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26, 2002 - Vol. 6 No. 23
Lyceum Series to present Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman”
Panel, Fair Help Students Find Career Fortune Kohlenberg-Towne Lecture Series Preferred Family Healthcare Gold Level Sponsor of Kohlenberg Lyceum Series
Voter Registration Deadline March 6 Musical Production: Many Thousand Gone Forensics Program Captures Missouri State Championship for Second Consecutive Year Volunteers Still Need Help to Meet Goal Physics
Colloquium - “The Development of Science: Progressive or Revolutionary?”
Kohlenberg Lyceum Series to present Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman”![]() “Death of a Salesman” is Arthur Miller’s poignant, tragic story of Willy Loman, a traveling salesman facing the twilight of his career and life. Throughout the drama Loman is confronted with his failures, both professional and personal, as his family struggles with success, integrity and the ever elusive American dream. The play originally opened in 1949, marking Miller’s third Broadway appearance at only 33 years of age. “Death of a Salesman” won Miller the New York Drama Critics Circle Award, the Tony Award and the Pulitzer Prize. In the half century since its premiere, the play has been performed around the world and has been a central part of the canon of world drama. The Montana Repertory Theatre was established in 1977 as a professional touring company to provide professional quality theatre to its own and neighboring western states at an affordable cost. The company, which serves as the professional theatre-in-residence at the University of Montana in Missoula, assembles actors, directors and designers with prestigious credits including Broadway, Off-Broadway, national tours of Broadway shows and major regional theatre credits. Free tickets to “Death of a Salesman” are available for Truman students, faculty and staff with identification in the Student Activities Board Office and the Center for Student Involvement. Panel, Fair Help Students Find Career FortuneStudents can learn more about how a Truman liberal arts degree will prepare them for a rewarding career with “Finding Your Fortune: Majors, Minors and Life Beyond Truman,” co-sponsored by the Residential College Program and the University Career Center.The Liberal Arts and Sciences Alumni Panel will feature Truman alumni from 4-5:30 p.m., March 4, in the SUB Governors’ Room. Alumni panelists will review which liberal arts and sciences skills are most valued by their employers, describe how their Truman degree helped them to get their job, and share advice on how to focus coursework and co-curricular activities to maximize academic potential and marketability. A Majors and Minors Fair will be held from noon-4 p.m., March 5, in the SUB Activities Room. Students will have the opportunity to speak with faculty members from each division, Truman students from each major and Truman alumni. Information sessions are scheduled to allow students to learn more about internships, research opportunities, professional organizations and how to study abroad. Prizes will also be awarded. For more information, visit http://rcp.truman.edu/majorsfair. Kohlenberg-Towne Lecture Series“Back to the River:Urban Reconstruction andCivic Identity on the St. Louis Waterfront”professor of history at the University of Missouri-St. Louis 7 p.m.
The series honors the contributions of
For more information, contact David Robinson at drobinso@truman.edu. Preferred Family Healthcare Gold Level Sponsor ofKohlenberg Lyceum Series![]() Preferred Family Healthcare is a gold level corporate
sponsor of the Kohlenberg Lyceum Series and a special guest at the upcoming
“Death of a Salesman” performance. Pictured from left to right are President
Jack Magruder and Michael Schwend, president and chief executive officer
of Preferred Family Healthcare. Schwend also serves as the secretary to
the Truman Board of Governors.
“Safe Brake” to Bring Attention to Safe DrivingEta Sigma Gamma, a national professional health science honorary, will present the “Safe Brake” campaign to advocate safe driving to Truman students March 4-8.Signs will be placed on campus during the week in remembrance of Truman students who have lost their lives on the road. On March 7 the signs will be moved to the roads leaving Kirksville so students can see them as they leave for mid-term break. Everyone is invited to make a sign for a friend or organization member who has lost his or her life on any road. Signs should have the memorial name and a safe driving message. The name of the organization or sponsor is optional. The cost of a sign is $5.50 for the materials and they can be picked up at Pershing Building 327, constructed and ready to paint. A rollover vehicle will be in front of Violette Hall from 1-3 p.m. March 5, and Sgt. Bernhardt of the Missouri State Highway Patrol will be available for questions. Bernhardt will give a presentation “Stop the Knock” from 7-8 p.m., March 5, in Violette Hall 1000. The presentation is free and everyone is invited to attend. For more information, contact Nichole Grasch at ngrasch1@yahoo.com or Carolyn Cox in Pershing Building 327. Eta Sigma Gamma began “Safe Brake” in the spring of 2000 following the death of one member’s fiancé in 1998. Melissa Seifert, Truman alumna, lost her fiancé, Truman alumnus Lt. David Good, in a car crash on U.S. Highway 63 in 1998. Seifert worked with Eta Sigma Gamma to raise awareness before students “road-trip” to other destinations. “Safe Brake” was presented at the national Eta Sigma Gamma meeting. Voter Registration Deadline March 6The deadline is quickly approaching to register to vote in the April 2 election. There are three ways to get registered to vote in Adair County by the March 6 deadline.First, you can go to the Adair County Clerk’s Office located in the County Courthouse, downtown Kirksville, and fill out a card. You need to have a valid driver’s license or a photo ID. Second, you can register at one of the following campus locations: Student Union Building at the SERVE Center or the Student Senate Office, Cashiers Window, Student Health Center and the Residence Hall Front Desk. Third, you can mail your registration card to the County Clerk’s Office at the Courthouse. You must allow seven days for confirmation of registration. Cards may be picked up at the previous locations mentioned above. If you choose to register in Adair County, but are already registered in another county, the Adair County Clerk will cancel your previous registration. For anyone who is already registered in Adair County, but has moved since filling out a registration card, you need to call the County Clerk’s Office and inform them of the change. If you are uncertain about where you vote, you can call the County Clerk’s Office at 665.3350. Looking for a job?Don’t miss the Career Expo!7 p.m. Feb. 26 SUB Conference Room Career Expo
For more information, contact the Career Center at 785.4353
or visit http://career.truman.edu.
Musical ProductionMany Thousand Gonewritten and produced by Dwayne Hunt6:30 p.m., March 2
A history of the
Admission is free Sponsored by Multicultural Affairs For more information, call 785.4142.
Forensics Program Captures Missouri State Championship for Second Consecutive YearThe Truman State University forensics program captured the overall Missouri state forensics championship for the second consecutive year Feb. 16, at Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar. Truman also won the state debate sweepstakes championship and placed second in the state individual events sweepstakes, a system that awards points for performance in all events in a given tournament.In addition to the overall team championships, Truman students captured several individual championships as well. Truman's parliamentary debaters captured the state parliamentary debate championship by closing-out the final round. The teams of Chris Bell, sophomore communication and English major from Lee's Summit, Mo., and Tyler Unsell, junior communication major from Parkville, Mo., and Brian Amsden, senior communication major from Fenton, Mo., and Ryan Walsh, freshman philosophy and religion major from Cassville, Mo., came home sharing the championship. In individual events, Heather Carmack, junior communication major from Sedalia, Mo., and Nate Dendy freshman theatre major from Liberty, Mo., were the state champions in duo interpretation. Dendy also captured state championships in dramatic interpretation and program oral interpretation. Abigail Swetz, sophomore history and theatre double major from Endwell, N.Y., was state champion in poetry interpretation while Jaci Devine, freshman communication major from Inverness, Ill., was the state champion in informative speaking. Truman captured numerous other awards, including two quarterfinal placements in parliamentary debate, consisting of the teams of Kristopher Stroup, junior political science major from Lansing, Kan., and Matthew Harms, freshman economics major from Galesburg, Ill., as well as Carmack and Kristopher Kueker, sophomore pre-accounting and pre-business double major from Perryville, Mo. Carmack and Kueker did not advance beyond quarterfinals because they met the Truman team of Bell and Unsell in the quarterfinal bracket. Stroup was ranked second best speaker in the debate tournament. Unsell was ranked fourth. Swetz placed third and Carmack took fifth in individual sweepstakes, also known as pentathlon. Pentathlon is a measure of how competitive students are across at least five events in three different genres of competition: oral interpretation, public address, and limited preparation speaking. Truman competitors take a few weeks off as they gear up for the National Parliamentary Debate Association Nationals in Denver, March 20-26 and the National Forensic Association Nationals in Rome, Ga., April 16-23. Volunteers Still Need Help to Meet GoalFaculty/Staff Campaign Coordinators will be visiting colleagues this week to ask for support of the Truman State University Foundation to reach the 73 percent participation goal. The campaign is led by Doug Daubert, director of the Student Union, and Jeff Gall, assistant professor of history and social science education.“If you’re one of the people who has helped us reach 45 percent, thank you very much,” Daubert said. “If you haven’t made a gift, now is the time because participation is just as important, if not more important, than the amount you give. Many large corporations and foundations look at the number of faculty and staff who give to the University when deciding whether or not Truman will receive large grants.” “Private contributions are always important, but in a year when state budgets have been cut gifts to the foundation are even more important,” Gall added. “Gifts from faculty and staff help fund scholarships, student loans, study abroad, faculty development, athletics, research and cultural programs like the Kohlenberg Lyceum Series.” Those who give $100 or more will be recognized with a personalized brick in the plaza north of the new science building. These bricks are available at three levels: $100, $250 and $1,500. More than 1,400 alumni and parents have already purchased personalized bricks through the annual Tel Alumni phonathon campaign. For more information, contact one of the coordinators for your area or call Laura Cook at 785.4688. Physics Colloquium“The Development of Science: Progressive or Revolutionary?”4:35-5:25 p.m.
Notables Jim Barnes, writer-in-residence and professor of comparative literature, had two translations from the German poems of Dagmar Nick, “Late Summer” and “Times,” accepted for publication by Visions International, a Virginia-based magazine. Mary E. Hurley, instructor in communication and faculty adviser to KTRM, has been asked to contribute a chapter to Public Broadcasting in the Public Interest to be published by M.E. Sharpe later this year. Her chapter, “Should One Size Fit All? A Study of KUOP,” critically examines the use of audience research in public radio, and the trend toward “narrowcasting” to audience members most likely to financially support the service. Daniel Mandell, assistant professor of history, had his article
“The Saga of Sara Muckamugg: Indian and African American Intermarriage
in Colonial New England” selected for the third edition of Major Problems
in American Women’s History, edited by Mary Beth Norton, to be published
by Houghton Mifflin.
NotesThe Faculty Development Weekly Lunch Series will present “Creating Textbooks” from 12:15-1:15 p.m., Feb. 26, in the SUB Spanish Room. For more information, contact Faculty Development at 785.4391 or e-mail facdev@truman.edu. A reception will honor Kenneth Hahn, 2001 Educator of the Year , at 4:30 p.m., Feb. 26, in the SUB Governors’ Room. All are welcome to attend. For more information, e-mail the Educator of the Year Committee at eoy@truman.edu. Alpha Phi Sigma National Honorary Fraternity will offer a quiet study hall open to all students from 8-10 p.m., Feb. 26, in VH 1110. For more information, contact Rachel Johnson at 627.4202. The Student Recreation Center is offering a free workshop “Introduction to Strength Training” from 12:30-1:30 p.m., Feb. 27, in the Student Recreation Center. The class is designed for beginners and it will feature basic concepts of strength training as well as an orientation to the Student Recreation Center’s weight room. Space is limited. Call the Campus Recreation Office at 785.7739 to register. The Dobson Hall Film Series and the Fine Arts Division will show the film “Stroszek” at 7 p.m., Feb. 27, in OP 2210. For more information, contact Dennis Leavens at 785.5145. There will be a University Wind Symphony Concert at 8 p.m., Feb. 27, in Baldwin Auditorium. For more information, e-mail pete@truman.edu. The theater department will present the Spring Lab Show “Women Behind the Walls” at 8 p.m., Feb. 27-March 2, in the studio theatre. Admission is free, but seating is very limited. For more information, e-mail Lee Orchard at lorchard@truman.edu. The Environmental Campus Organization will present “Ecology of Everyday Life” at 8 p.m., Feb. 28, in VH 1000. Guest speaker Chaia Heller will discuss and challenge popular ecological and environmental philosophies. For more information, contact Theresa Conley at 627.3380. Proposals for the Summer 2002 Undergraduate Research Stipends/Faculty Addendum are now being accepted. Up to 40 stipends of $2,000 each will be awarded to Truman undergraduate students. Faculty mentors will be eligible to receive up to $1,000. Proposals must be submitted to the division head of the faculty mentor’s division by Feb. 28. Additional information is available in division offices. The Student Activities Board will host the annual Lakeside Revue skit competition at 7 p.m., March 1, in Baldwin Auditorium. For more information, contact the SAB office at 785.4722. Educator of the Year nominations are due in the Center for Student Involvement by March 1. For more information, e-mail the Educator of the Year Committee at eoy@truman.edu. The Staff Development Committee is sponsoring “Copy(it)Right” from 10-11:30 a.m., March 7, in the SUB Alumni Room. R.S.V.P. by March 1 to Human Resources at 785.4031. The Midwest Regional Center of the Institute of International Education is offering five $1,000 study abroad scholarships. For an application, visit http://www.iie.org/midwest/grant. The deadline is March 1. The Bike-a-Thon Benefit for St. Jude Children’s Hospital will be from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., March 2, outside the Kirksville School Board Building. For more information, contact John Settlage at 665.4627. Truman State University Symphony Orchestra will host the Truman Gold Medal Concert at 8 p.m., March 2, in Baldwin Auditorium. For more information, e-mail Sam McClure at smcclure@truman.edu. Admission is free. Beta Alpha Psi and Accounting Club will offer Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., March 2 and March 23, in VH 1010. This service is free of charge. For more information, contact Chad Epps at 785.5760. An organizational meeting for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, a new on-campus organization, will be at 7 p.m., March 3, in Pershing Small Gym. FCA is open to all Truman students wanting to grow in their Christian faith through athletic interest and participation. For more information, contact Jeff Gall at 785.7242. The Division of Fine Arts presents a public lecture by New York artist Jimbo Blachly at 7 p.m., March 4, in OP 2210. Blachly will have a slide presentation and a discussion of his artwork. The University Observatory will be open to the public from 8-10 p.m., March 4 and March 18. Weather permitting, visitors are able to look through the telescope. Access to the observatory is via the stairs to the roof from the lobby outside of MG 274. The University Wellness Program in cooperation with the staff of the Student Health Center will be offering blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, prostate and thyroid screening for faculty, staff and spouses from 7:30-9 a.m., March 5, in the Student Health Center. A 12-hour fast is required before the screening. This service is provided free to all who are covered by the University's insurance plan. Other faculty, staff and spouses are welcome to participate for a minimal cost. The Department of Public Safety will offer a shuttle to the train station for spring break. Departure for LaPlata will be at 9 a.m., March 9, and the return to Kirksville will be at 8:30 p.m., March 17. The cost is $5 for round trip. For more information, call 785.4177. The 7th Annual Psi Chi Research Conference will be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., March 23, in the Violette Hall upper commons. For more information, contact Kelley Marie Rudolph at 627.0964. Truman will host the Truman Open Track and Field Meet on March 30. Any faculty, staff, or students interested in helping with the meet can contact John Cochrane at cochrane@truman.edu or Michelle Baier at mlbaier@truman.edu or call 785.4341. The 2002-2003 Free Application for Federal Student Aid is available on the Internet at http://www.fafsa.ed.gov. Apply soon to be considered for all available federal and state funds. For more information, contact the Financial Aid Office at 785.4130. Organizations that have adopted a street or highway will be honored in a city effort to clean up the adopted areas from 4-6 p.m., March 21, on the Mall. For more information, contact the Center for Student Involvement at 785.4222. Applications are now available for the 21st Century Leadership Academy. The Academy is designed to teach women leadership skills, allow them to meet key public policy people in government and learn more about public policy. The training program will be May 19-24 at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. For more information, contact Patricia A. Miller at 785.4260. Faculty and Staff are encouraged to advise an on-campus organization. There are more than 200 chartered student organizations on campus. Contact the Center for Student Involvement at 785.4222 for more information.
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