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30, 2001 - Vol. 5 No. 21
Distinguished Visiting Scholar Returns Internationally-known Paleoanthropologist Zoologist is Next Visiting Scholar Oliver North to Visit Truman Campus Women's Swim Team , 2001 NCAA Division II National Champions Kohlenberg Lyceum Series presents Helen Thomas |
Jackson Nominated for HUD’s Deputy Secretary![]() Jackson, a native of Dallas, Texas, held the position of president and CEO of the Dallas Housing Authority for eight years and is currently the Texas state president of American Electric Power, a multi-national energy company based in Austin. Jackson has previously served as head of the public housing authority for both Washington D.C. and St. Louis, and also was the director of public safety for the city of St. Louis. According to the HUD mission, as deputy secretary, Jackson will be “working to create, rehabilitate and maintain the nation's affordable housing.” Previously, Jackson was appointed to the board of Texas Southern University and chairman of the State’s General Services Commission. He has served on the Truman State University Board of Governors since 1994, and also serves on several other boards including the American Red Cross of Metropolitan Dallas and Institute of American Values - New York. Jackson received both his bachelor’s degree in political science and master’s degree in educational administration at Truman. He went on to earn his law degree from Washington University in St. Louis. Students to Display Research at Annual ConferenceTruman State University will hold the fourteenth annual Undergraduate Research Conference, March 29, in the Student Union Building.More than 200 student presentations will be delivered representing each of the divisions. Topics of undergraduate research range from studies on the American Red Cross to studies on Micro-soft. The purpose of the Undergraduate Research Conference is to provide students involved in undergraduate research a chance to display the results of their faculty and student collaborations. In addition, many Truman undergraduates have had their research findings published in various national journals as well as presented at professional conferences. Starting in 1988, the first Undergraduate Research Conference included 30 student presentations. Since that time it has grown to over more than student presentations each year. In 1998 the conference set a record high of 228 presentations. James Padfield, assistant professor of health and exercise science, serves as chair person of the undergraduate research committee. “Once again congratulations is extended to the outstanding students and faculty mentors for their involvement in, and support, of the annual Undergraduate Research Conference,” Padfield said. A complete schedule of all sessions and a brochure of the research abstracts will be available at the Conference and on the Truman website. The entire University community is invited to attend the event.
Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry “Chemistry Imagined”
“Old Wine, New Flasks: Reflections on Science and Jewish Traditions”
Poetry Reading
Faculty Development
Book Signing
For more information about the Visiting Scholars
Internationally-known Paleoanthropologist, Zoologist is Next Visiting ScholarDr. Meave Leakey, head of the Division of Paleontology at the National Museums of Kenya, will visit the Truman campus April 2-3 as part of the Distin-guished Visiting Scholar Series. She is the fourth and final Scholar for the current academic year.Leakey has made a name for herself over the last thirty-plus years as a paleoanthropologist and zoologist. Her research work has been primarily centered on the fossils recovered from the Turkana Basin Research Project that is located near Koobi Fora on the eastern shore of Kenya’s Lake Turkana. The sites are between eight and four million years old. She has focused her work on the evolution of the East African fossil mammals and mammalian faunas, as documented in the Basin. Leakey’s special interests include monkeys, apes, hominids (early humans) and carnivores. In 1994 her field expedition discovered a new species of hominid that began to walk upright at least four million years ago, half a million years earlier than previously thought. This discovery has distinguished Leakey as one of the most visible scientists in a highly competitive and male-dominated profession and she has authored more than 50 scientific articles and books about her work. Of local interest, Leakey has done collaborative research with Carol Ward, associate professor of anthropology, at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Leakey received her bachelor’s and doctorate degrees from the University of North Wales and initially pursued a joint honors position in zoology and marine zoology. While studying for her doctorate, she worked for Louis Leakey at the Tigoni Primate Research Centre just outside Nairobi. A year later she was offered an invitation to join Richard Leakey’s field expedition at the Turkana Basin. She was married to Richard Leakey in 1970 and they are the parents of two children. In 1989 he left his job as Director of Kenya’s National Museums to take over management of Kenya’s wildlife and she began her position as coordinator of the field research at Turkana. While on campus, Leakey is scheduled to lecture publicly, visit classrooms and provide a discussion at the Faculty Development Luncheon. A detailed agenda will be published next week. Oliver North to Visit Truman CampusOliver North, former deputy director of political and military affairs under the Reagan administration, will visit the Truman campus March 21. The lecture is being hosted by the College Republicans and several other area sponsors.North graduated from the U. S. Naval Academy in 1968. He served with the National Security Council and as an infantry platoon commander in Vietnam. He received the Silver Star, the Bronze Star with a "V" for valor, two Purple Hearts and three Navy commendation medals. North is chairman and co-founder of Guardian Technologies International, Inc., a manufacturer of body armor for law enforcement personnel. Recently on the bestseller’s list were two books written by North, Under Fire and One More Mission. The information above was provided by the Young America’s Foundation website at www.yaf.org. North will give a lecture at 7 p.m. in Baldwin Auditorium. Questions from the audience will follow at 8 p.m. and a public book signing will be held at 8:45 p.m. For more information contact Kyle Branson at 785-4957. Congratulations!2001 NCAA Division II National Champions Seth Huston,National Coach of the YearJess Martin,senior from Buckingham, Iowa,National Swimmer of the Year!The Kohlenberg Lyceum Series
Helen Thomas former White House correspondent for UPI 8 p.m., April 7
Tickets will be available beginning March 30. Farewell Reception for Cindi Farmer2-4 p.m., March 20Kirk Building Main HallwayCindi is leaving after more than 15 years of service to Truman State University.Please join us in bidding her adios as she headsto Arizona State University.The Big Event Is at TrumanThe Big Event, a campus wide day of service will provide Truman students the opportunity to say “thank you” to the residents of Kirksville.On March 31 all students are invited to participate in various service projects throughout the community. For more details visit the website at www.geocities.com/ thebigevent2001/us.html The Big Event originated in 1982 on the campus of Texas A & M. Students Recognized for High ScoresThe President’s Recognition Award was given to the following fall 2000 graduates who achieved the 97th percentile or above on the required nationally normed senior exams.Charles P. Audet Matthew T. Doyle Jeanne M. Pyle Art James M. Wagner Business Administration Chun T. Chui Douglas E. Depp Matthew A. Iske Megan D. Jackson Bryan C. Olson Nathan D. Stark Brian A. Struss Georgia K. Yarbrough Biology Ryan P. Cody Tyson T. Meyer James J. Neill Computer Science Chad R. Meiners Music Neal P. Brown Political Science Erin M. Williams Political Science & History John M. Haggans Psychology David F. Widitz Sociology & Anthropology Anne E. Lacey Advantage Missouri Loan Program, March 23 deadline
Press Club Internship Scholarship Program, April 9 deadline
NotablesJim Barnes, writer-in-residence and professor of comparative literature in France, will present a lecture on Native American literature and read from his forthcoming book, On a Wing of the Sun, at the University of Grenoble, April 20-21.Health science majors Melissa Seifert, senior from Excelsior Springs, Mo., Amanda Jones, senior from Monmouth, Ill., Casie Curfman, junior from Alexandria, Mo. and Alan Toigo, freshman from Gladstone, Mo., received grant funding for their project, “Ergonomics Instructor Training” from the national office of Eta Sigma Gamma national professional health science honorary. Brian Jennings, a graduate student from St. Louis, Mo., is the 2001 recipient of the Robert J. Greef award which is presented to outstanding English education students from Missouri colleges and universities. Awards are given at the Missouri Association of Teachers of English Conference. Jennings completed a masters degree in English and served as an English GTRA. He is currently finishing his masters of arts in education degree teaching in a full-year internship in English at Affton High School. Bryce Jones, professor of business administration, received the 2001 Midwest Law Review award for Best Article in Vol. 17 at the Midwest Academy of Legal Studies’ business meeting in Chicago. The article was entitled “Maximum Vertical Price Fixing: Making the Rule ‘Right.’” Steven H. Klein, associate professor of accounting, had his article “Materials or Merchandise: Evolving Definitions of Inventory” published in the Feb. 26, 2001, issue of Tax Notes. The magazine has an annual subscription rate of $1,999.95 and is published by Tax Analysts, a Washington-based organization dedicated to providing timely and comprehensive information to tax professionals. David McCurdy, professor of chemistry, presented a paper titled “Atomic Spectroscopy with a Digital Micromirror Array Echelle Spectrometer” at the 2001 Pittsburgh Conference of Analytical Chemistry in New Orleans. Co-authors of the paper included chemistry majors Sam Valenti, senior from Hoffman Estates, Ill.; John Hagen, senior from Kirksville, Mo.; Doug Knigge, junior from Polk City, Iowa and Joel Miller, junior from Columbia, Mo. Shane Mecham, senior political science major from Lincoln, Neb., has been selected as one of three students who will represent the United States in an exhibition debate against the Irish National Debate Team in Denver, Colo., March 23. The Irish debaters were selected in a year-long process. Members of Truman’s track & field team recently placed at the national conference in Boston, Mass. Brian Dzingai, freshman pre-accounting major from Harare, Zimbabwe, placed seventh in the 55-meter dash; Kristi Morton, senior health science major from Mexico, Mo., placed seventh in the pole vault and Megan Williams, junior biology major from Columbia, Mo., placed eighth in the 55-meter hurdles. Emmanuel Nnadozie, professor of economics and director of the McNair Program, John Ishiyama, associate professor of political science and research coordinator of the McNair Program and Jane Chon, former coordinator of the McNair Program had their article “Undergraduate Research Internships and Graduate School Success,” published in the Journal of College Student Development, March/April 2001. John J. Quinn, assistant professor of political science, received a contract for his book, The Road Oft Traveled: Developmental Policies and State Ownership of Industry in Africa, with Praeger. This press is now part of the Greenwood Publishing Group. Antonio Scuderi, assistant professor of Italian, presented “What American Performers Can Learn from the Framing Art of Dario Fo” at the Mid-America Theatre Conference in Chicago. NotesThe Division of Fine Arts and theatre department presents “The Last Night of Ballyhoo,” by Alfred Uhry, at 8 p.m., March 20-24, in the Baldwin Hall Little Theatre. Reserve tickets may be purchased at the theatre box office for $1. General admission is free at the door. For more information call 785.5412.National Agriculture Week events will include Ag Wheel of Knowledge, 10:30 a.m. through 2:30 p.m., March 20-21, in the SUB; “In the Country, on the Farm,” 6:30 p.m., March 21 at the Adair County Library; “Aggies at the Spike,” 9 p.m., March 21, at the Golden Spike; farm tours, 9 a.m. until 2 p.m., March 22, at the University Farm; Ag Issues Conference, 5:30 p.m, March 22, in Barnett Hall; “Do the Dare” Ag god & goddess crowning, 5:30 p.m., March 24, at the University Farm; Circus Equus, 10 a.m. until 4 p.m., March 24-25, at the University Farm. Cost with Truman ID is $1, general admission is $2. Call 665.9835 for details. Faculty Development Lunch Series presents Aaron Fine, Gallery director, from 12:30-1:25 p.m., March 21, in the SUB Spanish Room. Nominations for the Leadership Recognition Program are due by 5 p.m, March 21 in the CAOC. Applications are now available for the 21st Century Leadership Academy. An information session will be held at 3:30 p.m., March 21, in the SUB Spanish Room. Reservations may be made at 785.4106. The Academy is designed to teach women leadership skills, allow them to meet key public policy people in government and learn more about public policy. Truman will sponsor four students at the training program, May 20-25, at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. For more information, contact Sherry Cass at 785.4106. The Women’s Study Committee is hosting a three-day conference called “Representing Women,” March 22-24, in Violette Hall, McClain Hall, Pickler Library and Baldwin Auditorium. The keynote address will be given at 4:30 p.m., March 23, in Violette Hall 1000. The annual High School District Music Festival will be held March 22-24, in Baldwin Auditorium and the SUB. Omicron Delta Kappa Hall of Fame nomination forms may be picked up in any division office, the Student Affairs Office or the ODK mail box. The nomination forms are due to the ODK mailbox by 5 p.m., March 23. Hall of Fame is a chance to recognize students for an outstanding contribution to Truman. Any student, faculty or staff member may nominate a student. For more information contact Adrianna Mayson at 785.5158. The women’s lacrosse team will hold their first game of the season at 1 p.m., March 25, behind the tennis courts. The Residential College Program and the University Career Center will sponsor the Liberal Arts and Sciences Career Panel at 4 p.m., March 26, in SUB Rooms 2-3. Recent Truman graduates will speak about how their degrees have helped them land jobs and excel in their positions. Magruder Hall Observatory public viewing dates are as follows: (weather permitting) 8-9 p.m., March 26, April 9 and April 23. Access to the observatory roof is located outside Magruder Hall 274. Missouri Assistant Attorney General, Paul Maguffee, will speak at 7 p.m., March 27, in Violette 1010. The topic will be “Understand-ing Missouri’s Open Meeting and Open Records Law.” This event is sponsored by the Society of Professional Journalists. For more information contact Karon Speckman at 785.7231. Beta Alpha Psi and the Accounting Club will be offering volunteer income tax assistance free of charge from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m., March 31 and April 7, in Violette Hall 1010. For more information contact Carrie Phillips at 627.1170. The Missouri-London Program will meet from 3-6 p.m., April 3, in Pershing 234. All students enrolled to study abroad in London during the summer semester should attend. For more information, contact the Center for International Education Abroad at 785.4076. Lambda Alliance are people concerned with gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered issues. The group is open to KCOM and Truman faculty and staff and Kirksville community members. Meetings are at 7 p.m., every fourth Thursday of the month, at Washington Street Java Co. For more information, call 785.6052 or 782.4491. The Writing Center is now taking applications for writing consultants.
Interested students should stop by the Writing Center between 8 a.m. and
5 p.m., any weekday.
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