April 3, 2001 - Vol. 5 No. 29

Debate Team Places Third in Nationals

International Week Features Robert Pringle

Kohlenberg Lyceum Series Features Helen Thomas

Academic Honor Awards


Upcoming Cultural Arts Events

Phi Kappa Phi Week

Service Recognition Banquet


On Campus

Contact Us

Debate Team Places Third at Nationals 

Truman’s forensics and debate team placed third in the National Parliamen-tary Debate Association’s National Championship Tournament  held at Metropolitan State College of Denver March 24-26. Students reaching the semi-final round of the tournament were partners Shane Mecham, senior political science major from Lincoln, Neb.; and Kris Stroup, junior political science major from Lansing, Kan. 
    Several of the team members placed individually or reached the final rounds. Combined, the seven debate teams took sixth in the sweepstakes competition. Ian Samuel, freshman computer science major from Pueblo, Colo., and Brian Amsden, junior communication major from Fenton, Mo., reached the tournament quarter finals. 
     Robert Layne II, senior communication major from Kansas City, Mo., and Tyler Unsell, sophomore communication major from Parkville, Mo.; Michael Denham, sophomore justice systems major from Kansas City, Mo., and Henri Harmon, junior pre-accounting major from Kansas City, Mo., all reached the triple-octafinal round. 
     Jacob Stutzman, senior communication major from Manchester, Mo., finished 14th out of 542 speakers. Mecham placed 13th. Ian Samuel was the only freshman to advance beyond the octafinal round, and was ranked second among novice speakers.


International Week Offers Variety of Events

The students and faculty of Truman State University will celebrate International Week April 2-7 with a theme called "Global Reflections." 
     Highlighting the week’s events is the keynote address by Dr. Robert Pringle from the Patterson School for Diplomacy and International Commerce at 6 p.m., April 6, in Violette Hall 1000. Pringle serves as a Central Intelligence Agency professor in residence after serving 15 years with the CIA. He joined the Patterson School at the University of Kentucky in Lexington in 1996. In 1999 he was awarded the Career Intelligence Medal. Prior to his career with the CIA, he worked for the U.S. Foreign Service and served in the U.S. Army. Pringle received his doctorate from the University of Virginia. His appearance is being sponsored by the FAC.
     Patterson School is one of only 17 graduate schools of foreign affairs in the nation and was cited by the Ford Foundation as “one of the most prestigious centers in the United States.” (Information and photo provided by the Patterson School website.)
     Additional International Week events will take place daily and include an African Village display and International Fashion Parade from 7-8:30 p.m., April 3, in the Ryle Hall Main Lounge. An Interna-tional Coffee House will feature student performances in an informal setting from 7-10 p.m., April 4, at Washington Street Java Co.
     The Residential College Program will sponsor International Movie Night from 6 p.m. until midnight, April 5, in Centennial Main Lounge. The Mexican Mariachi Band "Del Alma," will perform at 7:30 p.m., April 6, in the SUB Activities Room.
     Culminating activities include the Show Me Units exhibition from 1-3 p.m., April 7, in Centennial Main Lounge and a cricket workshop from 3-5 p.m., April 7, in the Student Rec Center.
     For more information about Interna-tional Week events call 785.4215.



The Kohlenberg Lyceum Series 


former UPI White House correspondent

Helen Thomas 
8 p.m., April 7
Baldwin Auditorium

Free tickets for students are available in the SAB office
and for faculty and staff  in the CAOC.

For more information
about the Kohlenberg Lyceum Series call 785.4016.


Students Receive Academic Honor Awards 

The Academic Honor Awards assembly will begin at 7 p.m., April 9, in the Georgian Room. These awards are presented for outstanding scholastic achievement among Truman State University undergraduates and graduate students. 
     The following students will receive awards:
Outstanding Undergraduate Student in Accounting........................................................Michelle Marie Wray
Outstanding Graduate Student in Accounting.....................................................................Christa Lea Rutledge
Outstanding Student in Business Administration-Management.................................Wayne Anthony Prichard
Outstanding Student in Business Administration-Finance............................................Heather Grayce Mackie
Outstanding Student in Business Administration-Marketing............................................Emily Luella Etchason

Outstanding Graduate Student in Special Education..................................................................Joy Lynn Painter
Outstanding Graduate Student in Elementary Education...................................................Amy Elizabeth Martin

Outstanding Student in Theatre............................................................................................Katie Lynn McKay
Outstanding Student in Music...........................................................................................Jennifer June Swain
Outstanding Student in Art ...............................................................................................Nicole Anne Timmins

Outstanding Undergraduate Student in Communication Disorders............................................Lisa Ann Berna
Outstanding Graduate Student in Communication Disorders..........................................Christine Ann Johnson
Outstanding Student in Exercise Science...........................................................................Kurt Philip Bormann
Outstanding Student in Health Science.............................................................................Kristi Lynn Goldsmith
Outstanding Student in Health Science.........................................................................Melissa Michelle Seifert
Outstanding Student in Nursing...............................................................................................Laura Mae Potts

Outstanding Student in Spanish........................................................................................Emily Kyle Beyer
Outstanding Student in Spanish....................................................................................Jeffrey Stuart Damerall
Outstanding Student in German........................................................................................Lindsey Gail Hewitt
Outstanding Student in Russian ....................................................................................Heidi Martha Lorimor
Outstanding Student in French........................................................................................Rachel Cristine Beckett
Outstanding Student in Classics........................................................................................Jennifer Lynn Ice
Outstanding Student in Communication: Journalism.......................................................Melissa Dawn Shriver
Outstanding Student in Communication: Arts and Science...................................................Brian Scott Amsden
Outstanding Student in English (Bachelor of Arts)......................................................Sarah Elizabeth Dennis 
Outstanding Student in English (Bachelor of Science).......................................................Dan Edward Rueth

General George C. Marshall ROTC Award ...........................................................Christopher Alan Nagelvoort

Outstanding Senior Student in Mathematics......................................................................Renee Lee McCullar 
Outstanding Senior Student in Mathematics.......................................................................John Michael Haney 
Outstanding Senior Student in Computer Science............................................................Joshua Owen Highley 

Outstanding Student in Agricultural Science.....................................................................Beth Ann Luebbering
Outstanding Student in Agricultural Science...........................................................................Katie Jean Dallam
Outstanding Student in Chemistry.............................................................................Philip Heinrich Goering
Outstanding Student in Chemistry.............................................................................Jeremy Daniel Driskell
Outstanding Student in Chemistry ...................................................................................Laura Irene Meierhoff
Outstanding Student in Physics ........................................................................................Kevin Matthew Koch
Outstanding Student in Biology.................................................................................Walter Christopher Coats
Outstanding Student in Biology.......................................................................................Tara Coleen Thiemann
Outstanding Student in Biology ........................................................................................Julie Elizabeth Thien

Outstanding Student in Justice Systems.............................................................................Jennifer Lynn Cole
Outstanding Student in Philosophy and Religion.............................................................Samuel Joseph Merritt
Outstanding Student in Psychology..................................................................................Abby Lynn Heckman
Outstanding Student in Psychology...................................................................................Grant Wesley Farmer
Outstanding Student in Economics...................................................................................Donald Edward Wray
Outstanding Student in Economics....................................................................................Daniel Robert Cadoff
Outstanding Student in Political Science..........................................................................Ryan Patrick Kennedy
Outstanding Student in Sociology and Anthropology..................................................................Olivera Bratich
Outstanding Student in History-Scholarship.......................................................................Adam Scott Aderton
Outstanding Student in History-Scholarship..................................................................Erin Lynne McFarland
Outstanding Student in History-Service.........................................................................Walter Michael Fontane

Distinguished Master’s Thesis Award..........................................................................Shirley Diane McKamie



Truman State University

Dog Days

11 a.m. until 4 p.m., April 7

Rugby Field

carnival rides

organizational booths

oldtime photo booth

sky dive simulator

Rain site is Pershing Arena.



Mark your calendars for upcoming cultural arts events!

French Play
by Molière
8 p.m., April 5 & 6
SUB DownUnder

Mariachi Band
“Del Alma”
7:30 p.m., April 6
SUB Activities Room

Student Play
“Somewhere In Between”
8 p.m., April 17-21
Little Theatre

Lyceum Series
Truman Showcase
7:30 p.m., April 18
Baldwin Auditorium


Phi Kappa Phi Week To Be Held April 8-14 

Phi Kappa Phi members recently donated videos to the Adair County Public Library. Left to right are Sandra Fleak, Julia DeLancey, Debra Kerby, Glenda Davis, librarian; Tina Patel, Mary Lou Woehlk and Angie Ingraham.

Kicking off Phi Kappa Phi week, April 8-14, members will hold the 2001 Spring Gathering at 2 p.m., April 8, in the SUB Activities Room. Dr. Cornelis W. Koutstaal, head of the Division of Human Potential and Performance, will be the guest speaker. 
     Initiation of new faculty, staff and student members will be held during the meeting. Other activities scheduled include the presentation of the MaGee/Korslund Phi Kappa Phi Scholarship, recognition of the national Fellowship nominee, the May 2001 degree candidates and the Kirksville High School recipient of the Phi Kappa Phi Award.
     For the fourth consecutive year the Phi Kappa Phi organization has made a donation to the Adair County Public Library. This year’s donation is a set of videos on the history of jazz. The group is also finalizing the compilation of a World Percussion Video Library for Pickler Memorial Library in memory of Truman percussion professor Michael Hooley.
     Truman’s chapter of Phi Kappa Phi, chartered in 1991, is part of the oldest and largest honor society in the nation. This group recognizes and encourages outstanding scholarship in all disciplines.
      For more information about the week’s events and reception or the Truman chapter, contact Mary Lou Woehlk at 785.4691 or Debra Kerby at 785.4363.


You are cordially invited to attend 

the annual

Faculty and Staff

 Service Recognition Banquet

6:30 p.m.
April 10 
Georgian Room

Tickets are $8.50 per person and RSVPs must be received no later than April 4.

A complete listing of honorees appeared in the March 27 issue of Truman Today.

For more Information or to make a reservation call 785.4031.


The American Royal Scholarship Program for Agricultural Students

Student Ambassadors will compete for scholarships ranging from $500 to $5,000.
 The program will be held in Kansas City, Mo., in Oct. 2001. 
The application deadline is Sept. 15.


Percy S. Lorie Scholarship

Students who have completed 90 hours of college level courses and are majoring in an
insurance-related field are eligible.

For more information 
contact the 
Financial Aid Office at 785.4130.



Jim Barnes, writer-in-residence and professor of comparative literature, has had five translations of Dagmar Nick’s German poems accepted for publication in Great River Review, Minnesota’s oldest literary magazine. Barnes’ spatially constructed poem entitled “Remembering Cap Canaille” appears in the April issue of Poetry (Chicago).

Patricia S. Burton, associate professor of philosophy, presented her paper “Despising the Body: Augustine on Stoic Corporeality and Christian Incarnation,” at the Mid-America Medieval Association Conference in Kansas City, Mo. Also at the conference were Kurt Haas, alumnus, who presented “Competing Discourses: Military versus Rhetorical Construction of the Social in The Knight’s Tale;” and Rebecca Kniest O’Malley, alumna, who presented “‘My choys al fre’: Alternate Visions in House of Fame and Parliament of Fowls.”

Dereck Daschke, assistant professor of philosophy and religion, delivered a paper at the Midwest Regional American Academy of Religions Conference in Chicago. His talk, “Black Comedy at the End of Times, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Apocalypse,” examined the structural relationships between apocalyptic works and black comedy.

Shirley McKamie, graduate music student, was awarded the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools Distinguished Master’s Thesis Award for her thesis entitled “Three Cubist Portraits: An Examination of the Related Aspects of Time Manipulation and Amorality Within Gertrude Stein’s Word Portrait, Picasso (1909), Pablo Picasso’s Portrait of Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler (1910), and Igor Stravinsky’s Portrait of a Peasant Bridge in the First Tableau of Les Noces (1917).” McKamie has been invited to attend the annual meeting April 17-20 in St. Louis and will be presented with a $500 honorarium. Her faculty mentor, David Nichols, professor of music, will be invited to attend the ceremony.



The Faculty Development Lunch Series, at 12:30 p.m., April 4, in the Spanish Room, will present Tom Zoumaras, associate professor of history, discussing “Things Change: The Unstoppable Organism We Call Research” and Patricia Burton, associate professor of philosophy, discussing “Stoic Perturbations: Animadversions and Conversions in Augustine.”

A physics colloquium will be held at 4:35 p.m., April 4, in Barnett Hall 252. Michael Schulz, from the department of physics at the University of Missouri-Rolla, will be lecturing on “The Many-Body Problems in Physics.”

Student Senate petitions are available in the Student Senate office. Deadline for completed petitions is 5 p.m., April 5, in the Senate office. For more information call 785.4193.

Social Science Lecture Series will sponsor “Catastrophic Infectious Diseases and International Relations,” a lecture by Terrence M. O’Sullivan, of the University of Southern California. It will be held from 7-8:30 p.m., April 5, in the Governors Room. 

Faculty Development and the Teaching, Learning, Technology Roundtable will hold an intermediate HTML class from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., April 6, in Pickler 103. Interested faculty should contact Sherry Dare at 785.4026 or sdare@truman.edu. 

The Public Relations office is now accepting resumés for the fall 2001 internship position. Interested students should stop by the Public Relations office, McClain Hall 102, call 785.4016 or e-mail Linda Gordon at lgordon@truman.edu, no later than April 6. Internship applications for academic credit should be turned into the Language and Literature Division no later than April 17.

Student organizations who have not returned their community service questionnaires to the Public Relations office should do so no later than April 6. For more information call 785.4016.

Beta Alpha Psi and the Accounting Club will be offering volunteer income tax assistance free of charge from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m., April 7, in Violette Hall 1010. For more information contact Carrie Phillips at 627.1170. 

A Truman Board of Governors meeting will be held at 9 a.m., April 7, in the SUB Conference Room. 

Student Council for Exceptional Children will host the Northeast Area Special Olympics-Missouri games, beginning at 12:30 p.m., April 7, at Stokes Stadium. The events are open to the public. For more information call 785.5082.

The social science faculty research seminar will meet at 3:30 p.m., April 9, in SUB Room 4. There will be a discussion of Jerry Hirsch’s paper “Disability in the Family?: New Questions About the Southern Mill Village.” For more information contact Marc Becker at 785.6036 or marc@truman.edu.

Magruder Hall Observatory public viewing dates are as follows: (weather permitting) 8-9 p.m., April 9 and April 23. Access to the observatory roof is located outside Magruder Hall 274.

The Career Center is accepting applications for the Career Expo student committee. Four representatives from each undergraduate division are needed. The application deadline is April 20. For more information contact Lesa Kerlin at 785.4353.

Ryle Hall Senate will host Clips for Chemo, from 12-7 p.m., April 22, in the Ryle Main Lounge. Clips for Chemo is raising money for Locks of Love, an organization that makes wigs for children in chemotherapy. Professional hairdressers will donate their time to give haircuts for $5. Haircuts that are ten inches or longer may be donated to Locks of Love to be made into wigs. Those who donate their hair will get their haircuts for free. For more details call 785.5828.

The University Career Center will host a student focus group at 3 p.m., April 27. Refreshments will be provided. RSVP to 785.4353 or careers@truman.edu.


On Campus

3 Tuesday
7-8:30 p.m.-International Week Event, Ryle; see p. 1
7:30 p.m.-Beuge lecture, Blanton

4 Wednesday
12:30 p.m.-Faculty Development Lunch Series, Spanish Room; see Notes
2 p.m.-Softball vs. Mo. Western State College
4:35 p.m.-Physics colloquium, BT 252; see Notes
6:30 p.m.-Beuge display, Activities Room
7 p.m.-International Coffee House, Java Co.; see p. 1
7:30 p.m.-MAE Foreign Language meeting, SUB Rm. 4

5 Thursday
6 p.m.-12 a.m.-International Movie Night, Centennial
8 p.m.-French play, L’Avare
DownUnder; see Notes
8 p.m.-Presidents String Quartet, Baldwin Auditorium

6 Friday
Bulldog Classic (w. golf)
1 p.m.-Softball vs Emporia State University (Kansas)
6 p.m.-International Week keynote speaker, VH 1000; see p. 1
7:30 p.m.-Mariachi Band “Del Alma”, Activities Room
8 p.m.-French play, L’Avare,

7 Saturday
Bulldog Classic (w. golf)
9 a.m.-Board of Governors meeting, SUB; see Notes
12:00 p.m.- Softball vs Washburn University (Kan.)
12:30 p.m.-Special Olympics, Stokes Stadium; see Notes
1 p.m.-Baseball vs. Pittsburg State University (Kansas)
1-3 p.m.-Show Me Units display, Centennial; see p. 1
3-5 p.m.-Cricket workshop, Rec Center; see p. 1
8 p.m.-Helen Thomas lecture, Baldwin Auditorium; see p. 1

8 Sunday
1 p.m.-Baseball vs Pittsburg State University (Kansas)
2 p.m.-Wind Symphony & Concert Band, Baldwin 
2 p.m.-Phi Kappa Phi Spring Gathering, Activities Room

9 Monday
7 p.m.-Academic Honor Awards assembly, Georgian Room; see p 2



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