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11, 2003 - Vol. 7 No. 21
Board of Governors Approves Enrollment Fee Increase and Elects Officers Kohlenberg Lyceum Series Presents San Jose Taiko
35th Annual Jazz Festival Features Randy Brecker
Board of Governors Approves Enrollment Fee Increase and Elects OfficersThe Truman Board of Governors approved an increase in enrollment fees of 8.3 percent for Missouri residents and 9.8 percent for non-Missouri residents for the 2003-2004 academic year at the Feb. 8 meeting held on campus.In-state enrollment fees for full-time students will be $4,600, a $356 increase per year. Out-of-state costs for full-time students will increase to $8,400, a $756 increase per year. The Board approved continuing the $90 per semester Recreation Center fee, a $40 per semester Student Union fee, a $25 per semester student activity fee, a $2 per semester fee to support student government and a $1 per semester fee to support the Student Association of Missouri. The Board set the room and board fee for 2003-2004 at $5,072 for a two-person room at the December 2002 Board meeting. Tom Jayne from St. Louis, was elected president of the Truman State University Board of Governors. Michael Schwend from Kirksville, and Sarah Burkemper from Troy, Mo., were selected as vice president and secretary, respectively. Jayne is a partner in the law firm of Thompson Coburn in St. Louis. He received his undergraduate degree from Westminster College in 1973. He received his juris doctorate from the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Law. Jayne was appointed to the Board in January 2000. Jayne, a native of Kirksville, is the son of Marietta and the late Ed Jayne who were both former Board members. Schwend is the chief executive officer of Preferred Family Healthcare, Inc. of Kirksville. He earned two degrees from Truman, a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology in 1983 and a Master of Arts degree in 1990 in counseling and guidance. Schwend also earned a master’s degree in business administration from William Woods University in 1997. Schwend was appointed to the Board in March 2001. Burkemper is the public administrator for Lincoln County and is a certified public accountant in Troy, Mo. Burkemper was a Pershing Scholar and graduated cum laude with two bachelor’s degrees from Truman in 1992. She also received a Master’s in accountancy from Truman and a Master’s in international affairs from Washington University in 1997. Burkemper was appointed to the Board in March 2001. Kohlenberg Lyceum Series Presents San Jose Taiko![]() San Jose Taiko was founded in 1973 by young Asian-Americans searching for an artistic and musical outlet to convey their unique experiences as third-generation Japanese Americans. They turned to Japan for inspiration and selected the symbolic taiko, the Japanese drum, as their instrument of expression. The music of San Jose Taiko weaves traditional Japanese sounds with the beat of world rhythms including African, Balinese, Brazilian, Latin and jazz percussion. Tickets are free for Truman students, faculty and staff and are available in the Student Activities Board Office or in the Center for Student Involvement, both located in the Student Union Building lower level. Call 785.4016 for information. Spring Career Expo
Tuesday, Feb. 11
Expo Reception
Wednesday, Feb. 12
Contact the University Career Center, McKinney Center or call 785.4353 for more information. Bringing it all Together: Business Week 20037 p.m. Baldwin Auditorium “Leadership in the 21st Century: Integrating Masculine & Feminine Strengths” Presented by Virginia O’Brien author of Success on Our Own Terms: Tales of Extraordinary, Ordinary Business Women Wednesday, Feb. 19
Internship at Truman Library Offers Unique Experience for StudentsTruman State University is pleased to announce the fourth annual paid internship for a Truman State University student at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Museum and Library, located in Independence, Mo. The internship has been made possible by a generous endowment from the family of Fred and Ethel Schwengel.The internship is for the fall 2003 or spring 2004 semester, and is open to all Truman juniors and seniors who meet University requirements for an internship. Students can earn up to 15 hours of credit for this full-time internship. After being selected by a University committee and the Truman Library staff, the intern may work in a variety of areas of the Library including archives, public relations, marketing, educational programming, museum development or visitor services. Assignment will be based on intern’s abilities and interests along with the Library’s needs. The internship offers a $2,000 stipend. Guidelines for the internship require that selected interns must immerse themselves in the study of President Truman. At the conclusion of the internship, the intern will prepare a paper on his or her experiences at the Museum and Library and on a specific study of the Truman presidency. The internship schedule will allow time for the intern to research the project. Potential interns must have strong communication skills, both written and verbal, strong organizational skills, the ability to work independently on multiple tasks, basic computer skills, dependability and self-motivation. Applications must be received by March 1. For more information and applications, please contact Jeff Gall, associate professor of history and social science, at 785.4867 or jgall@truman.edu. 35th Annual Jazz Festival Features Randy Brecker
Spencer Named Public Relations Intern![]() Spencer assists in writing, producing and distributing, the Truman Today, the University newsletter, as well as posting it on the University Web site. He also assists in writing press releases and performing various office duties. Spencer maintains a 3.89 cumulative GPA at Truman, and serves as the Public Relations Chair of Beta Theta Pi. He is a member of the Truman Advertising and Public Relations Club and will pursue a career in public relations after graduating in May 2004. Students interested in applying for the fall 2003 internship should e-mail Heidi Templeton at heidi@truman.edu. Martin Luther King Jr. Scholars Program AnnouncedThe U.S. Department of Education is announcing the second year of the Martin Luther King Jr. Scholars Program. Under this initiative, college juniors, seniors or graduate students are eligible to apply for an eight-week, paid internship this summer in the U.S. Department of Education in Washington, D.C. Up to ten students will be selected, and can be from any field of study. Visit http://www.ed.gov, http://www.studentjobs.gov or the Truman Financial Aid Office in MC 103 for more information. The deadline for application is Feb. 21.Scholarship Opportunities AvailableFour scholarship opportunity deadlines are approaching.The Missouri Travel Council Scholarship is open to Truman sophomores, juniors and seniors. Applicants must be pursuing a hospitality related major, such as hotel/ restaurant management, parks and recreation, etc., and have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above. Applicants must write an essay on “The Value of Missouri’s Tourism Industry.” The deadline for applications is Feb. 15. Contact the Financial Aid Office in MC 103 for more information . The Missouri Section of the American Water Works Association has established the J.R. Popalisky Scholarship Fund for Civil or environmental engineering of environmental science students whom have an emphasis in career fields associated with water supply. Several scholarships will be awarded in the amount of $500. Contact the Financial Aid Office in MC 103 for more information or an application. The deadline is Feb. 28. The Missouri Corn Growers Association will award two $750 scholarships to college juniors in 2003. Applicants must be from a Missouri farm of rural area, majoring in or planning to major in agronomy or related fields. Applications are available at http://www.mocorn.org. The deadline is March 1. The Annette Kade Foundation through the College Consortium for International Studies (C.C.I.S.) offers three $2,900 scholarships for students who intend to study on Truman approved programs in France this summer. The deadline for applications is March 7. A committee will meet to select the recipients March 13. The recipients will be announced March 14. For further information, please visit the Web site at http://studyabroad.truman.edu. Annual Piano Festival to Take Place Feb. 14-15The Division of Fine Arts will host the 20th Annual Truman Piano Festival Feb. 14-15 in the new Fine Arts Center.Thirty-four pre-collegiate pianists will be auditioning for cash prizes and scholarships, including the full-ride Truman Piano Fellowship Award. Prior to the Festival, participants submitted taped performances of their repertories and were invited to the competition by Truman piano faculty. The final round of this competition begins at 8:45 a.m., Feb. 15, in Baldwin Auditorium and 9:45 a.m., in the OP Performance Hall. All events are open to the public and free of charge. Jack Winerock and Amir Khosrowpour from the University of Kansas at Lawrence will be serving as guest artists for the Truman Piano Festival. Winerock will present a solo piano recital that features the works by Mozart, Chopin, Gottschalk, MacDowell, Gershwin and Persichetti at 8 p.m., Feb. 14, in the OP Performance Hall. Khosrowpour and Winerock will present a lecture/performance titled “The Life of a Young Pianist” at 3:15 p.m., Feb. 15, in the OP Performance Hall. Winerock will then conduct a Master Class at 4 p.m. that will feature Michelle Jones and Dan Kubus, two Truman piano majors. For more information about the Truman Piano Festival, contact David McKamie, professor of music, at 785.4405. Notables Jim Barnes, writer-in-residence and professor of comparative literature, is in Italy for the month of February on a Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Fellowship for the purpose of continuing intensive work on a new manuscript of poems. This is his second Bellagio Fellowship; the first was in 1990 for the purpose of translating the work of Dagmar Nick, a Munich poet and writer. Holders of the fellowships are qualified artists and scholars selected by open competition throughout the world. Marijke Breuning, associate professor of political science, recently had her article “The Role of Analogies and Abstract Reasoning in Decision Making: Evidence from the Debate over Truman’s Proposal for Development Assistance” accepted for publication in International Studies Quarterly. In addition, she co-authored the article “Donor Characteristics and the Dispersion of Foreign Assistance,”with John T. Ishiyama, associate professor of political science, and it was accepted for publication in International Politics. Michael Bump, assistant professor of music, recently had a new work published. “Studie II: Epthyic,” for solo timpanist and percussion quartet, was published and released by Media Press Publications, Inc. Dereck Daschke, assistant professor of philosophy and religion, and Mike Ashcraft, associate professor of religion, recently had essays published in Studies in Jewish Civilization, Volume 12: Millennialism from the Hebrew Bible to the Present, published by Creighton University Press. Warren Gooch, professor of music, has had three musical compositions accepted for publication. “Soliloquy” for oboe and piano, “Sonata” for soprano saxophone and piano, and “Clarinet Sonata” will be published by Dorn Publications, Inc. Brenda Higgins, director of the Student Health
Center and assistant professor of nursing, has had two poems, “Birth”
and “The Nurse” accepted for publication in “The Heart and Hands of Nursing,”
a book of poetry published by the University of Wisconsin.
Sylvia Macauley, assistant professor of history, recently had two chapters published. Her section “Health in Africa” appeared in Volume 5 of the series “Africa,” edited by Toyin Falola and published by Carolina Academic Press in 2003. “British Colonial Policy and the Roots of Gender Inequality in Sierra Leone” appeared in the book “Stepping Forward: Black Women in Africa and the Americas,” edited by Catherine Higgs, Barbara Moss and Earline Rae Fergusson, and published by Ohio University Press in 2002. Mark Spitzer, professor of English, will have a book of translations published by Creation Books in the UK. The collection will be titled “Anus of the Gods: The Lost Poetry and Prose of Georges Bataille.” The Truman Forensic Union mounted one of their top performances ever, sweeping the top honors of the 43rd Annual United States Air Force Academy Classic, Jan. 24-26. Truman took the overall tournament championship, the debate sweepstakes championship and the individual events sweepstakes championship, along with 42 other individual and team awards. The performance placed Truman ahead of 30 other colleges including such nationally prominent institutions as Colorado State University, Rice University, the University of Southern California and the University of California-Berkley. Notes The Residential College Program will bring the Gash/Voight Dance Theatre to present “Art, Poetry, Music and Dance” at 6:30-9:30 p.m., Feb. 9-13, on campus. Call Devon Mills at 785.7124 for more information. Tom Trimborn, professor of music, will present “Picturing Lincoln,” an explanation of his lifetime study of the President from his perspective as both an artist and a student of history at 7 p.m., Feb. 11, in the CH Lounge. This program will be presented by the Centennial Residential College Program. Contact Jeff Gall at 785.4867 or jgall@truman.edu for more information. Ekklesia will sponsor a devotional at 8 p.m., Feb. 11, at 516 Fox Fire Est. Contact Anton Gueorguiev at 665.2914 for more information. There will be a V-Day Benefit Concert Feb. 11 in the Ryle Hall Main Lounge. The concert is free, donations are encouraged. This concert will feature local bands and benefit Native American Women in the U.S. and Canada. Call 785.7224 for more information. Dobson Hall and Fine Arts Film Series will show the movie “Topsy-Turvy” at 6 p.m., Feb. 12, in OP 2210. Scott Dye, director of the Sierra Club’s National Water Quality Monitoring and Enforcement Program, and Ken Midkiff, director of its National Clean Water Campaign, will speak about the environmental impact of stream pollution. They will focus on the pollution from confined animal production. Their discussion titled “Streams and Confined Animal Feeding” will be at 7 p.m., Feb. 12, in BH 303. Contact Jim Turner at 785.4348 for more information. The Center for Teaching and Learning Weekly Lunch Series will meet from 12:30-1:30 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 13, in the SUB Spanish Room. The topic, “The Wakonse Conference,” will be lead by Cole Woodcox and Nancy Sanders. Contact the Center for Teaching and Learning at 785.4391 for more information. The Truman State University Law School Forum will be from 1-5 p.m., Feb. 13, in the SUB Activities Room. The forum is an opportunity for those interested in law school to meet with representatives from schools in the area. There will be information on the LSAT and brochures from schools around the country. “The Vagina Monologues” will be performed at 8 p.m., Feb. 13-14, in Baldwin Auditorium. Tickets are $2 and may be purchased at the Women's Resource Center or in MC. All proceeds benefit both charities in the community and around the country which work to stop violence against women. Contact the Women's Resource Center at 785.7224 for more information. The Upward Bound Project is offering employment opportunities for the 2003 high school summer session (June 8-July 18). Upward Bound is a college preparatory program serving northeast Missouri high school students. Positions are available for instructors in composition, literature, physics, ACT English, ACT reading, performance and multimedia; residence hall staff; night supervisor; and a career specialist. Positions as tutors/mentors for college freshmen also are available (June 1-July 25). Completed applications are due Feb. 14. Contact Upward Bound for more information at ubub@truman.edu or in KB 220. SAB will present the movie “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” at 6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m., Feb. 14, in VH 1000. MAC and the Residential Living Diversity Outreach Council will present the movie Sankofa in honor of Black History Month at 4 p.m., Feb. 15, in the Baldwin Hall Little Theatre. It is a powerful film about Maafa-the African Holocaust, viewed from an African/African American perspective. Student Written Monologues will be presented at 8 p.m., Feb. 15, in the SUB Down Under. This will be a casual presentation of monologues and other creative pieces written by women and men at Truman. If you are interested in participating, e-mail wrc@truman.edu or call 785.7224. Donations accepted. The Education Division will sponsor “The Pilots and Students FAA Safety Seminar” 7 p.m., Feb. 18, in the SUB Activities Room. Randy Robinson, flight standards office safety specialist of the Federal Aviation Administration of Kansas City, will speak about “Aircraft Collisions at Airports: Runway Incursions.” Contact Mark Thompson at 665.1880 for more information. The Truman State Theater Department presents “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,” Tennessee Williams’ modern classic about a family’s interaction amidst the storm of a common crisis at 8 p.m., Feb. 18-22, in the Courtyard Theatre. Tickets are $2 at the door and in advance at the theater box office. Call 785.4515 for more information. Students interested in becoming campus tour guides for visiting prospective students and their families are encouraged to apply for the Student Ambassador Program. Applications are available in the Admissions Office, MC 205, and are due Feb. 21. Contact Chris Ramsay at 785.4114 or cramsay@truman.edu for more information. The Housing Placement Fair will offer live housing renewal for all returning students wishing to live in University housing for the 2003-2004 academic year from 1-5 p.m., Feb. 23, in the SUB Activities Room. Contact John Mounsey at 785.4227 for more information. HALO and Sigma Lambda Beta will sponsor “Carnival,” a Latin dance party, from 7:30-10:30 p.m., March 1, in the SUB Down Under. Cost is $2. The 2003-2004 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)is available on the Web at http://www.fafsa.ed.gov. Apply soon to be considered for all available federal and state funds. Contact the Financial Aid Office, MC 103, 785.4130, if you have questions. The Writing Center would like to announce its spring semester hours. It will be open Monday 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and 4:30-6 p.m.; Tuesday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Wednesday 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2:30-6 p.m.; Friday 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Students can make appointments in MC 303 or by calling 785.4484. Consultations generally last 30 minutes. Papers longer than seven pages must be turned in 24 business hours in advance, papers longer than 10 pages, 48 business hours in advance. The Division of Mathematics and Computer Science is again taking
applications for the Support for Undergraduate Scholars in Mathematics
and Computer Science Scholarship Program. Scholarships of up to $3,100
per year are available for mathematics or computer science majors. Applicants
must be U.S. citizens able to demonstrate financial need. Please note that
the scholarship recipients must re-apply each year for renewal. For more
information visit http://mtcs.truman.edu/scholars/
or contact Jason Miller at millerj@truman.edu,
Alan Garvey at agarvey@truman.edu,
Jon Beck at jbeck@truman.edu, Carol
Hoferkamp at hoferkam@truman.edu,
Dana Vazzana at dvazzana@truman.edu
or Pam Ryan at pjryan@truman.edu.
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