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March 25, 2003
Vol. 7 No. 26
Dixon Named Next Truman President Gender Trouble:
A Truman Conference
The Division
of Fine Arts and the Department of Theater present
Residential Living Student Advisers Chosen |
Dixon Named Next Truman President![]() “We are fortunate to have an opportunity to bring Dr. Dixon, an administrator from one of the other premier public liberal arts universities in the country, to Truman,” Jayne said. “SUNY-Geneseo has made great strides in the public liberal arts arena, and we are happy to draw from that experience. Dr. Dixon has worked in an environment that has a mission and core values similar to Truman’s, and she is known for her collaborative management style and her ability to bring divergent views to a consensus.” Dixon has served as provost and vice president for academic affairs at the State University of New York at Geneseo, a public liberal arts university, since 1997. She previously spent 27 years at Central Michigan University where she was a faculty member, chair of the Academic Senate and associate dean, and interim dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. She has both a B.M. and M.M. in applied piano from Michigan State University and a D.M.A. in piano performance, literature and pedagogy from the University of Colorado. The Board of Governors initiated an extensive nationwide search for a president in September 2002, following the announcement by Truman’s current president, Jack Magruder that he would retire effective June 30 of this year. The Presidential Search Committee, with the assistance of an external consultant, began the task of identifying presidential candidates who would continue Truman's tradition of excellence in education, as well as challenging the Truman community to strive for additional success. The Committee presented three finalists to the Board of Governors in January 2003 and all three candidates spent time on campus meeting with faculty, students, staff, alumni, community members and Board members. “On behalf of the Board, I would like to let everyone know who was involved in helping us reach our decision that their efforts were appreciated and their comments valued,” said Jayne. Information about the presidential search and the biographical information on Dixon are posted at http://presidentialsearch.truman.edu. Allen Fellowships AnnouncedTruman State University President Jack Magruder showed up unannounced in the classrooms of R. Paul Crabb, professor of music; John Ishiyama, associate professor of political science; and Cole Woodcox, professor of English; March 19 and 20 to present each of them with a $10,000 award for their outstanding contributions to the University. The Walker and Doris Allen Fellowships for Faculty Excellence are the result of the generosity of Walker and Doris Allen.Walker graduated from the University in 1939 and Doris attended the University from 1938-39. The Allens established the Fellowships with one of the largest outright gifts ever made to the Truman State University Foundation. As former teachers who remembered the significant impact their own instructors had on them, the Allens wanted to create a way for Truman to recognize outstanding faculty members who have contributed to the success of the University and its students. Crabb joined the University faculty in 1991. He holds bachelor’s degree from Bethel College, a master’s degree from Wichita State University and a doctorate from Florida State University. Crabb was named Educator of the Year in 1997. The following year, he was honored the Missouri Professor of the Year by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Ishiyama joined the University faculty in 1990. He received his bachelor’s degree from Bowling Green State University. He received his master’s degree from the University of Michigan and his doctorate from Michigan State University. Ishiyama was a finalist for the Educator of the Year award in 2000. Woodcox joined the University faculty in 1987. He received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Utah. He received a master's degree from the Courtauld Institute of Art. He received another master's degree and his doctorate from the University of Oxford. He was named Educator of the Year in 1993. He also was a finalist in 1992. Up to three fellowships will be awarded annually to Truman faculty to recognize outstanding performance in the areas of teaching, scholarship and institutional service. The Allens reside in Columbia, Mo., and have two children. Walker serves on the Truman State University Foundation Board of Directors. Gender Trouble: A Truman Conferencein honor of Women’s History MonthMarch 27-299:30-10:20 a.m.
10:30-11:45 a.m.
1:30-2:45 p.m.
3-4:20 p.m.
4:30-5:20 p.m.
March 28 - VH 1000 9:30-10:20 a.m.
10:30-11:20 a.m.
11:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m.
1:30-2:20 p.m.
2:30-3:20 p.m.
3:30-4:20 p.m.
4:30-5:20 p.m.
March 29 morning - VH 1000 9:30-10:20 a.m.
10:30-11:20 a.m.
11:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m.
March 29 afternoon 1:30-2:45 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
Approximately 5 p.m.
Sponsored by the Division of Language and Literature, the Residential Colleges Program and the Women’s Studies Committee Mock Registration Tests New Information System, Changes in Registration![]() Lanny Morley, head of the division of mathematics and computer science, and Chris Lantz, program director and associate professor of health and exercise sciences, mock registered Feb. 28 in the tunnel. The registration module of the Banner information
system went live March 18 during advance registration for the summer and
fall 2003 semesters. A day of mock registration was held in the tunnel
Feb. 28 in preparation for this event.
Students can now apply to become a member of the Board of GovernorsPick up applications in the Student Senate Office on the lower level of the Student Union.The Student Representative also serves on Student Senate and the Administrative Committee of Student Senate. Applications are due by 5 p.m. March 28. Contact the Student Senate Office for more informationat 785.4193. The Division of Fine Arts and the Department of Theater
“Eastern Standard” 8 p.m.
“Eastern Standard” is a poignant social comedy, dealing with neuroticisms of modern urban life. One hectic encounter in a restaurant brings two upper-middle class couples together, but also confronts them with the moral complexities of their well-to-do lifestyle. Adam Kuene will direct the student lab show. All aspects of the production are entirely student-run, including directing, acting, set and costume design. Admission is free.
The Third Annual Big EventOne big thanks. One big event. A reminder for those who signed up to participate in the
Big Event,
Contact the Serve Center at 785.7222 for more information. TurnItIn.com Trial Subscription BeginsTruman’s two-month free trial subscription with TurnItIn.com, an online plagiarism detection service, has just begun.Faculty should already have received an e-mail message with instructions on how to begin using TurnItIn. Any faculty who did not receive that message and who would like to use TurnItIn should contact Chad Mohler at 785.6034 or chmohler@truman.edu. The TLTR (Teaching/Learning Technology Roundtable) strongly encourages faculty members to continue discussing the importance of academic honesty and the differences between academically honest and academically dishonest work with their students. The TLTR hopes that the TurnItIn trial serves as a stimulus for continued campus discussion of academic integrity and what we as a community can do to promote it. Some general questions and answers about Truman’s trial subscription with TurnItIn can be found at http://tltr.truman.edu/acadintegrity.html. The trial will run through May 18. After that time, TLTR will assess the effectiveness and rate of participation in the trial, and Truman will subsequently decide whether to purchase a subscription to TurnItIn’s service. There will be a demonstration of TurnItIn and an opportunity to ask questions about the service during the faculty luncheon from 12:30-1:30 p.m., March 26, in the Student Union Building Spanish Room. The TLTR encourages individuals to attend other sessions in the Academic Integrity series that Julie Lochbaum and the Center for Teaching and Learning have arranged to coincide with Truman’s trial subscription to TurnItIn. See http://www2.truman.edu/facdev/WLS.html for the full schedule. Please contact Chad Mohler at 785.6034 or chmohler@truman.edu or your TLTR representative if you have any questions about Truman’s trial with TurnItIn. Residential Living Student Advisers ChosenResidential Living is pleased to announce 43 new student advisers were offered a position and several were placed on an alternate list. Residential Living had 97 applicants for this competitive position that offers tremendous leadership opportunities and educational growth experiences.The Student Advisers at Truman live in the residence halls and work with on-campus students. Some of the responsibilities include social, personal growth and educational programming, community building, supporting University policies and collaborating with the Residential College Program. The following are the student advisers for the 2003-2004 academic year: Katherine Eusey, Shauna Whiting, Justin Thomas, Abigail Howell, Ashley Fetter, Bradley Carpenter, Bryan Sappington, Emily Callahan, Jennifer Burns, Matt Lagemann, Nathaniel Gonner, Adil Wali, Alicia Lee, James Harrington, Janice Bunch, Kai Gansner, Megan Mudd, Ben Sonnenberg, Sally Waggoner, Tammy Tolliver, Abayomi Aiyedun, Ame Cone, Anwesh Rijal, Aric Ho, Ashley Norman, Chris McKinney, Eric Cawthon, Jon Courtney, Mary Kretsinger, Megan Rouse, Molly Krans, Rebecca Martin, Sarah Preisinger, Starr Meek, Alexandra Kiefe, Alyssa Myracle, Angela Epplin, Austin Brown, Eli Klimek, Eugene Walton, Jessica Meyer, Joshua Baum and Krystal Dorsey. College Republicans to Host D’SouzaThe Truman State University College Republicans will host Dinesh D’Souza at 7 p.m., March 31, in the Student Union Building Activities Room.D’Souza will discuss topics featured in his latest book, “What’s So Great About America,” including the need for an intelligent patriotism after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, in response to a general dislike of Americans by many world cultures. He will respond to critiques of American culture by Islamism and multiculturalism, concluding that American culture is truly unique. Furthermore, he will discuss certain controversial political issues such as colonialism and the payment of slave reparations. The event is free of charge and is open to the public. Contact Michael Hertz, event coordinator, at 665.7111 or mjhertz@truman.edu for more information. Poyner Named This Week’s Technology ChampionCathy Poyner, instructor in business administration, is the featured Technology Champion for the week.The Technology Champions are a group of faculty and staff who collectively have expertise in 65 areas of technology, particularly software applications and their uses. The Technology Champions have agreed to be available to answer your specific questions about their respective areas of expertise. “Technology is not the magic solution, but it can help transform the way we work and make us more productive,” Poyner said. Poyner tries to enhance the classroom experience with technology. The fast paced changing technology arena forces faculty who want to keep pace with the business world to constantly look for ways to bring technology to the students. Poyner uses Blackboard to allow students to form groups and communicate. Courses such as information systems are using Microsoft Access to develop database applications, and courses in analysis & design of business systems are using Visio to document the systems analysis and design process. FrontPage is used for keeping up personal and organizational Web sites. If you have any questions, you can reach her at cpoyner@truman.edu or 785.4352. Notes Kathryn Hixson, juror for the 13th Annual National Art Competition, will offer a question and answer session at 3 p.m., March 25, in the Blanton-Nason Main Lounge. The Center for Teaching and Learning Weekly Lunch Series will meet from 12:30-1:30 p.m., March 26, in the SUB Spanish Room. Maria Di Stefano and Chad Mohler will speak about “Part I: Cheating and Plagiarism.” Contact the Center for Teaching and Learning at 785.4391 for more information. The Dobson Hall and Fine Arts Film Series will show the movie “The Front” at 6 p.m., March 26, in OP 2210. Roger Craik will read from his two volumes of poetry from 7:30-9 p.m., March 26, in the SUB Alumni Room. He will address any questions about contemporary poetry, his poetry and creative writing. All are welcome. Contact Dennis Leavens at 785.5145 or 785.4269 for more information. This poetry reading is sponsored by the Residential College Program. Beta Alpha Psi is offering Volunteer Income Tax Assistance from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., March 29 and April 5, in VH 1010. Truman faculty, staff and students as well as Kirksville residents are welcome. For more information, contact Steve Schnurbusch at 665.4603. The Truman State University Iron Dogs Powerlifting Team is proud to present the second annual John Ware Classic Powerlifting Competition at 10 a.m., March 29, in Pershing Arena. The John Ware Classic is a nationally publicized, open powerlifting competition. It is held in honor of John Ware, head football coach, in recognition of his numerous lifetime contributions to the sport of powerlifting. This event is open to any strength athlete. Visit http://IronDogs.truman.edu/ for more information. Truman will host the Open Track & Field Meet at 10:30 a.m., March 29. Anyone wishing to help with this meet would be appreciated. Contact John Cochrane at 785.4341 if interested. The Kirksville Church of Christ & Ekklesia will present a Campaign for Christ March 30-31. There will be a session at 10 a.m., 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., March 30, at the Church of Christ. They are titled “The Time and What Must Be Done,” “The Power is in the Promise” and “The Purpose of Salvation” respectively. Another session titled “Whose World are You Building” will be at 7 p.m., March 31, in Baldwin Auditorium. Call 627.4003 for more information. Missouri Hall Senate will be sponsoring the carnival MOnanza from noon until 4 p.m., March 30, on the Quadrangle. There will be bands, karoake, cotton candy, games, prizes and a dunk. Contact Julie Schaper at 785.5532 or JulieSchaper@truman.edu. The Centennial Hall Residential College Program will host Bob and Anne Mitori at 7 p.m., March 31, in the Centennial Hall Main Lounge. The Mitoris both spent part of their childhood in a detention camp for Japanese-Americans during World War II. They will share their experiences during those difficult years. Contact Jeff Gall at jgall@truman.edu for more information. The Annual Service Recognition Banquet is scheduled for 6:30 p.m., April 3, in the SUB Georgian Room. Tickets will be available in Human Resources, MC 106, for $10 through March 26. The Residence Hall Association and Hall Senates are sponsoring “Midnight Masquerade,” a formal all-hall ball from 8 p.m. to midnight, April 5, at the NEMO Fairgrounds. There will be music, dancing, and refreshments. Tickets are $5 in advance and at the door. They will be on sale from March 31 until April 4 in the dining halls and hall desks. Tickets should be purchased from your hall because each residence hall will have a different color ticket. The Writing Center is currently accepting applications for Writing Consultants in English and Spanish for the 2003-04 academic year. A limited number of stipend positions are available. However, candidates may choose to fulfill scholarship hours as consultants. Stop by the Writing Center, MC 303, to pick up job descriptions and application forms, or check the Writing Center Web site at http://ll.truman.edu/wc/wchome.html. The application process must be completed by May 1. This is the first semester that the Writing Center will be hiring a Spanish consultant to work with students writing compositions in Spanish. For more information, contact Mary Lou Woehlk, director of the Writing Center, by e-mail, mlw@truman.edu or phone, 785.4691. The 2003-2004 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is available on the Web at http://www.fafsa.ed.gov. Apply soon to be considered for all available federal and state funds. Contact the Financial Aid Office, MC 103, 785.4130, if you have questions. On Campus
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Direct questions and comments to ksvoboda@truman.edu.