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25, 2001 - Vol. 6 No. 6
Scholar to Visit Campus
Distinguished Visiting Scholar Schedule Internship Program Offers Unique Experience to Truman Students
Eleventh Annual Early-Vreeland Lecture Scheduled United Way Kicks Off Campus Drive Kohlenberg Lyceum Series Presents Chamber Orchestra Kremlin |
Distinguished Scholar to Visit Campus![]() Science historian James Burke will be visiting Truman State University as the first guest of the 2001-2002 Distinguished Visiting Scholar Program. He will be on the Truman campus Oct. 2 and Oct. 3. For more than 30 years he has produced, written and presented several television series on the BBC, PBS and The Learning Channel. His book, “1+1=3 The Accidental Modern World,” is due out in late 2002 along with his work on a large interactive knowledge-web. Burke has influenced the public’s understanding of science and technology and has been called “one of the most intriguing minds in the Western world” by The Washington Post. He has been honored and recognized for his achievements with numerous awards, including the Royal Television Society Gold and Silver medals, the 1998 U.S. Cable Documentary Host of the Year award and a 1999 Emmy nomination. He was educated at Oxford University and holds honorary doctorates for his work communicating science and technology to the public. Burke is a monthly columnist for Scientific American. He contributes to Forbes, ASAP and Time and often speaks on technology and social change to audiences such as NASA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, IBM, Microsoft and U.S. government agencies. ![]() JAMES BURKE
Oct. 2
Oct. 3
Internship Program Offers Unique Experience to Truman StudentsLegislative internships are available this spring semester in Jefferson City for those interested in state government. The Missouri Government Internship Program offers a unique opportunity for students to intern with a public official, legislator or stage agency during the spring 2002 semester.The internship, which is open to all majors, provides an inside look at state government. There will be an informational meeting for all students interested in the Missouri Government Internship Program at 6 p.m., Sept. 27, in the Student Union Building, room 4. Former interns will be present to discuss their experiences. Those who choose to apply will be interviewed by a screening committee before being accepted into the program. Interns are assigned to public officials or offices based upon compatibility and interests. Care is taken to consider each student’s major, political orientation, career goals and other preferences. The goal is to enhance the probability that each placement becomes a successful learning experience. The interns live in Jefferson City during the spring semester and receive a stipend of $2,200. “This internship provides a great opportunity for our students to experience firsthand how state government operates and how laws are made,” Heidi Templeton, public relations director, said. Interested students should attend the information or contact Dr. Candy Young at 785.4650 or Heidi Templeton at 785.4016. Informational Meeting 6 p.m.
For more information, contact
Truman Hosts “Show Me” Forensics TournamentTruman will play host to students from more than 30 colleges and universities at the first “Show Me” Forensics Tournament Sept. 28-30.The three-day event is what is commonly called a “swing” or “double-up” tournament, in which two separate tournaments are hosted on the same campus during the same weekend. Competitors will be able to enter one or both of two individual speaking events tournaments or a separate tournament in Lincoln-Douglas or Parliamentary Debate. The first half of the weekend, “The Buck Stops Here Invitational,” will be hosted by members of Truman’s chapter of Pi Kappa Delta, the national speech honorary fraternity. The second half of the swing, “The Truman Parent-Alumni Invitational,” will be co-hosted by parents, program alumni and current students of the forensics program. The breadth of the tournament and its early spot in the season’s calendar, according to Kevin Minch, assistant professor of communication and director of forensics, is contributing to the unexpectedly large size of the tournament. “When we first began planning this event we figured we might get 20 schools,” Minch said. “Previous tournaments at Truman in the spring have brought anywhere from 12-15 schools. We have been astounded by the response.” As of Sept. 19, 34 different institutions had signaled their plan to attend and virtually every free hotel room in Kirksville has been booked for the event. Minch and Todd Holm, assistant director of forensics, estimate that between 300 and 500 students, coaches and adjudicators can be expected to descend on the Kirksville community during the event. States that will be represented at the tournament are Alabama, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Kentucky, Texas, Kansas, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri and Indiana. The entire tournament is open to the public. People wishing to watch debates or individual speaking contests can report to the tournament headquarters table from 11 a.m. until 9 p.m., Sept. 28, in the Student Union Building Georgian Room or from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m., Sept. 29-30, in the Violette Hall foyer. For more information, contact Minch at 785.5677. Eleventh Annual Early-Vreeland Lecture ScheduledDr. David Cressy will be delivering the 11th annual Early-Vreeland Lecture at 7 p.m., Oct. 3, in Magruder Hall 274. Cressy, professor of history at Ohio State University, will speak on “English Revolutions, 1640 and Beyond.”Cressy received both his doctorate of philosophy and doctorate of letters from the University of Cambridge. He has been named a Cambridge Overseas Fellow for Churchill College. Some of Cressy’s teaching areas are British and European history, social and cultural history, early modern England, and western civilization. One of his books, “Birth, Marriage and Death: Ritual, Religion and Life Cycle in Tudor and Stuart England,” was winner of the 1998 John Ben Snow Prize of the North American Conference on British Studies. The Early-Vreeland Lecture was established by Joseph Vreeland through the Truman State University Foundation in memory of his wife, who died at age 40. A 1973 Truman graduate, Barbara Early-Vreeland graduated magna cum laude with bachelor’s degrees in history and French. This lecture is intended for a broad audience and is open to the public. For more information, contact Torbjorn Wandel, assistant professor of history, at 785.4324 or twandel@truman.edu. United Way Kicks Off Campus Drive![]() Committee members from left to right are co-chairs Marianna Giovannini
and Donna Bailey,
The 2001 United Way campus fund drive at Truman
State University will kick off with a workshop Wednesday.
Chamber Orchestra KremlinSept. 29 Baldwin Hall Auditorium Tickets for students, faculty and staff are available
in the SAB office, Student Union Building lower level.
Rape Awareness WeekClothesline Project
Self-Defense Speaker
Rape Walk
“Stop Rape”
For more information, call 785.7224
Hispanic Heritage Month Festivities
Movie Night
For more information on either of these events, contact the Multicultural
Affairs Center at 785.4142
The Career Center offers a half-hour workshop to help students learn about the most valuable and useful print and on-line resources to research, apply to and finance graduate school. Contact the Career Center at 785.4353 or at http://career.truman.edu
for more information.
Grand Opening 1-4 p.m. Oct. 1 Student Union Building Main Floor Information and refreshments will be provided for students
and members of the University community
Fellowships and Scholarships AvailableThe Financial Aid Office has announced several scholarships and fellowships.The National Physical Science Consortium offers a fellowship for students pursuing their doctorate in the physical sciences. Visit their website at www.npsc.org for more information. The National Scholars Honor Society offers more than $19,000 in scholarships. To find out more information, visit their website at www.collegehonors.org. The Kansas City chapter of CPCU is offering the Percy S. Lorie Scholarship. This scholarship is available to students who have completed at least 90 hours of college level classes and are majoring in an insurance related field. The deadline for application is Oct. 1. For more information about any of these scholarships and fellowships, please contact the Financial Aid Office in McClain 103. NotablesCarolyn Cox, associate professor of health and exercise sciences, was awarded the Missouri College/University Health Educator of the Year for 2001 by the Missouri Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Cox will officially be recognized at the MAHPERD awards banquet at 6 p.m., Nov. 17 at the Lodge of the Four Seasons, Lake Ozark, Mo. Dr. Chris Lantz, associate professor of health and exercise sciences, was selected as the Missouri Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Scholar for the year 2001. Lantz will be presented the award at the fall 2001 convention during the awards banquet at 6 p.m., Nov. 17, at the Lodge of the Four Seasons, Lake Ozark, Mo. Rebecca Harrison, professor of classics, received the AbleMedia’s Bronze Chalice award for her submission “Manipulating Nouns and Adjectives” published on Classics Technology Center on the Web. The article can be accessed at http://ablemedia.com/ctcweb. Casie Curfman, junior health science major from Kahoka, Mo., received a Professional Development Grant from the National Office of Eta Sigma Gamma National Professional Health Science Honorary. NotesPlease note the Truman Today submission deadline has been moved up to 5 p.m. on Wednesday.The University Women’s League invites all University women and faculty/staff wives to the University League Fall Luncheon at 11:30 a.m., Sept. 29, at the University Residence. The guest speaker will be Vonnie Nichols from the Kirksville Arts Association. The luncheon is free and babysitting is available. Reservations are required by Sept. 25. Contact Barbara Mandell at 665.6781. The Faculty Development Weekly Lunch Series will discuss “Assisting Our Students With Disabilities” from 12:30-1:20 p.m., Sept. 26, in the SUB Spanish Room. For more information, contact Shirley Morahan, director of Faculty Development, at 785.4477. “Building Bridges of Understanding, Learning More about Islam,” a panel presentation and discussion presented by the Residential Colleges Program, will be held at 7 p.m., Sept. 26, in Ryle Main Lounge. The Dobson Hall International Film Series will show “Grown Ups” at 7 p.m., Sept. 26, in Dobson Hall 247. For more information, contact Dennis Leavens, Dobson Hall College Rector, at 785.5145. “What to Listen for in the Chamber Orchestra Kremlin,” a Pre-Lyceum Program presented by the Residential Colleges Program will be held at 7:30 p.m., Sept. 27, in Centennial Main Lounge. Missouri Residential College presents Luis Buñel’s 1969 French film “La Voie lactée” (The Milky Way) at 8:30 p.m., Sept 27, in Missouri Hall 365. A women’s self-defense seminar will be held from 1 to 4 p.m., Sept. 30, in the Rec Center aerobic room. Rick Hansard, a fourth degree black belt in Chinese Kempo, will lead the course. The seminar is a hands-on experience, not just talking and demonstrating. Refreshments will be served after the class. The University Observatory will be open to the public from 8 to 10 p.m., Oct. 8. Weather permitting, visitors are welcome to come and look through the telescope. Access to the observatory is via the stairs to the roof from the lobby outside of Magruder Hall 274. Students who have completed or concurrent enrollment in French 221 may sign up for the Ninth Annual French Immersion Weekend and receive one credit hour. The event takes place Sept. 29-30 at Camp Jo-Ota in Clarence, Mo. The cost for food and lodging is $35. If interested, contact Timothy Farley at 785.4520 or tfarley@truman.edu. The German Immersion Weekend, Sept. 29-30, still has openings. Students with an intermediate or higher proficiency of German have the opportunity to gain one hour of credit. Contact Andrea Davis at andavis@truman.edu or 785.4085 for more information. Applications for students interested in joining Students Together Educating Peers (S.T.E.P.) can be picked up at University Counseling Services. S.T.E.P. members educate the Truman community on issues related to sexual assault, sexual harassment and diversity. Applications are due Oct. 18. For more information, call 785.4014. Men and individuals from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Phi Kappa Phi National Headquarters is offering grant opportunities for PKP students planning to study abroad or do internships during 2002. Twenty grants in each category, valued at $1,000 each, are awarded annually. The deadline for applications to be at the National Headquarters is Nov. 1. For more information, contact Mary Lou Woehlk at 785.4691 or mlw@truman.edu. The TLTR Committee is seeking faculty members interested in advancing
the cause of technology in teaching and learning at Truman to serve on
the committee. Contact Chad Mohler at 785.6034 for more information.
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