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27, 2002 - Vol. 7 No. 2
Announces New System, Campus Pipeline, for Student E-mail, Information
Activities Fair Offers Organization Information SERVE Center Coordinates Volunteers for Community, University Service Transit Service Available for Kirksville Citizens KBIA Signal Now Rebroadcast on 89.7 Off-Campus Addresses Need to be Updated Kohlenberg Lyceum Series Provides Cultural Experiences for Community Student Volunteers Needed for Recycling Center |
ITS Announces New System, Campus Pipeline, for Student E-mail, InformationCampus Pipeline is now available for Truman students, faculty and staff. The site provides students with Web-based e-mail and the University community can access campus announcements and news. As the SCT Banner implementation project continues, Campus Pipeline will provide students, faculty, advisers and staff access to many online functionalities. For example, students will be able to register for classes using Campus Pipeline in mid spring 2004 for the summer and fall 2004 semesters. Faculty will be able to view their class rosters as well as their teaching schedules online beginning in late fall 2003. Logon to Campus Pipeline and click on “School Services” to see the detailed list of functionalities.Students should access their e-mail through the Campus Pipeline portal. Prior access to student e-mail accounts were available through Eudora and Webmail, a Web-based e-mail. All incoming students have been taught the new method of e-mail. Campus Pipeline is accessible by directing your Internet browser to http://pipeline.truman.edu. Student usernames will remain the same, but their password will be reset to their social security number without spaces and dashes. However, students will be able to log in to their old e-mail account at http://webmail.truman.edu with their old password throughout the fall semester in order to read or copy their e-mail messages or retrieve contact information. In order to keep old messages from their old account after this semester they will need to copy them to Campus Pipeline. Instructions for this can be found at http://its.truman.edu/pipeline/. Students who currently have their Truman e-mail forwarded will have to re-forward their e-mail using Campus Pipeline. For additional help or problems accessing the new account, please contact the ITS Helpdesk at 785.4544 or e-mail them at helpdesk@truman.edu. Please send any comments, suggestions or concerns about Campus Pipeline to cpfeedback@truman.edu. Activities Fair Offers Organization InformationThe annual Student Activities Fair will kick off at noon, Aug. 28, on the Quadrangle. Students, new and returning, will be able to gather information and get a brief overview of what type of organizations exist at the University. Approximately 75 organizations and community vendors are expected to participate in the fair.The Center for Student Involvement sponsors the Student Activities Fair yearly to provide an opportunity to gather information to develop a clearer picture of what activities match their individual interests. The fair will last until 4 p.m., enabling students to come and go as they please between classes. The Center for Student Involvement said organizations were able to sign up to be a part of activities day last spring, but they will still take applications and place organizations on a first come, first serve basis. Sodexho food services and the Student Union Building will also hold events during the activities fair. Sodexho will be sponsoring the annual pingpong drop on the Quadrangle with free prizes and coupons to be won from the University, fast food restaurants and other vendors in the Kirksville community. The SUB will have an open house to get students acquainted with what services the Student Union Building offers for students. The open house will be from 11 a.m.-3 p.m., in the main concourse of the Student Union Building. All new and returning Truman students
noon - 4 p.m.
(rain site is the SUB) is a weekly online publication for students, faculty and staff where you can find out about events on campus. Future issues will be available through Campus Pipeline,
Students, faculty and staff can check out the Truman
Today online on Mondays at
SERVE Center Coordinates Volunteers for Community, University ServiceIf you are interested in volunteering on campus or in the Kirksville community, the SERVE Center is ready to help hook you up with a volunteer project.The SERVE Center, located on the main floor of the Student Union Building, assists and promotes student involvement in community service. The SERVE Center provides information about organizations that are looking for volunteers. It also assists volunteers in contacting someone involved in a particular project. Students can fill out an information sheet at the SERVE Center that allows the Center to notify a volunteer of an opportunity that appeals to their interests. Upcoming opportunities available through the SERVE Center are tutoring at area schools and the Special Olympics Bowl-4-Gold on Oct. 26. This is the second year the SERVE Center has coordinated this event. Teams of five are needed to raise $25 per participant which will go to the success of the Special Olympics. Another opportunity is to volunteer at the Family Advocacy Center. The Family Advocacy Center needs volunteers to assist with the after school program as well as one-time projects. Contact the SERVE Center at 785.7222 for more information about volunteer opportunities. Transit Service Available for Kirksville Citizens If you don’t have a car, Kirk-Tran may be your
answer. Kirk-Tran, the public transit service administered by the City
of Kirksville, is a cooperative effort between the city, the Kirksville
Regional Center and OATS Inc.
KBIA Signal Now Rebroadcast on 89.7 With the help of the Truman State University tower,
and the purchase of some new equipment, and the cooperation of CableOne
and KBIA, members of the Kirksville community are now receiving a stronger
National Public Radio signal under the call letters KKTR. KKTR rebroadcasts
KBIA on 89.7 FM at 1000 watts, instead of the 10-watt translator (58 watts
ERP) that had been used in the past. This endeavor also gives Adair County
permanent access to KBIA.
Truman Faculty Promoted The Truman Board of Governors at its June 15 meeting
approved faculty promotions to associate professor and professor. These
promotions are an important milestone in our colleagues’ careers and recognition
of their past and future contributions to Truman.
University Club Barbecue
6:30 p.m.
* refreshing beverages
Bring a dish to share for the potluck meal.
Families welcome.
Off-campus students need to update their address and phone number with the University. Updates can be made on-line at http://pipeline.truman.edu, or by contacting the Registrar's Office. Kohlenberg Lyceum Series Provides Cultural Experiences for Community![]() The Kohlenberg Lyceum Series season tries to provide a carefully balanced line-up of performers to appeal to its wide and diversified audience. In addition, the tickets for Truman students, faculty and staff are free. The new season opens with a performance by Gus Giordano Jazz Dance Chicago at 7:30 p.m., Sept. 24, in Baldwin Auditorium. Mark your calendars, tickets will be available one week prior to the performance in the Student Activities Board Office or in the Center for Student Involvement, both located in the Student Union Building lower level. Call 785.4016 for more information.
Don’t miss the great line-up for the 2002-2003 season! Gus Giordano Jazz Dance - Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2002 at 7:30 p.m. St. Louis Brass Quintet - Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2002 at 7:30 p.m. Ensemble Galilei - Monday, Dec. 9, 2002 at 7:30 p.m. Kansas City Symphony - Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2003 at 7:30 p.m. San Jose Taiko - Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2003 at 7:30 p.m. Peking Opera - Tuesday, March 25, 2003 at 7:30 p.m. All events are in Baldwin Auditorium. Performances are free for Truman students, faculty and staff. For more information, call 785.4016. Students can volunteer to assist the Recycling Center at the Center or in the residence halls. Contact Howard Worcester, recycle coordinator, at 785.7672
Mark Your Calendars for These Fall EventsAug. 30 - Last day to add/audit full semester classSept. 2 - Labor Day Holiday (no classes) Sept. 14 - Fall Premiere Saturday/Truman Visit Event Sept. 24 - Lyceum Event, Gus Giordano Jazz Dance Chicago Oct. 5 - Family Day Oct. 7-11 - Homecoming Week Oct. 12 - Homecoming Oct. 15 - Lyceum Event, St. Louis Brass Quintet Oct. 18 ? Mid-term Break Nov. 9 - President’s Distinguished Scholar Visit Event Nov. 27 - Dec. 1 - Thanksgiving Vacation Dec. 9 - Lyceum Event, Ensemble Galilei Dec.10 -Last Day of Classes Dec. 11 - Reading Day Dec. 12-17 - Final Examinations Dec. 21 - Winter Commencement Pickler Memorial Library Hours
7:30 a.m. - 12:30 a.m.
7:30 a.m. - 8 p.m.
noon - 8 p.m.
noon - 8 p.m.
6 p.m. - 12:30 a.m.
Regular hours - (starting Sept. 3) 7:30 a.m. - 12:30 a.m.
7:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
noon-10 p.m.
noon-12:30 a.m.
Notables Jim Barnes, writer-in-residence and professor of comparative literature, has a short story titled “The Old Man” appearing in the current issue of Sou'wester, a literary magazine published at the University of Illinois-Edwardsville. His poem “In Aix-en-Provence” appears in the current issue of River City, a University of Memphis literary journal. In addition, his poem titled "Ithaka 2001" is in the current (May-August) issue of The North American Review. His short story titled “What They Lost” was accepted for publication in The Iowa Review. Casie Curfman, senior health science major from Kahoka, Mo., received the Travel and Professional Development Grant from the national office of Eta Sigma Gamma National Professional Health Science Honorary. Curfman will also receive the American School Health Association Scholarship at the American School Health Association national conference in Charlotte, N.C., Oct. 3-6. Steven D. Reschly, associate professor of history, received the annual Outstanding Publication Award from the Communal Studies Association for his book, “The Amish on the Iowa Prairie, 1840-1910” published by the John Hopkins University Press in August 2000. The CSA award recognizes “an outstanding contribution to the understanding of communal studies.” The awards banquet will take place at the annual conference in Oneida, N.Y., Sept. 28. Antonio Scuderi, associate professor of Italian, published “Defining the Interpretive Frame” in Research Papers on Dario Fo and Franca Rame, Sydney: University of Technology. Thomas Trimborn, professor of music, has an article titled
“President & King: A Musical Connection” appearing in the current issue
of the Lincoln Herald published by Lincoln Memorial University.
Illustrated with his original artwork and photos of artifacts from his
Lincoln collection, it discusses the link between John Philip Sousa, the
march king, and President Lincoln.
Notes Two Town Meetings will be held to discuss the academic calendar options for the fiscal years 2003-05. The first meeting will be from 3:30-5:30 p.m., Aug. 27, in the SUB Governors’ Room. The second meeting will be from 4-6 p.m., Sept. 4, in the SUB Governors’ Room. The Division of Fine Arts will present “Kindly Leave the Stage,” a comedy by John Chapman, at 8 p.m., Aug. 29-31, in Baldwin Hall Little Theatre. Admission is free. The show has mature language and subject matter and is not recommended for children. Ekklesia, the student group affiliated with Kirksville’s Filmore Street Church of Christ, will sponsor several outreach events to kick off the new school year. There will be a Labor Day cookout and pontoon boat ride at Thousand Hills State Park at 6 p.m., Sept. 2. For more information about upcoming events, call 785.5016 or e-mail elgreggo11@hotmail.com. The Truman Central Iowa Alumni Chapter will host a tailgate picnic before Truman takes on Drake University in a football game at 11 a.m., Sept. 7, in Des Moines, Iowa. The game will start at 1 p.m., at Drake Stadium. Reservations for the tailgate picnic, football game or both events must be made by Aug. 30. Contact Cindy Spiker at vbspiker87@aol.com or Denise Watson at watsond@truman.edu or at 785.4174 for information about cost, location and to make reservations. Graduation applications for students planning to graduate in May 2003 are due in the Registrar's Office no later than Sept. 13. The 10th Annual French Immersion Weekend will be Sept. 28-29 at Camp Jo-Ota in Clarence, Mo. A few openings remain for students in French 221 or above. For more information, contact Timothy Farley at 785.4520 or e-mail tfarley@truman.edu. If you are interested in using your scholarship or workstudy hours to help promote school spirit by acting as the University’s Bulldog mascot, please pick up an application in the Center for Student Involvement in the lower level of the SUB. Applications are due by 5 p.m., Sept. 3. Tryouts will be from 3-5 p.m., Sept 5., in the SUB. Evening and weekend hours are required. For more information, call 785.4222. The faculty/staff parking decals issued last year are valid through Aug. 31, 2004. Any vehicle or license plate changes should be reported to Parking Services at 785.7400. Bulldog football season tickets are now on sale. Discounts are available for Truman faculty and staff. Please visit the Truman bulldogs Web site at http://gobulldogs.truman.edu and click on the ticket link or call 785.4167. The Athletic Office is looking for volunteers for public address announcing and line judging at Truman athletic events. For more information, contact Kevin White at 785.4167. Students interested in a part-time job this semester are encouraged to apply to work the Tel Alumni campaign. Applications are available in the Advancement Office, McClain Hall 100, and in the University Career Center. For more information, contact Charles Hunsaker at 785.4028.
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Direct questions and comments to ksvoboda@truman.edu.