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3, 2002 - Vol. 7 No. 3
and Doris Allen Fellowships for Faculty Excellence Nominations Sought
Charitable Gifts to Truman Reach Record High Truman
State University’s
Members of University Community Participate in Mathematics Professional Development Initiative Warren Named as New ITS Director Volunteer Group Leaders Needed for Fund Drive Truman State University Child Development Center 2002-2003 Seminar Series Scholarship Opportunities Available Dining Area Available for Faculty/Staff to Eat Lunch Grim Hall Wins Residential Colleges Challenge Cup Digital Exhibits from Pickler Memorial Library Available Online |
Walker and Doris Allen Fellowships for Faculty Excellence Nominations SoughtNominations are now being accepted for the 2002-2003 Walker and Doris Allen Fellowships for Faculty Excellence. The Allens established the Fellowships with one of the largest outright gifts ever made to the Truman State University Foundation. Walker W. Allen graduated from Truman (then Northeast Missouri State Teacher’s College) in 1939 with a B.S.E. degree in business education and has served as a Truman State University Foundation Board member since January 1998. Doris Allen attended the University from 1938-1939. The Allens currently reside in Columbia, Mo.The $10,000 Walker and Doris Allen Fellowships recognize outstanding faculty members who have greatly contributed to the success of the University and its students. Up to three faculty members are selected each year. The Fellowships are open to all tenured or tenure-track faculty who have completed four years of full-time service at Truman. Faculty may be nominated for the Fellowship by Truman faculty colleagues, academic division heads, academic divisions or disciplines. To nominate an eligible faculty member, send a letter of nomination to the office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs addressed to the Allen Fellowship selection committee. The letter of nomination should be no longer than one page and should address how you believe the faculty member fulfills the selection criteria. Please deliver a signed hardcopy of the letter to McClain 203, or send it through campus mail or fax it to 785.7460. For information on selection criteria and the selection process, please visit http://academics.truman.edu/fellowship or call 785.4107. Nominations are due to the Vice President of Academic Affairs’ Office by Oct. 1. Charitable Gifts to Truman Reach Record HighThe Truman State University Foundation received more than $2.5 million in charitable gifts in fiscal year 2002, the highest total in the University’s history. Ten new endowed scholarship funds were established during this period, including the Lydle and Bessie Staggs Scholarship fund in the amount of $1 million. In addition to charitable gifts, the University received $1.9 million in grants and contracts.“We are grateful for the investment our alumni and friends are making in the future of our students and University,” University President Jack Magruder stated. “This support plays an important role in fulfilling Truman’s commitment to providing a quality liberal arts education.” Each year the Foundation provides nearly $300,000 for student scholarships, more than 25 percent of the Kohlenberg Lyceum Series budget, and support for faculty development, Bulldog athletics, and classroom technology. Campus Pipeline requires Netscape
Navigator 4.5 (or greater but not 6.0) or
It is possible to download the supported versions of the
Web browsers at http://channels.netscape.com/ns/browsers/default.jsp
Sept. 11 Commemoration Sept. 9-13
Sept. 10
Candlelight Memorial
Sept. 11
Campuswide Commemorative Service
President Bush’s
Please check Campus Pipeline and the Truman Todayfor more information about times and events. Members of University Community Participate in Mathematics Professional Development InitiativeSeveral members of the University community participated in the delivery of an Eisenhower Mathematics Professional Development initiative for 50 teachers from 37 school districts in May and August. The project was funded by the Eisenhower Program, a federally funded initiative, through the Missouri Coordinating Board of Higher Education.Those who participated include Kay Clapp, Janice Grow, and Scott Olsen, professors of education; David Bethel, associate professor of education; Todd Hammond, associate professor of mathematics; Hyun Joo Kim, assistant professor of mathematics; Jenny Webb, Northeast Regional Professional Development Center assistant director; Sheila Thurman, grants administrator; Kim Murphy, division of education secretary; and MAE students Katie Drury, from Florissant, Mo.; Thomas Estlund, from Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Jamie Midden, from St. Louis; Cristina Johnson, from Cleveland, Mo.; and Stephanie Pfaff, from Chesterfield, Mo. The purpose of the initiative was to improve the mathematics achievement of K-12 children through the professional development of teachers. Teachers from the 37 districts spent two days in May and four days in August developing modules of instruction for mathematics focused on conceptualization of constructs. The modules were developed from a set of translated Korean mathematics materials for grades 1-6, translated and analyzed at Truman State University with National Science Foundation funding, as well as with Truman State University faculty research funds. Other resources used were sets of reform mathematics curricula also developed with NSF funding at the University of Chicago, the University of Illinois-Chicago, and TERC, a firm in Cambridge, Mass. Teachers will implement the modules of instruction, assess the achievement of students, and compare the results to assessment results on control groups to determine effectiveness of the professional development initiative. Results will be reported at follow-up meetings at Truman in October 2002 and in May 2003. Warren Named as New ITS Director Timothy Warren joins the Collegis staff at Truman
as the new executive director of information technology services. He began
his duties Aug. 12.
Volunteer Group Leaders Needed for Fund Drive The Truman State University campus fund drive for
the 2003 Adair County United Way campaign kicks off Sept. 19. Because of
the efforts of committed volunteer group leaders across campus each year,
the Truman community has stood out as a leader in supporting the United
2002-2003 Seminar Series This seminar series is a program for parents and
“Talking with Young Children about Tragic Events: Recommendations
for Parents and Care Providers”
“Giftedness and Young Children: Markers of Giftedness
in Young Children and the Services Available in Schools”
“Early Childhood and Art: Preferred Practices to Support
the Making and Appreciation of Art in Young Children”
“The Growing of Our Children: Issues of Weight and
Health Among
All sessions will be held at 4:30 p.m., in Violette Hall room 1300. Light refreshments will be served. Childcare can be arranged by contacting Mona Davis at 785.4383 at least two days before the event. This program is being brought to you by the Truman State University Child Development Center and the Division of Education. Scholarship Opportunities Available The Financial Aid Office has announced two scholarships
with October deadlines.
Dining Area Available for Faculty/Staff to Eat Lunch The Spanish Room is opening as a faculty/staff dining area from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. daily beginning Sept. 4. In response to requests heard at the January Conference and by the Strategic Planning Advisory Committee, the Student Union Building Spanish Room is now designated as a dining area for faculty and staff to enjoy the company of colleagues in a relaxed and open atmosphere. Faculty and staff are encouraged to bring food from Mainstreet Market into the dining area. This is indeed a wonderful opportunity to join colleagues for good conversation. You are invited to join President Jack Magruder and Vice President for Academic Affairs Garry Gordon for the grand opening from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Sept. 3. Desserts and beverages will be provided in honor of this occasion. Grim Hall Wins Residential Colleges Challenge Cup![]() Melissa Kohl, Grim Hall director, and Grim Hall residents gather
to celebrate winning the Residential Colleges Challenge Cup at the awards
ceremony held at the end of Truman Week. Students represented their Residential
Colleges in various activities through the week, earning points in the
Two digital exhibits from the Pickler Memorial Library
Virtually Missouri is designed to provide centralized
access to the
“The Big Fire”
“Lincoln and the Dome”
The exhibits also are available on the Pickler Memorial
Library Web site at
Contact Howard Worcester, recycle coordinator, at 785.7672
Notables Jim Barnes, writer-in residence and professor of comparative literature, has a short story titled “Lightning” included in the current issue of Descant, a literary magazine published at Texas Christian University. Joe Benevento, professor of English, has had his book of poems, “Willing to Believe,” accepted for publication in 2003 with Timberline Press of Fulton, Mo. Taner Edis, assistant professor of physics, had his first book, “The Ghost in the Universe: God in Light of Modern Science,” published this summer. Copies are available at the Truman Bookstore. For more information, see http://www2.truman.edu/~edis/books/ghost. Timothy Farley, associate professor of French, presented “The French Immersion Weekend: Evidence of Language Learning” July 13-14 at the 75th Annual American Association of Teachers of French Convention. The information was based on data collected at the 2001 Immersion Weekend. Nicholas Phillips, senior French major from St. Louis, also presented at the 75th annual American Association of Teachers of French Convention on “L’Amour vache: Lance Armstrong and Le Monde,1999 and Beyond” a more in-depth presentation of his spring 2002 Undergraduate Research Symposium report. Notes If you are interested in using your scholarship or workstudy hours to help promote school spirit by acting as the University’s Bulldog mascot, please pick up an application in the Center for Student Involvement in the lower level of the SUB. Applications are due by 5 p.m., Sept. 3. Tryouts will be from 3-5 p.m., Sept 5., in the SUB. Evening and weekend hours are required. For more information, call 785.4222. The Faculty Development Weekly Lunch Series will be from 12:30-1:30 p.m., Sept. 4, in the SUB Spanish Room. The topic of this week’s discussion will be “Tracking Exotic Species in Exotic Places: Experiential Education in the Snowmass/Maroon Bells of the Wilderness of Colorado.” Faculty can charge up to $3 for their lunch if they go through the Mainstreet Market and sign the Faculty Development charge slip. For more information about the Weekly Lunch Series, contact Faculty Development at 785.4391. A Town Meeting will be held to discuss the academic calendar options for the fiscal years 2003-05. The meeting will be from 4-6 p.m., Sept. 4, in the SUB Governors’ Room. Ekklesia, the student group affiliated with Kirksville’s Filmore Street Church of Christ, will hold TGIF devotional lunches beginning Sept. 6. The lunches will be held at 11:30 a.m. in the Ryle Hall private dining room. The lunch is open to students, faculty and staff. The devo and meal will include “Understanding Stress,”an educational program, with Teresa Heckert at noon. For more information about upcoming events, call 785.5016. The University Club Barbecue will be at 6:30 p.m., Sept. 6, at the University Club house at 516 E. Patterson. All faculty and staff are invited to attend. Bring a dish to share for the potluck meal. Meat and drink are provided. Families are welcome. There will be music by Deadwood. The Truman Central Iowa Alumni Chapter will host a tailgate picnic before Truman takes on Drake University in a football game at 11 a.m., Sept. 7, in Des Moines, Iowa. The game will start at 1 p.m., at Drake Stadium. Reservations for the tailgate picnic, football game or both events must be as soon as possible. Contact Cindy Spiker at vbspiker87@aol.com or Denise Watson at watsond@truman.edu or at 785.4174 for information about cost, location and to make reservations. Circle K will have an introductory meeting for new students at 6 p.m., Sept. 9, in the SUB room 308. Anyone interested in helping the Kirksville community is welcome to attend the meeting and find out more about Circle K. Contact Carolyn Bopp at 665.0827 for more information. Tau Lambda Sigma recruitment will begin at 7 p.m. until 8:30 p.m., Sept. 9, at Baldwin Hall Little Theatre. They also will meet from 7-8:30 p.m., Sept. 10, at the flag pole and from 6:30-8 p.m., Sept. 11, in Baldwin Hall 156. Graduation applications for students planning to graduate in May 2003 are due in the Registrar's Office no later than Sept. 13. The 10th Annual French Immersion Weekend will be Sept. 28-29 at Camp Jo-Ota in Clarence, Mo. A few openings remain for students in French 221 or above. For more information, contact Timothy Farley at 785.4520 or at tfarley@truman.edu. The faculty/staff parking decals issued last year are valid through Aug. 31, 2004. Any vehicle or license plate changes should be reported to Parking Services at 785.7400. Bulldog football season tickets are now on sale. Discounts are available for Truman faculty and staff. Please visit the Truman bulldogs Web site at http://gobulldogs.truman.edu and click on the ticket link or call 785.4167. The Athletic Office is looking for volunteers for public address announcing and line judging at Truman athletic events. For more information, contact Kevin White at 785.4167. Students interested in a part-time job this semester are encouraged to apply to work the Tel Alumni campaign. Applications are available in the Advancement Office, McClain Hall 100, and in the University Career Center. For more information, contact Charles Hunsaker at 785.4028. Off-campus students need to update their address and phone number with the University. Updates can be made on-line at http://pipeline.truman.edu, or by contacting the Registrar's Office.
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Direct questions and comments to ksvoboda@truman.edu.