kerlin, lab director, said ”The MOHELA College and Career Planning Lab is a wonderful addition to the resources at Truman State University. Students and the community alike will benefit from the technology, as well as the expert assistance in career decision-making and college and career exploration. Also available in the near future will be a web-based resumé system, which will give Truman students and alumni more exposure to potential employers.” Eight computer workstations and laser printers are available for use by members of the the University community as well as high school age students and adults from Kirksville and other neighboring communities. The services are available to the public on a walk-in basis at no cost. Area guidance counselors and adult career-changers are encouraged to use the MOHELA services. The lab offers career development services, internet accessibility and financial aid options. It also offers a wide variety of resources and computer software relating to job searches, resumé and cover letter writing and undergraduate and graduate programs available throughout the United States. The lab is open to the community from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. on Monday through Wednesday; from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m. on Thursday; and from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. on Friday. During the breaks and summer months the lab will be open from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. on Monday through Friday. For more information about the MOHELA lab, contact the office at 785.4353 or www2.truman.edu/career. Fall 2000 Student Senate Election Sept. 14-15 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Lower level, SUB
“Choose to Make a Difference” For more information, call the Student Senate Office at 785.4193. The Writing Center is Now Open1:30-8:30 p.m. Tues.-8:30-10:30 a.m.,
Wed.-8:30-10:30 a.m.,
Thurs. -8:30-10:30 a.m.,
Fri.-8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Call 785.4484 for an appointment.
Family DayOffice of Advancement Solicits Nominees for Homecoming’s Young Alumni AwardNominations are currently being accepted for the 2000 Young Alumni Award. The deadline for nominations has been extended to Sept. 22.Each year during Homecoming this special award is bestowed upon a Truman alumni in recognition of the individual’s outstanding contributions to Truman State University and to society. The Office of Advancement would like to encourage individuals to nominate one of Truman’s outstanding young alumni. The recipient of this award will be announced at the Alumni and Friends Celebration Banquet on Oct. 20. The nominee must be under 35 years of age. In addition, the individual must have maintained a close relationship with the University; continued to support the University through contributions, public relations or recruitment; made worthwhile contributions to society through education, sports, business, public service, etc.; and been recognized by peers or superiors for exemplary service. To nominate a Truman graduate, please send the name of the nominee, your name and graduation year (or position at Truman) and a brief summary explaining how the nominee meets the criteria, as well as any other pertinent information to Denise Watson, Office of Advancement, McClain Hall 100, or e-mail watsond@truman.edu. Please Note Change to Hispanic Heritage Month Schedule6-8 p.m. SUB Down Under A musical performance by Tribus Futuras This band is comprised of instruments from across cultures, designed to promote an appreciation of diversity through music and educational narrative. Tel Alumni Seeks HelpStudents interested in a part-time job this semester are encouraged to apply to work the Tel Alumni campaign. Tel Alumni is hiring 40 students to work for eight weeks.No experience is necessary but students must be good communicators, outgoing, hard working and willing to ask for financial support. Students must be available to work at least three of the following shifts each week: Sunday, 2-5 p.m.; Sunday, 6-9 p.m.; Monday, 6-9 p.m.; Tuesday, 6-9 p.m.; Wednesday, 6-9 p.m.; or Thursday, 6-9 p.m. Tel Alumni offers nightly prizes (gift certificates, clothing, etc.); a relaxed, fun environment; paid training; a flexible schedule and an hourly wage of $5.15. Tel Alumni is an excellent resumé builder. The grand prize this year is a personal computer. The job application deadline is Sept. 27. For more information, contact Charles Hunsaker, annual fund coordinator, at 785.4028 or hunsaker@truman.edu. 10th Annual Barbara Early-Vreeland Lecture
“A Life of Learning” Dr. Robert Schnucker Governor’s Room, SUB
On Campus12 Tuesday11 a.m.-4 p.m.-Cardinal Key/American Red Cross Blood Drive, SUB Activities Room; see Notes 7 p.m.-Student Senate “Meet the Candidates” in SUB Mainstreet Market; see Notes. 13 Wednesday
14 Thursday
15 Friday
16 Saturday
17 Sunday
Notables Jerrold Hirsch, associate professor of history, chaired a session at the annual meeting of the Society for Disability Studies in Chicago in June. Hirsch is also one of the more than 100 historians and other scholars who recently filed in the Supreme Court of the United States an amicus curiae (friend of the court) brief in support of Patricia Garrett, et al, in the case brought by the University of Alabama at Birming-ham Board of Trustees, which challenges the constitutionality of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Thomas A. Linares, associate professor of communication disorders, was granted a 1st Award for Continuing Education in June by the Continuing Education Board of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Antonio Scuderi, assistant professor of Italian, had his essay “Improvisation and Framing in the Fo-Rame Collaboration” published in the recent book, Franca Rame: A Woman on Stage. Thomas Trimborn, associate professor of music, had his article “Sousa’s Secret Formula” selected for republication in two journals. It appears in the current issue of the National Federation Interscholastic Music Association Journal for music directors, adjudicators and state coordinators of music activities in over 50 states involving 20,000 high schools. In the near future it will also appear in Spotlight On Teaching Band published by the Music Educators National Conference (MENC) with a membership of 60,000 people nationwide. A portrait of Sousa, by Trimborn, is included in both publications. David Wohlers, professor of chemistry, serves as the elected
Councilor for the Mark Twain Local Section of the American Chemical Society.
In August, Wohlers attended the 220th meeting of the Ameri-can Chemical
Society held in Washington D.C. He serves on two national committees, the
Board Committee on Chemists with Disabilities and the Council Commit-tee
on Nominations and Elections to which he was re-elected for another three
year term.
Notes Student Senate will host “Meet the Candidates” at 7 p.m. tonight at the Mainstreet Market. Call the Student Senate Office at 785.4193 with questions. Cardinal Key is hosting their Fall 2000 American Red Cross Blood Drive from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. Sept. 11-13 in the SUB Activities Room. Amnesty International has weekly meetings at 7 p.m. on Wednesdays in Violette Hall 1332. and is seeking new members to help extend human rights to all. Amnesty is hosting a vigil protest for a Missouri execution at 10 p.m., Sept. 12, outside the Pickler Library entrance. Candles will be provided. The High Street Dancers will be having tryouts the week of Sept. 13-16. Workshops will be held from 7:30 until 9:30 p.m. Sept. 13-15 in the Pershing Small Gym. Auditions will be on Sept. 16. For more information, call Merina at 665.8581 or Melody at 785.7259. The Residential College Program will sponsor a presentation,”The Olympics: Apolitical Myth/Political Reality” by Dr. Candy Young, professor of political science. The presentation will be at 4 pm., Sept. 13, in Missouri Hall 365. Students interested in the 2001 summer Missouri London Program are invited to an informational meeting at 4:30 p.m., Sept. 14, in the SUB Governor’s Room. For more information contact Dr. Dennis Leavens at 785.4269. The Multicultural Affairs Center is hosting a Culture Night as a kickoff celebration for Hispanic Heritage Month at 6 p.m., Sept. 15, at the Multicultural Affairs Center. The Student Activities Board is hosting drive-in movies; Mission Impossible 2 (8:30 p.m.) and The Skulls (10:30 p.m.) on Sept. 16 in Red Barn Park. Free popcorn and soda will be available, but bring blankets for seating. Alpha Sigma Gamma is having a car wash from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m., Sept. 16; and from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m., Sept. 17, at Hy-Vee. All proceeds benefit the Association of Retarded Citizens. The Social Science Faculty Research Seminar will continue this semester. The first seminar is at 3:30 p.m., Sept. 18, in SUB Room 4. The topic is ”The Politics of Truth: The Revisiting of the French Revolution in the early Third French Republic,” by Torbjorn Wandel, assistant professor of history. A science seminar will be held at 7 p.m., Sept. 19, in Magruder Hall 274. Refreshments will be served at 6:45 p.m. The topic of the seminar will be ”Bioenergetic Fields: A Physicist’s Perspective’ It will be presented by Vic Stenger, department of physics and astronomy at the University of Hawaii. Stenger will also be presenting a physics colloquium at 4:35 p.m., Sept. 20, in Barnett Hall 252. The Residential Colleges will sponsor a University Forum at 4 p.m., Sept. 20, in Missouri Hall 365. The topic of the discussion is “Was the Decision for Truman’s Public Safety Officers to Carry Guns the Right One?” All members of the University community are welcome. The University Forum is an open discussion that focuses on issues that are of importance to the Truman State University community but which also have significance for higher education and the broader society. The Women’s Studies Committee is hosting a barbecue from 3:30-5:30 p.m., Sept. 22, in Red Barn Park. Women’s studies minors, other students, faculty and staff are invited. Contact Dr. Hena Ahmad for more information at 785.6017. The SERVE Center is hosting a Volunteer Fair from 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Sept. 28, on the mall. The fair gives students the opportunity to become involved in the Kirksville community. Various community agencies and groups will have tables set up to discuss current philanthropy opportunities with students. A memorial concert in memory of Dr. Michael Hooley will be held on October 8 on the stage of Baldwin Auditorium. The performance will feature many of Hooley’s percussion students performing with the Truman State University Wind Symphony Band. Proposals for summer 2001 undergraduate research stipends are now being accepted. Undergraduate students can apply now for Truman’s summer undergraduate research stipends. Up to 40 stipends of $2,000 each will be awarded. Interested students need to work with a faculty mentor in developing a brief research proposal. Proposals need to be submitted to the division head of the faculty mentor’s division by Oct. 16. Application packets with additional information are available in division offices. Students may pick up applications for the 2000-2001 Who’s Who Among
Students in American Universities and Colleges Award in the Dean of
Student Affairs Office, Kirk Building 112. For further information, call
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