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23, 2001 - Vol. 5 No. 20
January Conference to Focus on Planning New IRA Student Council Forms at Truman Retirement Reception for Nichols Pre-Osteopathic Medical Scholars Program Offered to Truman Sophomores |
Peking Acrobats
to Perform Unusual Feats in Next Kohlenberg Lyceum Series
The Peking Acrobats will perform as the next group in the 2000-2001 Kohlenberg Lyceum Series at 7:30 p.m., Feb. 8, in Baldwin Auditorium. ![]() The troupe uses the 2,000-year-old tradition to transform strength and concentration into displays of flexibility and control. The Peking Acrobats’ incorporation of live music simulates the atmosphere of an ancient Chinese carnival dating back to the Ch’in Dynasty. After years of extensive tutoring, beginning as early as age five, high honors are granted to those skilled enough to become a part of the professional acrobat troupes. Tradition demands that each generation of acrobats add its own improvements and embellishments. Each new movement or action takes many years to practice and perfect. As the new millennium begins, the Chinese acrobatic tradition has become even stronger, due to the continued innovation of the artists and their adoring public. These acrobats have traveled all over the world, performed to packed houses and have even been featured on the nationally known TV show “Guinness Book of World Records.” A performance by the Peking Acrobats brings the opportunity to view a rich ancient folk art tradition as well as acts like the dangerous and precarious Tower of Chairs. Free tickets will be available to students approximately one week prior to the performance in the Student Activities Board office and to faculty and staff in the CAOC, SUB lower level. The 2000-2001 Distinguished Visiting Scholar Series presents Dr. Roald Hoffmann Nobel Prize Winner
Public Colloquium
Keynote Lecture
Public Colloquium
Faculty Development
January Conference to Focus on PlanningTruman’s first University-wide January Conference will be held from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., Jan. 24. "Strengthening Our Liberal Arts Culture: Liberally Educating Students for the 21st Century" is the theme for the day. Classes have been suspended all day to facilitate faculty, staff and student participation in an organized period of reflection, discussion and planning. The primary emphasis of the conference will be placed on Truman’s future and how the University can more effectively provide a quality education for its constituents."We are presently in the fourth year of a five-year plan designed to establish the institution as a ‘nationally recognized liberal arts and sciences university,’ but we also know that we have much more work to accomplish before our aspirations are fully realized. One of our current challenges is beginning preparation for the next planning cycle and sustaining the momentum for further change," said Michael McManis, University Dean for Planning and Institutional Development. The January Conference will begin with continental breakfast and registration at 8 a.m. in the SUB second floor hallway, followed by a welcome and introductions at 8:30 a.m. by President Jack Magruder in the Georgian Room. A plenary session featuring Dr. Peter T. Ewell and Dr. George A. Drake will be held from 8:45-9:45 a.m. Ewell is the senior associate at the National Center for Higher Education Systems and is also a member of the Truman Board of Governors. He will speak on "National Higher Education Trends and Issues: Their Meaning at Truman." Drake is a professor of history and former president of Grinnell College in Grinnell, Iowa. His topic will be "Imagine ? The Liberal Arts." Beginning at 10 a.m., three concurrent sessions will be held for faculty, staff and students. Multidisciplinary discussion sessions will focus on national trends and liberal arts at Truman while a focus workshop for students will be held on key student issues. Support staff may attend a workshop on customer service and continuous improvement presented by Marcia B. Doty, principal consultant for Organization Development and Training, who will speak on "Customer Service Excellence." The luncheon will be held at 11:45 a.m. in the Georgian Room and will feature Dr. Kala M. Stroup, Commissioner of Higher Education. She will speak on "Higher Education Issues in Missouri: Truman’s Role and Responsibilities." Following the luncheon, from 1:15-2:30 p.m., conference participants will begin to identify action strategies by reviewing reports from the morning sessions. The guest speakers will provide a panel response; open discussion of the reports and related issues will also take place. Concurrent sessions from 2:30-4:30 p.m. will focus on the future of the majors and Discipline Action Plan updates, future direction for the divisions and support for effective student learning. Support staff may choose to attend the session on customer service excellence, which will be duplicated at the 2:30 p.m. time slot. New IRA Student Council Forms at Truman Truman State University’s Student Council for the International Reading Association received their charter this past December. According to the Association’s official website, the group was founded in 1959. It now has more than 90,000 members who are teachers, administrators, students, parents, and others in 99 countries. They work together to promote higher achievement levels in literacy, reading, and communication by continually advancing the quality of instruction world wide. Truman’s IRA Student Council will be involved in community outreach programs, award programs for young readers and writers, professional programs and conferences for teachers and literacy providers and parental involvement projects in the local area. The executive board of the Truman council includes president Rebecca Russell, senior English major from Columbia, Mo.; vice president Trisha Lewis, senior Spanish major from O'Fallon, Mo.; secretary Megan Quigley, senior English major from Columbus Junction, Iowa; treasurer Amy Bitter, senior English major from St. Louis, Mo. and advisor Linda Colton, assistant director for the Goals 2000 Math Project and an adjunct professor of education. For more information about the Truman IRA Student Council, contact Rebecca Russell, at 627.0268. Retirement Reception for Vonnie Nichols,
Retiring after 28 years of service to Truman State University. 2-4 p.m.
Please join in
Pre-Osteopathic Medical Scholars Program Offered to Truman SophomoresThis program is designed to provide admission opportunities to outstanding students who have as their goal to become doctors of osteopathic medicine. Up to five advancing Truman sophomores will be selected for this program. Truman students currently in the program include Casey Wright, senior biology major from Hannibal, Mo.; Kristi Morton, senior health and exercise science major from Mexico, Mo.; Logan Banks, junior biology major from Irondale, Mo.; April Fulks, junior biology major from Liberty, Mo.; Jessica Johnson, junior biology major from Maryland Heights, Mo.; Erin Schuster, junior biology major from Manchester, Mo. and Emily Tucker, junior biology from Liberty, Mo. Students selected for the Pre-Osteopathic Scholars Program are offered acceptance to KCOM conditional on their achieving certain academic standards as undergraduates. Acceptance into the program is based upon high academic achievement, commitment to a career in osteopathic medicine, possession of personal characteristics expected for quality physicians and participation in community service. Up to five students will be selected for interviews this spring. Students interested in applying for the program this semester should obtain an application from Diane Janick-Buckner, Magruder Hall 118B. The deadline is April 1. Student Activities Board Open HouseJan. 23 SAB Office SUB, lower level Come see how your activities fee is spent! Tour the SAB office,
Free hot chocolate and cookies will be provided! For more information,
The University Career CenterSpring 2001
1-5 p.m., Feb. 21,
All majors welcome! Resumes due for
For more information contact the Career Center, 785.4353 NotablesJim Barnes, writer-in-residence and professor of comparative literature, will have his volume of poetry entitled On a Wing of the Sun published by the University of Illinois Press in the fall of 2002. The volume incorporates three previous books of his poetry: The American Book of the Dead, LaPlata Cantata and A Season of Loss.Barnes has won a Camargo Foundation Fellowship and will be residing at the Camargo estate in Cassis, France, this semester.The Washington Center internship program will be starting at the end of the month. Emily Hagemann, junior communication major from Dyersville, Iowa, will be working for the Reporter’s Committee for Freedom of the Press. Matt Gorton, senior biology major from Lenexa, Kan., has been hired by the Department of the Interior, Office of Surface Mining. Ross Martin, senior business major from Milan, Ill., will be involved at the Canadian Embassy. Stacy Wright, junior communication major from Harvey, Ill., will contribute to Berenson Productions. Julia DeLancey, assistant professor of art, has received a research grant jointly awarded by the Renaissance Society of America and the Italian National Institute of Renaissance Studies, for a project titled “Selling Color: Florentine Renaissance Apothecaries and Guild Reform.” Pete Schroeder, instructor of health and exercise sciences, had his article “An Assessment of Student Involvement Among Selected NCAA Division III Basketball Players” published in the November/December 2000 issue of the Journal of College Student Development. John A. Applegate, director of communication disorders, received the Certificate of Fluency Specialty Recognition presented by the Speciality Commission on Fluency Disorders. This certificate is recognized by the Clinical Specialty Board of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Janet L. Gooch, assistant professor of communication disorders, had her article “Reliability of Listener Transcriptions of Compensatory Articulations” published in the January 2001 volume of the Cleft Palate Craniofacial Journal. Stephanie Grollman, academic advisor in the Residential College Program, recently had her book The Image of the ‘Other’ in the Diaries and Travel Reports of Luise Rinser published in German with Königshausen & Neumann Publishing Company. NotesPresident Jack Magruder will discuss diversity initiatives as outlined in his report entitled “Fostering Diversity within Community.” The program will be held at 6:30 p.m., Jan. 23, in the Centennial Hall main lounge. President Magruder’s presentation is co-sponsored by Students Together Educating Peers (S.T.E.P.), the office of Multicultural Affairs and the Centennial Hall residential living staff.Alpha Phi Omega spring 2001 rush will begin Jan. 24. Any students interested in joining this coed service fraternity should attend the open meetings at 7:30 p.m., Jan. 24 and 7 p.m., Jan. 25, in the SUB Alumni Room. Tom Woody, an evangelist from Alton, Ill., will be the guest speaker for Ekklesia’s TGIF devotional luncheon at 11:30 a.m., Jan. 26, in the Spanish Room. Woody is planning a mission trip to the Philippines in February. and is the editor of Gospel Message. His topic will be "What Makes Christ Different from Other Religious Leaders?" The University Wellness Program, in cooperation with the staff of the Student Health Center, will be offering blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, prostate, and thyroid screening for faculty, staff and spouses on specified dates during January and February. All screenings will be held from 7:30 -9:30 a.m. The first date is Jan. 31, in the Kirk Building. Faculty and staff should have received a flyer listing all the specific dates. For more information, contact the University Career Center, 785.4353. Registration for The Art of Living Club’s “Art of Living Yoga” weekend course will be held at 7:30 p.m., Jan. 31, in Baldwin Hall 314. The goal of the course is to relieve stress and increase clarity of mind. For more information, contact Michael Heinz at 665.6121. Windfall, the campus literary magazine, welcomes submissions from students. The deadline is 5 p.m., Feb. 2. Prose, poetry, reproducible art, and sheet music will be accepted. Submissions should be placed in the Windfall mailbox in the CAOC office. For more information, contact Alice at 785.4712 or tsuwf@yahoo.com. Ekklesia is hosting a skating party at 2 p.m., Feb. 4, at Leisure World. The Chariton Brass Concert, sponsored by the Kirksville Arts Association, presents Gregory Jones, associate professor of music, Jay Bulen, associate professor of music and Dan Peterson, director of bands, and other area musicians at 7:30 p.m., Feb. 5, at the Kirksville Junior High School Auditorium, located at 1515 S. Cottage Grove. Upward Bound employment opportunities are available for the 2001
summer session, June 10 through July 20. This program is looking for
instructors in French, composition, literature, reading, mathematics and
yearbook/journalism; residential mentors/
Beta Alpha Psi and the Accounting Club will be offering volunteer
income tax assistance free of charge from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m., Feb.
24, March 17, March 31 and April 7, in Violette Hall 1010. For more information,
contact Carrie Phillips at 627.1170.
RCP German lunch table will meet in the Centennial Hall cafeteria from 12-1 p.m., Fridays in the private dining room. All German speakers are welcome. Bacchus and Gamma are meeting at 9 p.m. each Tuesday in the Violette Hall education hallway, by the TTC. Bacchus and Gamma is a peer education network focused on alcohol abuse prevention and other related student health and safety issues. For more information, contact Emily Linke at 665.1794. Magruder Hall Observatory public viewing dates are as follows: 8-9 p.m. Feb. 5, Feb. 19, March 12, March 26, April 9 and April 23. Access to the observatory roof is located outside Magruder Hall 274. Students interested in interning with the Washington Center internship
program during the spring 2002 semester should contact Julia DeLancey,
Ophelia Parrish 2233, at 785.4430. Applications will be due no later than
March 30.
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Direct questions and comments to lgordon@truman.edu.