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12, 2002 - Vol. 7 No. 13
Shewmaker to be First Profiles in Leadership Fellow![]() Shewmaker is an executive consultant recognized internationally for his retailing expertise. He retired as an officer of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. in 1988, after serving in numerous capacities including president and chief operating officer, and vice chairman and chief financial officer. He continues as a member of the board of directors of Wal-Mart. Presently Shewmaker is involved as a consultant with companies in the United States and Australia. In addition, he has also consulted with companies in New Zealand, Africa, Asia and the United Kingdom. He is a frequent keynote speaker on business, retailing, technology and motivation. Shewmaker is involved in several organizations that promote higher education. For several years he was chairman of Students in Free Enterprise, Inc. in Springfield, Mo., and continues to serve that group as a board member. He was vice chairman of the Board of Trustees at Drury University in Springfield, Mo., and continues to serve on the Board. Shewmaker was named the Discount Retailer of the Year in 1981 and he was presented the Retailer of the Year award by Mass Market Retailer magazine in 1985. He was voted one of the 30 most Powerful Retailers by Discount Store News in 1996. Shewmaker has received honorary degrees from Southwest Baptist University, Drury University and Missouri and Northwest Arkansas Community College. Shewmaker is actively involved in cattle ranching and owns one of the largest cattle operations in Northwest Arkansas, breeding and showing registered Angus. The Jac’s Ranch program has produced national champions and has gained considerable recognition around the world. New Art Exhibit Displays Local TalentThe University Art Gallery will open a new exhibit with a public reception at 7 p.m. Nov. 11 to showcase the work of area artist and art educator, Jay Ballanger.The exhibit “Scars: Peeling Away the Layers” displays artwork that deals with medical procedures and various types of abuse. Each of the scars in his work tells a story. “Through the content of the work I hope to communicate the fact that we all have scars of some type, whether emotional or physical,” Ballanger said. Ballanger is a fiber artist, he currently teaches art at Ray Miller Elementary School. His work will be on display until Dec. 7. Another exhibit “Through the Looking Glass,” will be on display until Nov. 22. The show features the artwork of Thinh Le, Sara Rytteke, Bennie Flores Ansel and Stephen Althouse. The display showcases digital photos. The gallery is located on the ground floor of Ophelia Parrish. The exhibits are free and the gallery is open from Monday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m. until 7 p.m.; Friday, 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m.; and Saturday, noon until 4:30 p.m. “Graduate School Week”
In addition to graduate school resources that will be on display throughout the week, the following programming is scheduled: Graduate School Panel
Topics: Researching potential graduate programs, financing graduate school, obtaining excellent letters of recommendation, entrance exam tips, and succeeding once you're in graduate school. The Personal Statement
Learn important tips for writing your personal statement. For more information, contact the University Career Center at 785.4353. What Truman Recycles:
You Can Do Your Part
u Use both sides of your paper. (Recycle paper after use.) u Recycle your newspapers, magazines, hard books, soda cans and plastic bottles. u Use e-mail. u Go to http://www.newdream.org/junkmail to remove your name from “junk” mail list. u Turn off your computer and lights when you leave your office or room to help conserve energy. Truman’s Recycling Center is located in Building 4 of
the Dulaney/Baldwin Complex
Nov. 15 Fashion Show
12:30 p.m.
Student Senate, ODK and SAB will be sponsoring events on the Mall SAB will play music from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. Student Senate will be providing hot chocolate for anyone who brings a soda can to recycle ODK will be handing out magnets, brochures, bookmarks and notepads printed on recycled paper Contact Beth Evers at 785.7164 for more information about the events on the Mall
Check out the display case in the SUB this week to see all of the products made out of recycled materials United Way Reaches 100 Percent at TrumanThe last heart was put up on the United Way goal sign east of the Student Union last week as group leaders continue to turn in pledge cards from faculty and staff. Student organizations are still responding with their pledges and fund-raising activities in support of the agencies which depend on monies from the United Way effort.Campaign co-chairs Donna J. Bailey and Doug Daubert wish to thank the special people of Truman State University who responded generously with their donations of time and money to make the campus fund drive a success. However, the campaign is not over until all pledge cards are returned. You can still contribute by turning in pledges to the Student Union Office. The Adair County area campaign continues in the effort to reach the $270,000 goal. “Birds of Prey and Their Prey”Nov. 12 Ryle Hall Main Lounge The Raptor Awareness Education Program (RAEP) featuring
birds of prey
Contact Amanda Thwing, Ryle Hall director, at 785.5707 for more information. Romine to be Featured Technology ChampionJeff Romine, professor of accounting and Master of Accountancy program coordinator, is the featured Technology Champion for the week.The Technology Champions are a group of faculty and staff who collectively have expertise in 65 areas of technology, particularly software applications and their use. The Technology Champions have agreed to be available to answer your specific questions about their respective areas of expertise. “Beam me up, Scotty,” Romine said. “Technology is the way of the future!” Romine is always looking for ways to enhance the classroom experience with technology. He finds mental stimulation and challenge in staying abreast of new technology and trying to bring it into students’ lives. Romine has worked with Blackboard, FrontPage, palm-held computers, general ledger software, generalized audit software, and flowcharting software and has used course presentation software in the classroom. He recently developed a spreadsheet that utilizes macros and pivot tables to analyze student demand for courses in the Master of Accountancy Program. Romine can be reached at 785.4378 or at jromine@truman.edu. “Of Gods, Dice, and Spooky Actions at a Distance: Introduction to Bell’s Inequality” David Branning
4:35-5:25 p.m.
Snacks will be provided 10 minutes before the talk. For more information about the colloquium series and upcoming
Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance to Host Sexual Health Forum 7 p.m.
The forum will feature speakers from the Student Health Center, Planned Parenthood and Victim Support Services. Topics to be discussed include birth control, rape awareness, reproductive health services in Kirksville, and sexually transmitted diseases. Students will have the chance to ask questions and participate in discussion. Students can visit http://fmla.truman.edu/forum.html for more information. 8 p.m.
The production provides the work of Dickens with a
slight twist;
Tickets are $2 to help support the theatre department. Contact the Theatre Box Office at 785.4515 for more information or campus mail ticket reserves to the Theatre Box Office. Notables Mike Ashcraft, associate professor of religion, had his book “The Dawn of the New Cycle: Point Loma Theosophists and American Culture,” published by the University of Tennessee Press. Casie Curfman, senior health science major from Kahoka, Mo.; Alan Toigo, junior health science major from Kansas City, Mo.; and Nichole Grasch, senior health science major from Springfield, Ill.; had their study “Effects of a workplace ergonomics intervention on perceived risk for musculoskeletal disorders in clerical staff: A pilot study” published in The Health Educator. James A. Harmon, professor of art history, has an article titled “Bruder Adrian Wewer aus Harsewinkel: Franziskaner-Baumeister in Amerika” in the 2003 edition of the Heimat- Jahrbuch Kreis Gütersloh. In addition to introducing Brother Adrian’s America-spanning career to readers in his German homeland, the article acquaints German readers with a 2001 Internet article and chronology by Harmon http://www.thefriars.org/archives/items/adrian.htm published on the Web site of the Franciscan Sacred Heart Province Archives in St. Louis. Alan Toigo, junior health science major from Kansas City, Mo.; Sara Clouse, junior health science major from Smithfield, Mo.; and Magen Hembree, junior health science major from Greenfield, Mo.; presented their study “Long term care administrators’ perceptions of the Ombudsmen Program in the State of Missouri” at the Missouri Quality Care Coalition’s state conference Nov. 2 in Columbia, Mo. Sixteen members of Truman State University’s faculty have been honored in the 2002 edition of Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers. Recipients of this honor are chosen every two years by their community as the most influential educators within their school. The list includes: Debra A. Cartwright, associate professor of business administration; Mary Lou Cole, instructor in health and exercise science; Jacqueline Collett, associate professor of music; Carolyn C. Cox, professor of health exercise sciences; Sandra Fleak, professor of accounting; Warren Gooch, professor of music; David F. Gruber, professor of philosophy; Susan A. Guffey, assistant professor of veterinary medicine; Jesús Ilundáin-Agurruza, assistant professor of philosophy and religion; Jason Lin, professor of business administration; David McKamie, professor of music; Shirley McKamie, part-time lecturer of music; Judi Misale, associate professor of psychology; Stephanie Powelson, associate professor of nursing; Jeff Romine, professor of accounting and Master of Accountancy program coordinator; and Jonathan Smith, professor of geography. Notes The French faculty is hosting an open-mic evening of plays, poems, music and other cultural manifestations in French to celebrate La Semaine du Francais from 7-9 p.m., Nov. 11, in Ryle Hall Main Lounge. Come listen, and participate with us. Call Gregg Siewart at 785.4150 for more information or to be on the program. The Faculty Development Weekly Lunch Series will meet from 12:30-1:30 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 13, in the SUB Spanish Room. The topic will be “Writing Skills of Students” Contact Faculty Development at 785.4391 for more information. Students planning to study abroad during spring, summer or fall 2003 should attend orientation. The Center for International Education Abroad will host the meeting from 4:30-6 p.m., Nov. 13, in the SUB Governor’s Room. All accepted study abroad participants must attend. Several former participants will be there to share their experience and to answer questions. Refreshments will be provided. The Truman State University Child Development Center will hold its second seminar of a series at 4:30 p.m., Nov. 13, in Violette Hall 1300. The topic, “Giftedness and Young Children: Markers of Giftedness In Young Children and the Services Available in Schools” will be presented by Wendy Miner. The program is for parents and all people interested in the development of young children. Light refreshments will be provided. Contact Mona Davis at 785.4383 for more information. SAB will host Jeo-Party at 8 p.m., Nov. 13, in the SUB Down Under. Refreshments will be served and contestants can win a $25 Hastings gift certificate. The next Speaker’s Forum will be at 9 p.m., Nov. 14, in the SUB Activities Room. The topic will be “Resolved that the U.S. Federal Government Should Establish A Uniform School Voucher System.” All COMM 170 students as well as the general public are welcome to attend. SAB will show the movie “Changing Lanes” at 6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m., Nov. 15, in Baldwin Auditorium. Free admission. Habitat for Humanity will host “Who’s Line is it Anyway?” at 7 p.m., Nov. 15, in the SUB Activities Room. The cost is $1 for a raffle ticket. Come watch Truman organizations compete to see who’s funniest and raise money for Habitat for Humanity. Contact Kevin Brown at 785.5841 for more information. A chili supper will be held from 6-8 p.m., Nov. 17, at the First Baptist Church (207 E. Washington) for the Collegiate Music Educators National Conference. The cost is $5 for adults and $3 for children and door prizes will be available. Contact Jamie Hardesty at 785.5422 for more information. Information Technology Services-Web Services in conjunction with Faculty Development and the Staff Development Program are offering a program for faculty and staff titled "WebWorksWeek" Nov. 18-22. There will be various programs to assist faculty and staff in Web site publishing, editing and management. Register to attend online at http://its.truman.edu/register/ or e-mail hrstaff@truman.edu. Bacchus and Gamma, Human Resources, Phi Epsilon Kappa and Ekklesia will sponsor the “Great American Smokeout” from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Nov. 21, in the SUB and outside each dining hall. Information tables will be filled with leaflets and brochures. There will also be a ‘cigarette swap’ at the SUB in which individuals can trade a pack of cigarettes (at least 10) for a free Blimpie’s turkey sub coupon and a chance to enter a drawing for a free frozen turkey. Contact Kristin Walstrom at 785.7516 for more information. Graduation clearance packets for December 2002 graduates are due
by Nov. 22 in the Registrar’s Office in McClain Hall 104. If you have
not received your packet, please contact the Registrar’s Office at 785.4143
Lutheran Student Fellowship will sponsor a free Thanksgiving dinner for Truman international students. The traditional thanksgiving dinner will be at 6 p.m., Nov. 24, at the Faith Lutheran Church (corner of Baltimore and LaHarpe). Students needing a ride to the church should meet in the Violette Hall lobby at 5:45 p.m. For more information, contact Karen at the Lutheran Campus Center at 665.6488 or e-mail Lutheran Student Fellowship at lsf@truman.edu The Department of Public Safety will provide a shuttle to the LaPlata Train Station for Thanksgiving break at 9 a.m., Nov. 26 and Nov. 27, from the Public Safety Building. Call Joyce Burnett at 785.4177 to reserve a space on the shuttle. Students must pay $5 in advance with reservation for a specific date. USA Today is searching for the best undergraduate students in the
nation to be honored on the All-USA College Academic Team. Faculty
are invited to nominate students for this award. Nominations must be post-marked
by Nov. 30. Contact the Public Relations Office at 785.4016 or go to http://allstars.usatoday.
The Division of Language and Literature is offering two new foreign
language courses for the spring semester. “Career Exploration for Classical
and Modern Language Students” which is a one credit hour course that will
enable students to plan internships, entry-level jobs and graduate programs
for which language skills are valued. Contact Timothy Farley at tfarley@truman.edu
more information. The other course, “Pre-MAE Seminar in FL Education,”
explains both the MAE program and State of Missouri teaching/certification
requirements. Contact Eric Jewell at ejewell@truman.edu
for more information.
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