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16, 2002 - Vol. 6 No. 29
Day Celebration Planned
Earth Day Celebration on Campus MAE Graduates to Return to Truman for Reconnecting Day April 19
Guest Professors from China to Speak at Informal Discussion |
Earth Day Celebration Planned
Howard Worcester, recycle/surplus property coordinator, handles a bale of cardboard at the Recycling Center. Truman recycles white and colored paper, file folders, envelopes, pamphlets and brochures, newspapers, magazines and slick paper, hardbound books, aluminum cans and cardboard. Ten students volunteer to assist the Recycling Center at the center or in the residence halls. Several events are planned to celebrate Earth Day.
Earth Day Celebration on Campus
Residence Hall Can Competition
Information Booths
Earth Day Picnic
Red Wing Concert
Cmdr. Scott Kuester
One World Movie Series
Eugenie Scott
“Evolution and Creation: The Continuing Controversy”
MAE Graduates to Return to Truman for Reconnecting Day April 19 Graduates of the MAE program from the last three
years will meet for reunion and renewal at Reconnecting Day on April 19
in the Student Union Building.
Graduation Deadlines ApproachingDeadlines for graduates to turn in graduation clearance packets and applications are fast approaching.Graduation clearance packets for May 2002 graduates were mailed March 25. If you have not received your packet, please contact the Registrar’s Office at 785.4143 immediately. Completion of this packet is a graduation requirement. All material in the packet must be completed and returned to the appropriate offices by April 26. Graduation applications for August 2002 and December 2002 Commencement are due in the Registrar's Office by April 26. Applications and degree worksheets are available in Division Offices, the Registrar's Office, or on the Truman Web page at http://registrar.truman.edu. Students planning to graduate in May 2003 are encouraged to submit their graduation applications before leaving for the summer. The application deadline for May 2003 Commencement is Sept. 13. Scholarships Opportunities AvailableScholarship deadlines are quickly approaching.Alpha Kappa Delta, Sigma Chapter of Burlington, Iowa, is offering two $550 scholarships to Des Moines County undergraduates who will be majoring in education. Scholarship candidates will be successful academically and demonstrate leadership qualities. Financial need will be considered, but it will not be the primary qualification. Applications are available in the Financial Aid Office, McClain Hall 103. The deadline is April 25. American Business Women’s Association, Marshall, Mo., chapter, is offering a scholarship to a resident of Saline County, Mo. Students must have at least sophomore status at the beginning of the 2002-2003 academic term with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Applications are available in the Financial Aid Office. Application deadline is April 30. American Business Women’s Association offers grants and loans to women who have at least at junior status at the beginning of the 2002-2003 academic term. Applicants must also have a minimum 2.5 GPA. Applications are available in the Financial Aid Office and are due April 30. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Missouri Chapter of the Land Improvement Contractors of America will offer a $1,000 scholarship to a man or woman studying agricultural engineering or construction management with an emphasis in soil and water conservation. Students must have at least junior status and a minimum 2.5 GPA. Applications are available in the Financial Aid Office and the deadline is July 1. Informal discussion 7 p.m.
For more information, contact Greg Jones at grjones@truman.edu. “From the Big Bang to the Future: A Modern View of Cosmology” Featuring Hume Feldman,
4:35 - 5:25 pm
For more information about the colloquia and upcoming events, visit http://physics.truman.edu/colloquia.html. 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., April 18, lower level of the SUB 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., April 19, lower level of the SUB For more information, contact Student Senate at 785.4193. The Lincoln Contest
Applicants can submit their work in the categories of artwork, an essay or an oratory. The deadline for submission is April 26. These contests are made possible by alumni Ethel Schwengel and the late Fred Schwengel. For more information, contact Barry Poyner at 785.4063. cordially invites you to attend the Leadership Recognition Program 7 p.m.
Guest speaker:
*** Sheridan will also be the guest speaker at: A Leadership Recognition Program workshop for faculty
and staff
and at Two Leadership Recognition Program student workshops
For more information, contact the Center for Student Involvement at 785.4222. Jim Barnes, professor of comparative literature and writer-in-residence, had a poem titled “The Fox at Agay” accepted for publication in Boulevard, a St. Louis magazine of literature and art. Becky Becker, assistant professor of theatre, Bertha Thomas, interim dean of Multicultural Affairs, and Rachel Carrico, graduate student from Waterloo, Ill., have been selected to present “Collected Lives: Memory in Motion: Building Diversity Through Performance” at the National Conference of Race and Ethnicity in New Orleans, May 29-June 2. A group of students will accompany them as part of the conference presentation. The student performers include: Akela Cooper, sophomore English major from Hayti, Mo.; Megan McCorkle, junior English and theatre double major from St. Louis; Sean O’Brien, senior English major from Springfield, Ill.; Danny Pettit, senior theatre major from Crestwood, Mo.; and Eugene Walton, freshman political science major from Florissant, Mo. An additional performer, Yorba Johnson, sophomore classics major from Kansas City, Mo., will not be able to attend the performance. “Collected Lives: Memory in Motion” was first presented at this year’s Martin Luther King Jr. luncheon. The conference presentation is intended to educate other interested students, faculty and universities about the potential of performance as a diversity-building tool. Adam Brooke Davis, associate professor of English, has received notice that his essay “On Literary Politics: Reflections of a Reluctant Theorist” has been formally accepted for publication in the Spring/Summer 2003 issue of BRIDGES: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Theology, Philosophy, History, and Science. The issue will focus on the theme “Science and Theology: Point, Counterpoint.” Julia DeLancey, associate professor of art, has received a grant for independent research on Venetian history and culture from The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation to conduct archival research in Venice during the 2002 summer. Janet Gooch, associate professor of communication disorders, and Melissa Passe, clinical supervision coordinator for the Speech and Hearing Clinic, co-chaired the Missouri Speech-Language-Hearing Association annual convention held in Columbia, Mo., April 5-7. There were more than 850 registrants at the convention. Patrick Lobert, associate professor of French, and the Compagnie de Missouriables, Truman’s French language theatre troupe, presented “La Grammaire (pour les Nuls)” or “Grammar for Dummies” at the recent FLAM/CSC convention of foreign language educators March 22. About 50 attended the play, which was also performed on campus, March 19-20. Participants in the project were: Renee Becker, senior English major from Laddonia, Mo.; Carmen Gruchalla, senior French major from Chesterfield, Mo.; Amanda Jacobsen, sophomore art and English double major from Wentzville, Mo.; Adam Kos, junior biology major from Chatham, Ill.; Christian Lenz, junior business major from Kansas City, Mo.; Audiane Plagiau, French exchange lecturer; Shannon Smith, senior French major from Lee’s Summit, Mo.; and Stephanie Smith, freshman French major from Naperville, Ill. Melissa Passe, clinical supervision coordinator for the Speech and Hearing Clinic, was elected vice president for professional and public relations of the Missouri Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Brenda Wheeler, assistant professor of nursing, presented “Genetics and Alzheimer’s Disease: Assessing Individual Risk” at the Loch Haven Nursing Home in Macon, Mo., March 6. The other speakers were Thomas Meuser, Ph.D., Joanne Norton, MSN, and Sumitra Chakraverty, MS, from the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. The six finalists for Educator of the Year are: Jon Beck, associate professor of computer science; Adam Brooke Davis, associate professor of English; Julia Delancey, associate professor of art; Jeffrey Gall, assistant professor of history and social science education; Diane Janick-Buckner, assistant professor of biology; and H. Marie Orton, assistant professor of Italian. Notes Communication summer internship applications are due April 15 in the Language and Literature Division Office. Directions and forms are available in the division office or online at http://www2.truman.edu/ll/. The Child Development Center is sponsoring a Scholastic Book Fair from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., April 15-17, at the Child Development Center and April 18-19, outside of the Education Division Office in Violette Hall. If you purchase one book you will receive one book for free. Proceeds will go to purchase books for the Child Development Center. The Foreign Language Activities Day for high schools will be from 9:45 a.m. until 2:15 p.m., April 16, in the SUB. For more information, contact Stephanie Grollman at 785.4496. The College Republicans will sponsor guest speaker Gary Aldrich, who will speak on the role of law enforcement in today’s society, from 6-8 p.m., April 16, in VH 1000. A book signing in the Violette Hall commons will follow the presentation. For more information, contact Matthew Ebbertt at 785.5282. SAB will present “Whose Line is it Anyway?” at 7 p.m., April 16, in the SUB Down Under. For more information, contact the SAB Office at 785.4722. There will be a theater production “Butterflies are Free” at 8 p.m., April 16-20, in the Studio Theatre. For more information, e-mail ronrybs@truman.edu. The Faculty Development Weekly Lunch Series presents “What Students Told Us: Student Survey on Teaching Evaluation” from 12:15-1:15 p.m., April 17, in the SUB Spanish Room. Guest speakers will be Brian Lamp and Randy Smith. For more information, contact Faculty Development at 785.4391. The Teaching, Learning and Technology Roundtable will present “Cool Electronic Things You Can Do with Photographs” from 2:30-3:45 p.m., April 17, in the SUB Alumni Room. For more information, contact Chad Mohler at 785.6034. SAB applications are currently available in the Center for Student Involvement and the SAB Office. Applications are due by 5 p.m., April 17, in the Center for Student Involvement. For more information, call the SAB office at 785.4722. The Dobson Hall Film Series will present the film “Late Spring” at 7 p.m., April 17, in OP 2210. For more information, contact Dennis Leavens at 785.5145. There will be a PHRE Club presentation by Michael Ashcraft at 7:30 p.m., April 18, in BH 346. Ashcraft will share his insights and reflections on his Fellowship of Reconciliation trip to Bosnia last summer. For more information, contact Ashcraft at washcraf@truman.edu. There will be a Brass Choir Concert at 8 p.m., April 18, in Baldwin Auditorium. For more information, contact Jay Bulen at jbulen@truman.edu. SAB will show the movie “Serendipity” at 6:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., April 19, in Baldwin Auditorium. For more information, contact the SAB Office at 785.4722. Truman will host a Junior Visit Day on April 20. For more information, contact the Admissions Office at 785.4114. Delta Sigma Pi will be sponsoring a 5K Run, Walk or Jog for Cystic Fibrosis at 8 a.m., April 20, in front of the SUB. The entry fee is $10 and every participant will receive a T-shirt. Contact Marcy Hevel at 627.1336 or at marcyhevel@hotmail.com to sign up in advance. The Student Recreation Center will be hosting a self-defense workshop from 1-3 p.m., April 20, in the Student Recreation Center aerobics room. Two first degree black belts will teach the free workshop. Registration is required. Participants may sign up at the Student Recreation Center or at 785.7739. There will be a Jazz Combo I performance at 7:30 p.m., April 20, at the Selby House. For more information, e-mail pwlosok@truman.edu. Omicron Delta Kappa and the Center for Student Involvement will host an etiquette dinner from 5-8 p.m., April 22, in the SUB Alumni Room. All students are invited to sign up in the Center for Student Involvement on a first-come, first-serve basis. For more information, contact the Center for Student Involvement at 785.4222. There will be a Jazz Ensemble Concert at 8 p.m., April 22, in Baldwin Auditorium. For more information, contact pwlosok@truman.edu. The Climbing Club will bring a climbing wall to campus from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., April 25, in the Centennial Hall parking lot. Climbing will be free to all Truman students, faculty and staff. For more information, contact Seth Graber at scg1098@hotmail.com. The Educator of the Year Awards Banquet will be at 7 p.m., April 25, in the SUB Georgian Room. Tickets are $10 for faculty, $5 for students and $3 for students with a meal transfer credit (must be purchased by April 19). They are available in the Center for Student Involvement. Truman Society of Dance Arts will present a Spring Recital featuring dance styles from ballet to African dance at 7:30 p.m., April 25, in Baldwin Auditorium. For more information, contact Jessica Moe at 665.0456. Truman faculty and staff are invited to stop by for complimentary food and drink from 4:30-6 p.m., April 26, at the University Club. The Writing Center is now accepting applications for the 2002-2003 year. For more information or to pick up an application, stop by MC 303. The application and interview process must be completed by April 26. Women’s Coop is sponsoring a Women’s Talent Implosion at 7 p.m., April 27, in the SUB Down Under. Men and women will present visual and performance art in tribute to women. For more information, contact Jessica Post at 627.7678. The University Club Spring Cookout will be May 17 with musical entertainment by Red Wing. The Echo Yearbook is offering Identity Squares for the 2002 yearbook. Squares can be purchased for $7.50 at the Echo office in the lower level of the SUB. Garden plots at Truman’s University Farm are available to anyone
in the Kirksville community. To reserve a plot, contact Mark Campbell
via phone at 785.4280 or via e-mail at campbell@truman.edu.
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